"Uncle Chu Feng, what is going on??? Where is everyone???...."
"Hime-sama (Princess), I can't find any of the guards protecting the shrine. I fear that something unholy has entered the Holy Spirit of our Goddess, Amaterasu."
"If it is as you say then I will fulfill my role as a [Priestess] and with the powers granted by our Goddess, I will protect the Shrine from evil spirits."
"Very well Hime-sama, As a faithful servant of Goddess Amaterasu, the Great Shinto Goddess, the Great Sun Goddess, the Great Goddess of the universe, I will keep you safe from all dangers."
"Very faithful of you both to defend this Shrine even if there are only the two of you protecting this place."
A bald man, face full of wrinkles, shaved brows, orange robes, multiple beads hanging from the neck, bead bands wrapped around the wrists and ankles.
Beside him stood a young woman, yellow hair being a mark of the Royal family, a red oval marking on the forehead being a vassal of the Goddess Amaterasu, wearing Priestess clothes.
Both of them turned towards the source of the sound, a young man with white-hair and ocean blue eyes stood before them. He wore a black kimono with blue shade on the left side.
Though both of them couldn't recognize the person in front of them they did recognize the symbol ᒥ M ᒧ printed on the back and front of Henrik's clothes.
"The Mikaelson clan...!?"
"Indeed Hime-sama, you see this shrine has something that I need so am requesting you to step aside and let me have it without me needing to use force."
The priestess was calm and unyielding, she didn't respond to Henrik's request but outright ignored his words while increasing the grip on her staff.
Even the bald man whose face was full of wrinkles didn't bother replying but instead just calmly looked towards Henrik as his he was looking at a lesser being.
"Well..... I guess I wasn't persuasive enough."
Saying this Henrik gestured Kiyohime to rush towards both of them and knock them out. Even though she didn't bring her weapons with her. Henrik had been training her in Fire-element for a few years and now she could do countless spells which came in the category of non-verbal spells.
Kiyohime rushed towards the bald man and priestess in her vampiric-speed, her soft white-palm stretched out in front of her as a huge fire-ball burst forth out of it.
The priestess stepped forward and tapped the base of her staff, in her right hand on the ground as a yellow-colored sequence formed beneath her feet, encompassing her and the bald man before a yellow triangle pillar shot from the sequence.
The fireball collided with the pillar and burst forth with a heavy impact. The ground burned as the heat was released in the surrounding causing the temperature to increase.
The fire burned for a few moments before disappearing and revealing the yellow pillar, Kiyohime's eyes widened upon seeing the perfect condition of the pillar protecting both of them.
Henrik's eyes narrowed as he observed the pillar encasing the targets.
ᒥ....The Yellow pillar surrounding the priestess and that bald man contains divine energy. She must be using Amaterasu's divine energy, that staff in her hand must be the medium of energy transfer....ᒧ
ᒥ....Kiyohime can break it if she concentrates her attack at a single point, the divine-energy of the sun will surely have restoration properties....ᒧ
ᒥ....But Kiyohime possesses the Black Grimoire, the bane of divine-power. The more damages she causes to the pillar, the more divinity will be absorbed inside that Grimoire....ᒧ
Once again Kiyohime raised her hand as a volley of fireballs appeared in the air and launched towards the pillar, impacting it again and again.
The priestess inside the pillar tightened her grip on the staff as she felt the pillar breaking apart. To say she wasn't astonished would be a lie.
Inside the shrine, she was the strongest entity in the whole country. The pillar she made using Amaterasu's divine energy would not be broken as the restoration rate surpassed the damage inflicted upon it. Even the Legendary-rank mages would not be able to pass through, but now under the constant barrage of fireballs, the pillar was breaking apart.
ᒥ....Why isn't the pillar restoring itself?....ᒧ
As if understanding that the priestess was at a disadvantage, the bald man standing beside her raised his palm and gently pushed forward. An enormous intent burst out of his palm, destroying the pillar from inside and blasting Kiyohime towards the wall.
Kiyohime immediately cast barriers around her but in front of the seemingly normal palm, her barriers were nothing more than a sheet of paper. They crumbled and the impact would have crushed Kiyohime in a patty if not for Henrik's intervening.
An equally majestic [Force] burst out of Henrik's raised palm and completely neutralized the impact on Kiyohime.
The bald man raised an eyebrow before asking in a low tone which was surprisingly clear to everyone present inside the Shrine.
"Want do you want?"
"I want to conduct a ritual but it requires a sacrifice, the priestess would do just fine...."
Henrik replied with a smile while the gaze of the bald man turned icy.
"Kiyohime go take care of the priestess...."
"Yes, master...."
"I wouldn't allow you to pass through...."
The bald man once again raised his palm but this time punched out with great strength. [Battle intent] materialized behind his fist and came crashing down towards Kiyohime.
"Your opponent will be me..."
Henrik waved his palm in the air while a tsunami of [Force] collided with the [Battle-intent] of the bald man, both of them completely neutralizing each other.
Kiyohime rushed towards the priestess and punched out with full power, flames appeared over her palm. The priestess also returned the attack with her staff with a determined expression. The divine energy covered her body like armor, she smashed the staff at the incoming flaming fist.
Both of the powers collided causing a small air blast to occur, their hair flew backward with great ferocity while none of them retreated back.