(A/N:-The Following chapter is heavily drawn upon Amakusa Shirou Wiki and most of it is copied and further edited and added to make this chapter. Just a heads up.)
The Shimabara Rebellion
The rulers of the land, the Matsukura clan had drastically raised the taxes causing famine and over-taxation to the people.
This action forced the weak to fall in despair as they were unable to even resist. As they continued to be exploited, the people found salvation in Christianity, the words filled with love that couldn't be defeated by starvation, poverty or despair.
However, the Matsukura clan tried to take even that from them. For them, it was no longer exploitation but it was murder.
The people were provoked and they rose up and revolted. They feared to have their right to live taken away overcame their fear of dying in battle.
Amongst them was Shirou, a young boy at the time. Nobody knew whether his presence there was a coincidence or the will of God, but before anyone realized it, Shirou was leading them, though under the instruction of several Rōnin and Gracia Gerard.
Shirou appears to be a tanned-skinned youth with white hair like silver and with dark ageless golden eyes.
His hair became white as compensation for when he forcefully incarnated and after that his skin changed colour because he spent twenty years in the middle-east of Japan.
He wears the vestments of a priest and a golden cross around his neck. His vestment is a type of a red holy shroud and he wore a red stole over his cassock.
He has an innocent, boyish face showing that he has yet to have aged past twenty years of age. Though incarnated decades ago, [Left Hand - Xanadu Matrix] has granted him his still youthful appearance.
He is eternally seventeen years old despite he is over seventy years old. He hasn't emotionally matured regardless of how much knowledge and experience he has gained. His body is covered in scars and he has two Command Spells on his chest, the seals are very similar to father Kotomine.
Before long, former-vassals of Konishi Yukinaga had him as leader established a rebel army against the Edo Shogunate. Whereas Gracia requested help from the Gerard family of [Kyoto].
Together with the peasants of Shimabara, who were suffering from the harsh environment of the times, they raised a large-scale insurrection.
Their battle should have no defeat and no victory either. Because by rising up, they were both losers and victors at the same time.
All they had left was the power to rise up, however, the act of rising up itself was a necessary act. They rose up for the sake of what they believed in—that in itself was important and what they wished for.
They believed the sacrifices would be kept to a minimum, and even if several people including themselves became sacrifices, the world wouldn't die, but would instead be reborn.
Shirou brought forth a miracle, the possibility of victory that should have been impossible. In his own words, he was granted miraculous power granted by God because God will occasionally exercise malice due to goodwill.
Unfortunately, Shirou attained victory. Everyone went wild and became excited over the victory. They clung to Shirou, who had won a battle where victory should have been impossible, as a child of miracles.
That foolish purity of theirs troubled the boy. Shirou believed they shouldn't have won. Winning was not an option. He had been caught up in saving lives in the near future and averted his eyes from the bigger picture. They may bite a cornered cat—but after being bitten, the enraged cat would retaliate by slaughtering them.
Despite taking the uprising lightly at first, the Edo Shogunate got serious due to its punitive forces being defeated and sent out Elder Matsudaira Nobutsuna as the supreme commander.
They knew that if Gerard family reached the province, it would spell the end of them whereas they couldn't run away thus they decided to make everyone pay.
Shirou led the defence of Hara Castle and defeated the strongest of the Shogunate attackers in a series of coordinated defensive surges.
Matsudaira Nobutsuna brought on starvation tactics to the revolting army that had shut themselves in Hara Castle and estimated the time when they were running out of food and ammunition to start his general offensive.
It had been told that 37,000 people, including Shirou, were going to be massacred by the shogunate forces, with the exception of a single betrayer.
After his rebellion ultimately failed, Shirou was sentenced to execution by decapitation. Before his death, Shirou felt he was naïve and he witnessed a scene like a hell as his comrades were slowly killed off.
