
I decided to stop being such a narcissist for a second, taking my handbag before striking one last cheesy pose at the mirror and leaving. I walked past the kitchen and stopped when I saw Yua there with Taichi. My brother turned around and gave me a big smile, shyly bounding my way with wide green eyes looking me over.

"Hi-chan, you look so cute!" he squealed, giving me a hug.

I hugged back and chuckled as he pulled away and commented on my aesthetic. As it turned out, Taichi was apparently really in touch with fashion. He was also good at cooking, sewing, singing and basically everything else I was expected to be good at as a girl. The poor boy was shy about his feminine interests and honestly, I loved him for it. It took guts to go for the things you truly enjoyed, and he was doing it despite being shoved into the life of a baker. I vowed to make my own path too, no matter how long or arduous the journey was.

"Where are you going?" Yua asked.

I sent the woman a stink eye and she winced back. Serves her right. I hope she dies of guilt.

"I am going to go have dinner with sensei to celebrate my first mission and my birthday which you forgot about," I said slowly and with a great deal of venom in my voice.


Ok? Is that all she had to say? Woman! I'm your daughter for fucks sake! No don't you turn your back on me! I narrowed my eyes at her back, wondering how family could do this to family? Did she have no shame?

"Uh Hi-chan?"

"Oh— Tai-nii," I said turning to him.

He was smiling at me nervously. The poor boy was looking between me and Yua, unsure of exactly what he was meant to do. I sent the woman a particularly nasty look before turning to Taichi and smiling sweetly. I stood on my tippy toes and pat his head consolingly.

"See ya later Taichi. Don't ever become like that witch," I said vindictively pointing at Yua.

Before she or Taichi could say anything, I decided to leave. I strode out of the house at a quick pace and found myself out of the bakery in record time. Huh, it felt stupidly good to put that supposed mother in her place. I jumped onto a fence scaring the poor civilian couple next to me before I hopped onto a streetlight and spun myself onto a roof top. Then the running began, which was admittedly quite harder in the outfit I was currently wearing, so I had to go half the speed I usually did, which just ended up making the run a little therapeutic.

I dropped down at the front of the Inuzuka compound and quickly sniffed my shoulder. Did I stink? I didn't want to stink at a dinner I was invited to. It'd been so long since I'd been invited to any dinner. Oh I missed going out to fancy parties with... Cat. My mood soured at the thought of my old wife. Sometimes I wondered if it was better that I remembered nothing at all. It was easier before I had that dream.


The dog turned to me and barked happily. I grinned in return, grabbing his neck in a quick hug. He tried to lick.

"Ah-ah Yama, I don't want to get slobber all over me when I'm all dressed up!"

Yama gave me a cheeky lick anyway, too fast for me to protest and I groaned, wiping at my face.

"Troublesome dog," I grumbled, before a smile took my face and I followed him through the compound and to Gaku-sensei's house. The door was already open, so I just walked in, leaving my shoes at the entrance before following the trail of amazing smells into the kitchen.


I was pulled into a bone crushing hug by Nami and shaken around a little before she put me down and I struggled to get my breathing back to normal. Then I turned to Gaku-sensei who just pet my head in greeting. I swore he thought I was a dog sometimes. I noticed a really big Akimichi behind him, with kind brown eyes a very square nose and an infectiously hearty laugh.

"Is this the brat you were talking about?"

"Yes this is. Meet my student Suzuki Hina," Gaku said affectionately as he ruffled my hair.

"Hey, I spent time on this today," I grumbled patting my hair down. "Ah—nice to meet you Akimichi-san."

"Call me Doto, brat," he said grinning.

"How do you know Gaku-sensei?" I asked curiously.

"We used to be on a Genin team together," Gaku grunted.

"Oh and the stories I have to tell about this one. Did you know he was practically the class dunce? He once threw his test at the-"

"Hey! Now don't go and ruin my image," Gaku said flustered, holding my ears and pulling me away.

I grinned evilly. "Oh tell me more Doto-san!"

"Nope! Noooo! Come on, let's get you going with cooking before he corrupts you."

"Aww, but I wanna hear about your Academy days," I said with a fake pout.

"W-we can do that later!"

