Chapter :-67 Plans

Inside a forest surrounded by huge trees, bushes…..soldiers, equipped with amours and canons along with rifles and Mana-pulsers.

Near the outer-portion of the west side of the forest, they camped. A couple of tents were constructed around the unusually large campfire.

Two men wearing a Grey and Red armour each could be seen talking to each other within the biggest tent, near a table upon which a rather large and detailed map of the forest was unfurled.

One of them had a Great-sword on his back while the other person wielded three different swords.

"There are a lot of enemies in front of us, numbering in thousands. All of them are armed with heavy armour and a few Mage-squads with them."

"What rank are those Mage-squads?"


"They are underestimating us. They think that since they outnumber us, we won't be able to win against them."

"Well, that works in our favour, we can use guerilla-warfare and lure them within the Osage-forest before creating a thick mist covering the forest then we can launch a pincer attack on them and win."

"Even though the C-rank Mage-squads are pretty pathetic, they still can use basic wind-spells or dispelling spells to clear out the mist. While the pincer attack may work, without the mist, we will suffer many loses."

"Don't worry about the Mage-squads; I have received a letter…."

"What letter?"

"A letter from the Mikaelson clan themselves…."


"They have sent two Gerard clan elites to help us driving out the enemy forces."

"Only two!?…"

"Sasaki Kojiro and Sarutobi Sasuke, one is feared as the [Reaper] while the other one is Henrik Mikaelson's bodyguard….."

"You gotta be kidding me!!!, this is too good to be true!!! Tell me, what did they ask in return from you, Muneshige?"

"They want me to become a part of the Gerard family and serve their family for the rest of my life; in return, they would protect my family, my territory and everything related to me. They have even offered me the position of Upper-elder with the Gerard family Elite, someone who will serve the Mikaelson themselves."

"What do you think?"

"I agree…."

"Look Muneshige, I know that you want to save your people, your soldiers but think very carefully….you understand that the Mikaelson clan isn't something that anyone can deal with."

"....If I refuse, many of my soldiers will die, and maybe even my clan would be affected by my choice. This is the first time someone has got the attention of the Mikaelson family; they intend to gain me as a subordinate, and I would do it. If my actions spare even a single soul, then I would do it."

"You do know that you aren't fit to be a warrior Muneshige, a samurai has no heart whereas you are more humane than most humans….."

"I know…. Kite-san, but there is honour in dignity, and I intend to carry on…."

"I may not be fit to be a warrior, but I will fight for my loved ones, for my family and my people…."

"Your astonishingly humane-heart is the reason why Lord Henrik wants you to serve his family…."

As they were talking to each other, both of them were suddenly interrupted by a voice, followed by two men entering their tent.

"Who's there?"

One of the two men stepped forward. His appearance was that of a samurai swordsman with long indigo hair tied into ponytail and indigo eyes.

He wore a traditional light purple umanori hakama and kimono, light purple tabi and black geta with purple haori and tekkou and carried his sword, Monohoshi Zao on his back.

"We were asked by Henrik-sama to assist you in repelling the opposing forces. I am Sasaki Kojiro, the [Reaper] of the Gerard family and this is Henrik-sama's bodyguard, Sarutobi Sasuke ..."

The four of them moved out of the tent and headed towards the soldiers camp, where the 120,000 soldiers of Gerard family and 60,000 soldiers of the Tachibana family were waiting for them to arrive.

This was the support send by the Mikaelson family, to not only protect the Tachibana family Castle but also give them an olive branch.

"Welcome to the Tachibana family grounds, our soldiers may be less in numbers when compared to the enemies, but they are twice as experienced as them, every single one of them has carved some legend of their own in the battlefield."

Hearing their Lord's words, one of the soldiers spoke up with unending vigour while others agreed to his terms.

"Don't worry, Muneshige-sama! We lots are enough to take care of those motherfuckers….!"



"I can see that your men are pretty riled up for the incoming battle, well I will handle the Mage-squad of the enemy forces while Sarutobi takes care of the leaders of the enemy camp."

"Thanks for the support, Sasaki-san, Sarutobi-san….."

"Thank Henrik-sama, after all; it was he who had an eye out for you and your talent…"


"Henrik-sama has sent a portion of Gerard family soldiers to help you win; he wants you to command them and ensure that the causality rate remains as low as possible."

"Very well then…."

"Light-armed cavalry unit, Forward…!"

"Heavy-armed cavalry, surround the forest for both sides and prepare for a pincer attack….!"

"Mage-squad, provide support to the retreating units and also heal those who get injured during the fight….!"

