Chapter :-123 “Is this the Power of a God?” (Part-3)

Chapter:-123 "Is this the Power of a God?" (Part-3)

"But how…?" The young Yotsuba was dumbstruck as she watched the light stream get deflected after nearing the sphere of dark which surrounded Henrik. The Convergence Type Magic that Henrik used was usually for trapping enemies or transporting people to different locations which restricting their vision.

By pouring a larger amount of Psion into the magic sequence, Henrik made the magic much harder to break through while using it specific light repellent properties to counter Maya's Magic.

The sphere of darkness disappeared from the scene while revealing Henrik's clone that held an apathetic expression on his face. His clothes didn't even have a speck of dust marring their beauty.

Miya and Maya could actually see Kudou Retsu's and Yotsuba Genzou's image overlapping with Henrik's, signifying their similar way of using magic, it was evident that it was indeed the previous Gold-level Magician who taught Henrik, making the young Mikaelson a peer and fellow student as Yotsuba Genzou and Kudou Retsu.

"Is this all you have to offer….?" Since the clone couldn't speak, Henrik decided to ask Maya if this was the extend of her strength. He wouldn't entertain the Yotsuba family any longer than necessary; he had better things to do.

"You….!" Somehow Henrik's direct words managed to anger Maya as she once again raised her C.A.D and pulled a trigger, firing another [Meteor Stream] towards the clone. The small white dots levitated around her body and rushed towards the clone who once again used [Mirror Cage] to protect himself.

ᒥ....This is my chance....ᒧ

Seeing the black sphere surrounding the clone, Maya immediately used [Suspension] to "jump" in the air. Using [Mirror Cage] on oneself had a fatal problem, due to the redirecting of the light; the user would become "Blind" as no light enters their eyes.

Due to that, the clone couldn't see Maya's position and couldn't anticipate from where she may attack from, he also couldn't use another spell while using [Mirror Cage] and even his senses were that of a human, to match Maya's senses.

Maya raised her C.A.D towards Henrik while her body started to fall down due to the cancellation of [Suspension] due to the activation of the next magic.

"[Release Type Magic:-Dry Meteor]..." She pulled the trigger as multiple magic sequences surrounded the clone that was still inside the sphere of darkness, multiple blocks of dry ice were launched towards the sphere of darkness, and the icicles disappeared after entering the sphere.

The magic that Maya used combines all four processes of carbon dioxide, Convergence Type, condensation, Speed Type, and Release Type Magic; relying on the shock wave and carbon dioxide poisoning to render the enemy immobile.

A block of dry ice about the size of a child's fist reaches a speed that the eye can't follow when used against the target. On impact, the dry ice vaporizes and rushes into the lungs, the shock from the sudden lack of oxygen renders the enemy unconscious.

Maya gracefully landed on the ground as she watched the carbon dioxide rush out of the sphere, which slowly disappeared revealing nothing.

"What…?" Not only Maya but even Genzou and Miya were astonished after seeing the clone disappear without a trace. At first, they thought that since the clone had supposedly sustained damage due to Maya's attack, Henrik may have ordered it to disappear but even before they could voice their thoughts, the scene in front of them sealed their mouths.

The clone was still very much alive and unharmed; rather he was standing behind Maya while [Maana] was pointing at her head with a magic sequence ready to be deployed.

"H-How…?" Maya didn't move from her spot and turned towards Henrik.

"How did your clone arrive behind me….?" Genzou and Miya also turned towards Henrik who had a small smile on his face. He placed the empty teacup back on the table after sipping the last bit of his tea.

"In the Mikaelson family, there is a theory called the theory of controlling phenomenon after it had been created but [Free After Execution] is a better way of expressing it. "

"My predecessor proposed this theory along with the creation of Modern Magic. In his theory, he stated that the phenomenon produced as a result being transformed by magic is already a phenomenon that was not originally in this world, immediately after transformation the shackles of the laws of physics are loose."

