Chapter :-94 Side-Story-1 Azazel

2035, Japan, Onikawa….(Azazel's P.O.V)


Rain….it is so soothing and refreshing.

But for me, it represents the sorrow of people who are suffering, their tears falling from heaven because their prayers ain't reaching the 'One-above'.

It intrigues me….., watching them suffer. When God created the world he ought to have made it perfect, a world with no pain, no suffering, no violence, only happiness and fulfilment.

But looking at the world now, it was far from the paradise mentioned in various textbooks. People died, they suffered, they robbed, they killed, they committed crimes and this was just the beginning.

Human nature was fickle,.....and greedy. No matter how much they had, they always desired more, God's greatest creation was a flawed one and would ultimately become the reason for the destruction of all life.

In the beginning, from nothingness were born two beings...Darkness and God, for his fulfilment God created the universe, he created leviathans, he created angels and finally, he created humans, his greatest and most prized creations….., even more, loved than his favourite son, Lucifer.

God created everything to satisfy his ego.

But his actions, angered his only Kin, Darkness. Angered by her brother's betrayal, she threatened to destroy all his creations, everything that he prized, everything that he lived, everything that he adored.

Left with no choice, God fought his sister, his only Kin and sealed her away. The key to the seal was passed to a human, God's greatest creation as the 'Mark of Cain'.

God's action of passing the key to the only thing that could kill him to mere humans angered Lucifer, his daddy placed too much importance and love on his weak creations.

Seeing the trust his father placed on those inferior beings, Lucifer for the first time felt jealousy. He tempted a pure human soul and transformed it into something unpure, giving birth to the first demon named Lilith.

Lucifer's actions angered God who couldn't bear to punish his beloved son, God disappeared but not before sealing the leviathans in the purgatory and ordering the angels to protect the human race.

Micheal the archangel, Lucifer's elder brother took the mantle and lead the angels to defeat his brother Lucifer and lock him away in a prison from where he couldn't escape.

A devastating war took place on the land, a war between Angels and Demons. Lucifer led his forces against Micheal's and clashed against his brother.

Destruction and devastation throughout the land shook the humans, countless Angels and Demons fell in the Great War but ultimately the Angels triumphed against Lucifer's forces before Micheal sealed his brother inside the 'Cage'.

Later after the Great War ended, Angels could no longer stay on the land and had to return to Heaven whereas the demons returned to hell. Lilith along with few more demons survived the Great War before retreating back into the Abyss after Lucifer was sealed.

And I was one of those few demons who survived, Azazel, [The King of Hell]. We patiently waited, bidding our time, recovering our lost strength, watching the humans grow.

I have to say, human were deserving to be the adored creations of God, they surpassed us in all categories, cruelty, kindness, knowledge, even in power.

With their weak bodies but string mind, they were able to build weapons strong enough to destroy the whole planet, even Lucifer couldn't destroy his father's most prized creation but these weak humans could.

This made their existence even more unbearable than it already was, at least we demons didn't slaughter our own kind for petty reasons but these weak creatures would even kill they Kin for valuables.

The few demons who survived the Great war, we decided to free our leader, Lucifer and wipe out the weak humans from the face of this planet.

1. Lilith: Pride

2. Beelzebub: Envy

3. Azazel: Wrath

4. Abaddon: Sloth

5. Mammon: Greed

6. Belphegor: Gluttony

7. Asmodeus: Lust

Us…, the 7-Great demons were trapped in the Abyss, well except me of-course. To escape from the Abyss, [The Abyss Gate] needed to be opened but the gates could only be opened using a special key.

Unfortunately, the key was with Amakusa Shirou of the [Holy-Church], who had built a massive [Devil's Trap] using rail-lines, all around Japan.

It was impossible for demons to enter Japan, not to mention that 'he' protected the country. [Darth Sidious] was his supernatural name, a powerful being of unknown origin, though I personally believe him to be a Leviathan even though God himself trapped them in Purgatory.

Anyway, so he was watching over the country and coincidently Amakusa Shirou belonged to his family. Thus I couldn't make any direct move against him, all I could do was to target the Holy-Church and somehow gain the Key without interfering with the humans.

At first, I thought it would be quite easy but after a few times….I thought differently.

This was the only reason why my clone was stabbed with [All-Killing Spike], instead of the real me.


The rain continued to fall over my body, pinned to a wall with multiple spikes stabbed in my wings and stomach.

A dark-skinned young man was standing in front of me, his right hand held a long Katana with inscriptions all over it while in his other hand was the silver-coloured [All-Killing Spike].

He had short-spikey white hair and wore red cardinal clothes with a cross hanging from his neck. Shirou looked deeply at [King of Hell] pinned in front of him even if he was only a clone.

Around them lay 43-bodies, 15 of them wore a black priest coat whereas the other 28 were wearing casual clothes. A small battle had taken place between the Holy-church and the demons.

Azazel had been wanting to ambush Shirou but somehow Shirou already knew about his plan and instead laid a trap for him.

Fortunately, he had decided to play it smart and send a clone rather than coming himself or he would have probably got injured during the fight, though he was confident that he could successfully escape.

Shirou had [Clairvoyance] (A++) as his ability, predicting a small part of the future was possible for him, especially if the event was related to him.

After being saved by Henrik, Shirou decided to do everything in his power to keep Japan safe, he wasn't foolish or arrogant enough to think that he could end all suffering and be a hero. He decided to do what he could do, protect his homeland and it's people.

After the establishment of the Holy-Church, Amakusa Shirou travelled around the world and gathered all information about the supernatural side, Azazel plans were also revealed to him while researching on the information he gained after torturing a demon.

Thus Shirou decided to create a [Huge Devil's trap] to keep the demons out of the country and protect the key to Lucifer's cage at all costs. He asked Henrik for help in securing the key, the young Mikaelson gave the key to Izanami and asked her to keep it safe.

Within Japan, no one could possibly defeat a [2nd Generation God], especially since the [1st Generation Gods] were missing and Izanagi was sealed in Yomi.

Azazel's clone started disappearing as he spoke in a cheerful tone.

"You wouldn't be able to protect the key forever….."

Shirou stoically looked towards Azazel and spoke in an indifferent tone.

"Maybe I will, maybe I will not….."

"We will see....."


With an anger huff, Azazel disappeared from the surrounding while Shirou said a short prayer for the fallen, slain.