"Listen to their heartbeat, you will know when to stop. Don't drink with the intention of quenching your hunger as it is impossible, only take enough to keep your bloodlust at a manageable level."
Henrik looked at Kiyohime who was currently drinking blood from a random mob they meet on the way. He wore a white shirt and pants specially made for him, a gift from Caroline.
He had kept his cloak inside the carriage as entering [Kyoto] with such suspicious clothing may attract unwanted attention. He first decided to secure a suitable place to stay at before Kiyohime kills her enemies.
A week had passed since Kiyohime accepted Henrik as his master, ever since then, he had been teaching her how to behave and control her powers. He had already gathered all the vital information he needed from the assassin's head.
Now all that was left to do was to secure a base for establishing the Mikaelson clan along with conducting the ritual to free one of his siblings.
Kiyohime pulled back her mouth from the mob's neck, savoring the taste of the blood. She stopped after drinking a proper amount of blood gathered her rationality.
Henrik looked at the scene with slightly curved edges of his lips as he thought to himself about how useful Kiyohime is for him.
"Very good, now feed him some of your blood. Remember, our blood has healing properties and can heal even a half-dead person back to full health."
She followed Henrik's commands and bit on her wrist causing fresh vampire blood to flow out. She put it near the mouth of the mob and made him drink her blood.
The smell of her blood attracted Henrik for a feast but he endured, knowing full well that he doesn't need to feed for quite some time. The bulging veins beneath his eyes slowly receded as the black-sclera reverted back to the ocean blue color.
The mob drank Kiyohime's blood while the fresh wound over his neck healed, not even a mark was left behind like the neck wasn't wounded in the first place.
"Very good now compel his to forget, look him in the eye and give a command which he can understand, make sure to give detailed commands !!!"
Kiyohime looked deep into the Mob's eyes, her sclera widened a little along with Mob's sclera as Kiyohime established a link with his mind to send commands.
"You will forget meeting us and all that had happened here, you are on your way to [Shiga] to trade goods and supplies...."
The mob nodded, indicating that the compulsion a successful. He turned left and walked towards his carriage which was not far away.
Henrik was satisfied with the progress Kiyohime made in learning how to be a vampire. It certainly made him happy to have a competent subordinate that is capable of doing things asked of them.
"Very good now let's continue our journey, we are very close to our destination."
After saying so Henrik started walking towards the horses with two bowls in his hand. The horses had been fed already so it was time for them to drink some water.
Kiyohime followed behind her master, carefully observing his every move. She had learned many new things and what it means to be a vampire. In this world, there are no records of such creature nor any legend concerning them.
In his previous world, the legend of vampires was solely due to his sibling's careless behavior. Turning people into a vampire and creating a legend out of it was their doing.
Thankfully there are no such creatures in this world, though the yokai are considered to be like a vampire since they also feed on human blood, creating a misconception in Kiyohime that Henrik was a strong yokai.
But after hearing what Henrik told her about Vampires, she understood that her knowledge or rather everyone's knowledge about yokai was flawed and untrustworthy.
According to him, vampires were superior species with only one drawback that is that they need blood to sustain their immortality or they would desiccate.
Henrik placed the bowl on the ground and raised his hand in the air, he used witchcraft to summon the element:- water inside the bowl and water droplets converged inside the bowl and soon filled it with fresh water.
The horses started drinking the water while Henrik stroked their mane gently.
ᒥ....It will take a few days to reach my destination. According to the information I extracted from that assassin's memories, the [Jade Flower] should be located near the [Shogunate pavilion]. That area is under direct governing of the [Shogun] though currently, that title is unequipped....ᒧ
ᒥ....I should help Kiyohime become the [Shogun] and seize control over the pavilion, there are many different herbs and ingredients which will be useful to my dear sister Freya when she awakens....ᒧ
ᒥ....After taking control over the trading in the pavilion I must gather soldiers before asking Kiyohime to unity this country, with Oda Nobunaga as a subordinate it will be easy to take root in this country....ᒧ
ᒥ....As for people asking why I don't age and other stuff. I would cast a spell using a constellation as a medium to draw power so that after every 70 years, people will forget about my or my siblings or Kiyohime's face and name....ᒧ
ᒥ....All the records of our existence, any photo or any such thing will disappear after 70 years. What people will remember will be the name of the Mikaelson family....ᒧ
ᒥ....Our existence will be clear to them but our face or name, they will forget. This way I will be able to actively involve myself with the world without someone questioning me about my immortality....ᒧ
ᒥ....As for eternal youth, I can tell them that it is a spell unique to my family....ᒧ
While Henrik was going through his inner monologue, Kiyohime got curious about her master's origin and decided to ask about him.
She stood behind Henrik and asked in a low tone which was surprisingly clear to Henrik, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"Master can you tell me about yourself, your origin and history?..."
Henrik looked at her for a second before replying to her, he continued to stroke the beautiful creature in front of him.
"In the beginning, our family was human, A thousand years ago, now. Although our mother dabbled in the dark arts, we were actually just a family trying to survive in a time when it was quite difficult to do so. And, for better or worse, we were happy."
"That is, however, until one night, I was nearly killed by our village's greatest threat. Men that could transform themselves into wolves during the full moon. Our family was devastated, none more than Niklaus. Desperate to protect us, our father forced our mother to call upon her black magic in order to make us stronger."
"Thus, the Original vampires were born. But with this speed, this strength, this immortality, came a terrible hunger."
"The Mikaelson Family is a powerful family whose line dates back at least to the then Kingdom of Norway in the late 10th century with Mikael and Esther, a wealthy landowner and a Viking warrior, and a housewife and a witch, respectively."
"One day our family was attacked, father and mother died trying to protect us while the rest of us were gravely injured. My elder sister called upon her magic and we escaped from the danger. But unfortunately, we were hurt so to preserve our lives we chose to desiccate and sleep."
"Until I woke up, fully healed and stronger than ever. "It" found us and I fought against the danger. Eventually, I was able to kill it but he placed a very powerful seal on my siblings that didn't allow then to wake up."
"Now after so many years, I have collected all the ingredients required to perform the ceremony and unseal one of them since I am limited by my power. It would take a very long time to unseal them all but I have all the time in the world."
"So those coffins inside the carriage are Master's siblings?.."
"Yes and soon I will reunite with them...."
"But master I thought we were immortals and there is nothing that could kill us?.."
"No one is absolutely unkillable, while it is indeed not possible to kill an Original like me, vampires while still die if their head is cut off or their heart is crushed."
Kiyohime after hearing Henrik's world went silent before a determined look appeared on her face.
ᒥ....I must get stronger....ᒧ
Henrik glanced at Kiyohime as he thought to himself.
ᒥ....I had altered most part of the truth but precaution is necessary when it comes to family....ᒧ
He pulled the bowls after the horses quenched their thirst and sat on the driver's seat of the carriage. Kiyohime followed her master and sat behind him as the carriage started moving forward.