"Perhaps it would be better if I changed it to a short intro; time lag exists between when the laws of physics reassert itself after an event produced by magic."

"There is a tiny time-gap between the end of a magic effect changing reality and laws of physics retaking control of reality. However, if someone manages to exploit this loophole, it is possible to achieve otherwise hardly achievable results."

"In all its essence, F.A.E theory allows a magician to directly cast another magic sequence even before the previous magic sequence is even finished. Thus; using two or three spells even before the previous spell is finished."

"Off-course, to pull off something like that requires extremely high casting speed, a specially calibrated C.A.D and swift activation of the spell." Henrik had spent a lot of years in perfecting the F.A.E theory and putting it into practical use. The ability to use multiple spells at once was something deemed impossible by the world.

Genzou looked at Henrik with astonishment written all over his face.

ᒥ....He was able to perfect the famous F.A.E theory that teacher proposed together with the formation of Modern magic. His abilities are even greater than teacher…! Just want kind for genius is he!?....ᒧ

"So the clone used F.A.E theory to use magic even though the [Mirror Cage] was still ongoing…but that doesn't explain how the clone got behind me?" Maya wanted to know-how in the world did the clone arrived behind her without her sensing him.

"He used [Perfect Diffusion] to get behind you without you noticing his presence. The dark covers provided by the plants made it easy for him to use the battlefield to his advantage." Henrik explained the magic used by his clone to arrive behind Maya without her noticing.

[Perfect Diffusion] was a Convergence Type and Dispersion Type Magic that levelled out the target area's gaseous, fluid, and physical energy distributions to the point of non-detection. Normal Magicians could only use the weaker version, Diffusion, with difficulty.

It was the newborn Kuroba Ayako's innate magical ability, also known as "Perfect Darkness". Kuroba Ayako was Tatsuya and Miyuki's cousin and would later become a contender for the Yotsuba family head title after Maya would pass the mantle in the future.

It was a known fact that the Mikaelson family could use any kind of Modern Magic on par with those blessed with innate abilities to do that in a particular system. It was considered to be a family trait by the rest of the world, considering it was a Mikaelson who created Modern Magic and its different branches.

Thus, it wasn't surprising to see Henrik's clone do the same magic to the highest degree.

Now that Maya had lost the battle in the Modern magic, Henrik decided that it was the time to end this charade and return home. He had already said everything he wanted to and now there was no reason to stay in the Yotsuba compound.

"I guess this concludes the match...since you failed to inflict any kind of damage onto my clone, you lose the match."

"Wait…! I haven't admitted defeat yet…!" Maya shots towards the real Henrik as she threw away her C.A.D knowing that she can't beat him in magic, and raised her fists towards him.

"Oh….you want to engage in close-quarter combat? Let me warn you, I am a practitioner of [10th Dan Red belt in Krav Maga] and an [Sifu] in [Wing Chun], I strike to end the opponent or at least heavy damage them….." Henrik was unmatchable in close-quarter combat, even though he only focused on two fighting styles; his level was truly much higher than any other human.

Maya didn't back down and straight down at the clone while taking a stance. She straightened her back and tightened her muscles, preparing to strike fast and strike hard.

Henrik gazed at her a for good 5 seconds before replying to her commitment.

"Very well…." As soon as Henrik finished his words, his clone waved his hand and the [Maana] disappeared from the field.

Maya rushed in with a right shin straight towards Henrik's face, she sure was decisive and dangerous but her opponent far out-levelled her in close-quarter combat.

Henrik's adopted basic Wing Chun stance and used his left hand to block the attack before sliding his left palm towards the ground and grasping her shin within his left palm, he raised his right hand to lock her leg around the lower thigh, not allowing her to pull back. Henrik switched fighting styles to Krav Maga, a dangerous glint flashed in the clone's eyes.