"Gerard-family soldiers, Provide backup to the light-armed cavalry and also protect the Mage-squad…."

"Gunner-squad, use rotating volley-tactics and provide cover fire in case the enemy decides to use long-range weapons…"

"Assassin-unit, follow Sarutobi-san and slaughter the officials…."

"Healers provide extra support to the Mage-squad…."

"Everyone take positions….!"

"Let's begin everyone...FORMATION!!!"



"Give them hell….!"


The combined forces of the Gerard family and Tachibana family moved forward. They entered deep into the forest where, on the other side, a swarm of armed soldiers awaited them with huge Canons and explosives ready to blow up their enemies.





Henrik raised his right palm, and before Akechi Mitsuhide could do anything to defend himself before he could even move, he had been hit again by the [Cruciatus curse].

The pain was so intense, so all-consuming, that he no longer knew where he was... white-hot knives were piercing every inch of his skin, his head was surely going to burst with pain; he was screaming more loudly than he'd ever screamed in his life.


"sCrEeM mItSuHiDe ScReEm…..!!!"


The [Cruciatus Curse] is one of the three Unforgivable Curses that Henrik created. It is a curse of torture, inflicting excruciating pain on a victim.

The pain caused by the [Cruciatus Curse] is said to be worse than "one thousand white-hot knives, boring into the skin." This pain can cause permanent mental injury.

The [Cruciatus Curse] was invented during the early Middle Ages, created for torture purposes, but has also been used effectively in duels. Henrik used this spell to help Caroline (Duchess) snuff out the information from prisoners.

To successfully perform this curse, the witch must possess a deep desire to cause the victim pain.

While Henrik mostly had a calm demeanour, he was extremely sadistic towards his enemies or the ones who disturbed his plans. But in Akechi's case, he was channelling Nobunaga's or rather Nubi's hatred for killing her son, to torture Akechi.

Nobunaga had great hatred for Akechi, Henrik wanted to satisfy her anger so that there will be no hostility left inside her, he had already ordered Akechi clan's extermination but since he adopted Akechi's daughter as a Gerard.

He had to make sure that Nobunaga wouldn't do something for which Henrik would have to kill her.

He had plans for Akechi Gracia; she was a young woman who had beautiful golden eyes and a gentle heart, she was the perfect candidate for fulfil that "mission" and also to become a true friend of his yet to be awakened sister, Rebekah.

In her whole life, Rebekah didn't honestly have a true friend or someone who she could trust, and even Gerard had betrayed her at some point even though things worked out in the end for her.

Henrik knew that his elder sister was a trouble-magnet; he had been pondering upon the thought to appoint Sarutobi as her protector. Still, knowing his sister's personality, he decided against doing so.

He wanted Gracia to become his sister's friend, someone who could keep her company, someone who Henrik could trust his sister's safety and rational behaviour with.

But firstly and most importantly, he wanted her to go to Shimabara.

She was an avid believer of Christianity, even blessed with some useful abilities.

[Mystic Eyes of Whisper (Gold)]: Gracia can whisper her thoughts into the mind of any sentient creature allowing her to silently communicate with anything that she can see without revealing her position.

[Bearer of Suffering]: Gracia unleashes her mystic eyes in a concentrated attack alongside a regular physical attack.

[Baptism Rite]: Gracia can lightly restore her will to continue fighting by pouring water on herself to recreate her original baptism.

[Flight of Fear]: Channeling the way that she went into hiding after her father's coup Gracia can use a short teleport with a range of 20ft that can allow Gracia to escape from unfavourable circumstances.

The teleport moves too fast for anyone to perceive possibly, but she must take a second to ready herself after she teleports. She can use it to hide even if she is in a 1v1 situation.

Henrik wanted her to go to Shimabara and reside in the church which was established in those lands.

During this whole time, he had been recruiting powerful subordinates, Sarutobi Sasuke, Sasaki Kojiro, Tachibana Muneshige, Oda Nobunaga and only three more individuals were left on his bucket list, Honda Tadakatsu, Shirou Tokisada Amakusa and Miyamoto Musashi.

Honda Tadakatsu was loyal to Ieyasu, Musashi was a vagabond whereas Shirou Tokisada Amakusa was still a child.

According to the history known to him, Shirou Tokisada Amakusa was a very talented Mage, even with zero knowledge about witchcraft, he was able to do miracles unknowingly. Such a talent shouldn't be allowed to die.

Henrik had a big plan involving Ieyasu. Soon not only Honda but also Shirou would become a part of the Gerard family.

And as for Musashi, well recruiting her would be a piece of cake especially after Sasaki received a duel challenge from her.