1268, Japan, Kyoto.....
It has been a few years after Henrik awakened his elder sister, Freya Mikaelson. He had been teaching her about [Force] and together they researched more on the Magic system of this world.
Henrik had started to recover his lost magic at an optimum pace and had also prepared the materials for performing a ritual.
Ever since Henrik had found the Black Grimoire of the Corona family, he had been scheming to secretly attack [The Inner Shrine], [Naikū], which is located in the town of [Uji-tachi], south of central Ise, and is dedicated to the worship of [Amaterasu], where she is believed to dwell.
The shrine buildings are made of solid cypress wood and use no nails but instead joined wood.
[The Outer Shrine], [Gekū], is located about six kilometers from [Naikū] and dedicated to [Toyouke-Ōmikami], the god of agriculture, rice harvest, and industry. Besides [Naikū] and [Gekū], there are an additional 123 Shinto shrines in Ise City and the surrounding areas, 91 of them connected to [Naikū] and 32 to [Gekū].
Purportedly the home of the [Sacred Mirror], the shrine is one of Shinto's holiest and most important sites. Access to both sites is strictly limited, with the common public not allowed beyond sight of the thatched roofs of the central structures, hidden behind four tall wooden fences.
The [Chief priest] or [Priestess] of [Ise Shrine] must come from the Imperial House of Japan and is responsible for watching over the Shrine. The current high priestess of the shrine is [Emperor Emeritus Akihito's daughter], [Sayaka Kuroda].
According to his sister's tracking spell, an enormous amount of [Divine-magic] was concentrated at the place and according to the nature of this energy, it is quite possible that the true divine spirit, the [Goddess of Universe and Sun], [Amaterasu] is currently living inside the shrine.
The indestructible pendants that Henrik created were modified by Freya and Him to make it able to house a [Divine spirit] regardless of strength.
His plan was quite simple, silently attack the shrine, use the blood he took from the emperor to summon [Amaterasu] using the ritual, use the [Black Grimoire] to suppress her strength and bind her being to his own Pendant and indirectly bind her to his soul as the pendant is a soul-bounded item.
Henrik wasn't a Shinto believer, not was Freya. He wanted to have an assurance in case this world throws something too much for him to handle, what is better than having a true God as your subordinate and bodyguard.
He didn't give a damn about these gods, nor about the various spirits. Since he was living in Japan, therefore it will do him no harm to capture the [Shinto gods] as servants.
But the true reason behind his actions was revenge, though people may say that he was being a petty person who wants to capture spirits that didn't even harm him, he didn't care about their opinion.
ᒥ....The spirits weren't as innocent as people think, [Izanami] vowed to kill 1000 humans every day just because her husband saw her true appearance. Gods were even worse than humans, selfish, arrogant and whatnot....ᒧ
ᒥ....There have existed instances of intense suffering which an omnipotent, omniscient being could have prevented without thereby losing some greater good or permitting some evil equally bad or worse....ᒧ
ᒥ....An omniscient, wholly good being would prevent the occurrence of any intense suffering it could unless it could not do so without thereby losing some greater good or permitting some evil equally bad or worse....ᒧ
ᒥ....There does not exist an omnipotent, omniscient, wholly good being....ᒧ
ᒥ....The Gods are arguably the most unpleasant character in all records: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully....ᒧ
So he didn't think there was any problem with his plan and motive,
ᒥ....If I can do it then why not do it....ᒧ
Spirits were the only thing that Henrik was afraid of, once he had taken care of all those Gods living in Japan, he would no longer have to worry about them.
Humans will not leave something they fear....alone, they will always find a way to make it disappear and strike again and again and again until eventually the thing is destroyed. Henrik was once a human and as they say,
ᒥ....Once a Human, always a Human....ᒧ
He couldn't leave them alone.
He couldn't kill them as they were immortals, just like him so all he could do was subjugate them and seal them inside the 6-pendants he created.
Henrik would seal [Amaterasu] inside his own pendant while he had chosen another god for his elder sister, someone who is extremely vengeful and evil while also being very strong and deadly.
With such arrangements, Henrik would never have to worry about his family's safety ever again.
Henrik had already asked Kiyohime to prepare some of the elders of the [Gerard Family] to assist him in his task. Protests were all suppressed by [Compulsion] and the fact that they were completely loyal to the family.
ᒥ....I clench my fists and try not to scream and I tuck my family in my heart and...
I think...
has never looked so sweet....ᒧ
Henrik let out a smile as he, Freya, Kiyohime along with some elders headed towards Mei prefecture where the shrine was located.
The plan was to infiltrate the shrine using the night as cover and quickly take control of the whole place without alerting anyone.
Once [Amaterasu] would have appeared, Freya and Kiyohime would cast spells and the [Black Grimoire] will suppress the Goddess so that Henrik would be able to use his [Force] and [Magic] to bind her with the pendant he always wears around his neck.
The journey to the [Mei Prefecture] took some time, they took a few weeks to reach their destination.
Freya would set up a camp near the outer shrine to keep an eye on the place and be ready to act once the sun's going down.
After a few hours, the clean sky turned dark as the moon illuminated the black sky along with many stars.
ᒥ....It was time to move....ᒧ