He raised his right knee and slammed it hard into Maya left knee, the jolt of pain caused by his attack made Maya blackout as her brain shut down for a few seconds to cope with the intense pain she felt....but this wasn't the end, Henrik's attack was a two-fold attack.

"Maya…..!" Miya shouted her little sister's name while Genzou moved his face away from the battlefield as he couldn't bear to watch his daughter being trashed.

As soon as the knee separated from Maya's left leg mid-joint(knee), the clone brought down his leg with power and smashed his foot into hard into Maya's right knee.

"Ahhh…..!" Maya screamed as once again pain overloaded her system. Henrik was ruthless, decisive and cold with his strike and made Maya incapable of standing on her legs; while her legs weren't broken the attack did intensive damage to her joints.

Maya fell backwards and crashed into the ground with a thud.

"Maya…..!" Miya in rage activated her magic towards Henrik, intending to strike him but Genzou knocked her unconscious before she could follow through with her plan. He loved his daughters very much and was anger at the brutality displayed by Henrik but alas! It was Maya herself who didn't heed Henrik's warning and choose to engage in close-combat.

"This battle is over…." Henrik stood up to leave while his Clone looked towards him.


Maya who was lying on the ground, unable to feel her legs suddenly used [Flash-cast] once again as a magic sequence formed around her. The clone wouldn't be able to cast as fast as her due to her Clan ability and would surely sustain damage.

Genzou looked towards his daughter in astonishment as he understood his daughter's plan.

ᒥ....So she lured Henrik-sama into engaging in a close-combat and abandoning his C.A.D so that she could use [Flash-cast] and strike him down while he wouldn't be able to cast fast enough to activate [Mirror Cage] without his C.A.D. She knew that she wouldn't win the close-combat so she deliberately sustained heavy damage to lower Henrik-sama vigilance and activate her [Meteor Stream] when he dropped his guard....ᒧ

ᒥ....Truly a genius!....ᒧ

Genzou praised his daughter preserving capabilities and planning ability while even Henrik was impressed by her combat abilities.

ᒥ....Impressive indeed...! She certainly has the minerals....ᒧ

ᒥ....But…it is not enough....ᒧ

Henrik's clone raised his hand towards the magic sequence before sweeping his palm towards her magic sequence. Watching the technique the clone was using, Genzou's eyes widened as he muttered in a barely audible tone.

"F-Flash-Cast…..!?" It was the Mikaelson family which created the magic that the Yotsuba family used so Henrik using [Flash-cast] didn't come out as some world-breaking surprise for Genzou.

"[Flash-Cast:-Gram Demolition]…" Hearing the name of the magic that was being Flash-cast, Genzou and Maya's eyes widened in horror.

Though called magic, it is simply a cannonball of Psions that has neither structure nor a Magic Ritual to modify an event, so it is not affected by Zone Interference (another form of countermagic). The pressure of the cannonball also repels the effects of Cast Jamming. It has no physical effects and cannot be hindered by any obstacle.

Besides its short effective range, which is a side effect of the Psions travelling through physical space, Gram Demolition has no true weaknesses. However, because Gram Demolition is a compressed ball of Psions within the physical realm, an excessive Psion Count is needed to activate it and very few people can use it.

Unfortunately for Maya and Genzou, Henrik was one of those few people.

Maya's [Meteor Stream activation sequence] was blown away by Henrik's magic while he used a simple [Convergence+Release Type Magic:-Dry Blizzard] to knock Maya unconscious.

As soon as Maya lost conscious, the clone once again started to glitch and disappeared.

"Your daughter has potential; groom her well Genzou-san. It has been some time since I had some much fun so as thanks I will heal the injuries my clone inflicted upon your daughter." Henrik used [Greater Divinity:-Greater Heal] to heal Maya's injuries before he used [Apparition] to exit the Yotsuba compound.

Henrik was about to head home but suddenly his force-senses tingled as he looked towards Kudou Family Compound.

"I feel a disturbance in the Force..."