They tied him to a pillar and forced him to watch, how they destroy everything he ever cared about. Garcia Gerard was protecting the churches building against the attacks of the Edo shogunate. She couldn't leave the premises of the Holy Church.
Fresh blood and liquor permeated the air and made its way towards Shirou who saw things that he wished, he could forget.
The decapitated heads of the elderly, men butchered up like experimental animals, babies pierced by spears, girls raped in the pursuit of lust and then thrown away afterwards.
He was convinced that the countless lives gathered were not taken away by the enemy but by himself.
Shirou without once changing expression accepted this result with a will of steel and it made him impossible to yield and give up. He merely gazed at this scene of ruin. He revealed no resignation or sorrow and even overcame the pain of his dismembered arms.
He accepted that he had lost, the responsibility for his comrades' death and his inevitable death. But the one thing he could not accept was that everything would fall to ruins after this.
He couldn't accept it. After having wasted so many lives, he absolutely could not accept that nothing would be gained as a result.
ᒥ....Oh, God. Give me another chance. Next time, I won't lose sight of the bigger picture. I will eliminate all obstacles, enemies and hardships in my way....ᒧ
ᒥ....Next time, I will obtain all the good in the world. A world where everyone is happy, everyone is good, and everyone is perfect. I will exterminate all evil and create a new, pure world....ᒧ
ᒥ....Please give me a chance….ᒧ
Shirou begged for forgiveness and another chance, he prays to his God to give him the strength to end all the sinners.
As if responding to his call, his vision turned hazy as a bright light blinded his eyes, in the middle of the light, stood a male. White hair, ocean blue eyes, a purple pendant hanging from his neck and godly physique, appeared before him.
The white angel extended his palm towards the barely conscious Shirou.
ᒥ....I can help you….ᒧ
ᒥ....Who are you? A God?….ᒧ
ᒥ....No, but I am someone who can give you another chance. I can give you life and power in return for Eternal Loyalty….ᒧ
ᒥ....Will I be able to destroy Evil?….ᒧ
ᒥ....You will destroy everything I deem Evil….ᒧ
ᒥ....Help me! I must destroy these Killers! These sinners slaughter children and woman like demons….ᒧ
ᒥ....Do you want me to kill them?….ᒧ
The angel snapped his fingers while the soldiers fell on the ground, dead. As if someone had cut the strings holding them in one place.
After doing so, the angel once again extended his palm towards Shirou.
ᒥ....Join me, child. I have plans for you….ᒧ
ᒥ....Yes, my Lord….ᒧ
Once again a white light blinded his vision and restored his arms and body, Shirou teleported away with the angel who had big plans.
And just like that, the Gerard family wiped out any and all traces of the Edo Shogunate before installing puppet leader to take care of the place under 'he' decided what to do next.
Shirou joined Gerard family under Henrik's guidance and requested to be posted in Edo for sometime before he started serving the Gerard family.
In his Gerard family elite attire, he has long hair tied into a ponytail. His clothing is a mixture of traditional samurai outfit with a European influence.
He wears a jinbaori style haori with Christianity crosses decorated on them. He wears a tradition umanori hakama with Shin guards which had cloth straps that were used to tie the Shin guards to the lower leg.
He wears a collared shirt underneath his Kimono and a Cravat tied around his collar.
However, how exactly he was discovered; a good half of his life is wrapped in mystery. He, who concentrated on his studies since childhood, began to perform many miracles at the frontier for a time.
Having healed wounds and walked on water, he eventually began to be enthusiastically worshipped as the son of God by the peasants that believed in a prohibited religion.
In reality, he was merely a Spellcaster. He wasn't taught Magecraft but it was something that came to him naturally but very rarely. His use of Magecraft was mostly subconscious, so he had not even realized it himself.
It just so happened that he was born with the power to exercise the miracles called Magecraft, and no one around him ever pointed it out, and so he was revered as a boy of miracles.
(A/N:-End of Volume 3, I will be taking a week off before starting with the new chapters.)