I'd never seen Gaku-sensei so flustered. It made me grin evilly. It was time for some payback. I egged Doto on constantly for all of the dirt on my sensei who eventually just groaned and gave up. Nami congratulated me on my very Nara-esque traits and I preened from the attention. Mainly we just cooked together because that was apparently a tradition for this little family. I liked it. Meals should be shared, and cooking was always more fun when everyone was around. It also helped that an Akimichi was here, and by Kami did Doto live up to his family name. The food tasted divine after he touched it up.

"Every border post needs an Akimichi for morale," I concluded sagely.

"Hahaha I'm glad you like the food brat," Doto grinned. "So kid, how was your first mission."

"Scary. Informative. A very exhausting learning experience," I said quickly as I scooped in some more rice.

"You must be happy to be home huh," he grinned, deciding not to push the other subject.

"I am now," I said fidgeting awkwardly.

"Oh by Senju's saggy tits, she's precious!" Nami said grabbing me from the side and squishing me against her chest.

"Kami woman, you have to be the most energetic Nara I've seen," I grumbled in embarrassment.

"That's why I left that boring old clan and joined the fun one," she said with a hearty laugh. "Why don't you show us the Circle Walk once we're done eating. I want to see the progress you've made!"

"Get me some pants and I'll put on a show you won't forget!"

I grinned excitedly. Oh there was something I wanted to try! I was so goddamn excited about it! Of course it would be the first time I'd try something like this so I hoped it would work and I wouldn't just be flailing about looking weird.

"Eat your dinner first kiddo, or you're going to be a midget forever," Gaku snorted, pointing his chopsticks at me with a mouthful of food.

"I am NOT short!"

I stabbed my meat particularly hard, doing my darn best to look irritated but the adults just laughed. Dammit, why did my baby features always get in the way?!

The table was full of chatter, there were many stories about near death escapes. Everyone treaded carefully on what they said in regard to missions. War could recount some rather victorious and proud moments, but more often than not it sprung up terrible memories of comrades dying and near-death misses. The talk was almost always about progress. How faster you managed to get. That new jutsu you created. The new Inuzuka pup that managed to learn a Clan jutsu. It was always about progress, because that's really all anyone could say to lift up their spirits. Then mealtime was over, and the sun had begun to set.

"Ready to show us your Circle Walk?" Gaku asked.

"Of course," I said, nodding my head in preparation as I flicked my arms and legs, cracking my neck.

I had changed out of my favourite kimono and into more comfortable attire. We walked into the backyard and I could see all three adults watching me expectantly. This may have been casual, but this was also an evaluation of my skills. They wanted to see my progress. I was always competitive by nature, someone who put pride and integrity in my work. I was never going to hold back in any assessment.

"Ready kiddo?"

I nodded, then breathed through my nose, pushing the dirt with my toes as it circled around to my right, and my torso twisted in tandem. The Circle Walk was a footing based taijutsu, with an emphasis on the flow. It felt and looked a lot like Wing Chun, which was made by a woman for woman. It was a kata made for evasion and parrying. Use your opponent's movements against them. Tiger Palm however was a quick blitz like style, made for wild unpredictable jabs of curled fingers ready to tear out flesh, and palms striking vulnerable points in the body.

Essentially, I had mastered fire bending and air bending. I knew I was being childish simply by associating these Taijutsu styles to a story that probably wasn't real, but it was where I had gotten the idea from. I found the perfect way to blend in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. I was going to be the Avatar! A mad grin took my face as I began the fun part of the Circle Walk kata, the part where I used chakra slide to propel myself in the air. I kicked and spun mid-air before using the seals for a D rank fire jutsu that was often used as basic fire release. I pushed the chakra to my feet and kicked out a bout of fire.

It worked!

I went through the extremely acrobatic and aerial kata, kicking and punching fire until I finished the 8th stance and felt my chakra depleted at least halfway. I let out a tired breath before moving into my final stance and bowing. I looked up at the three stunned adults. They looked wildly pleased.

"Incredible, a perfect blend of ninjutsu and taijutsu," Doto said clapping.

"When did you learn how to do that?" Gaku asked, a look of pride on his face.

I preened at the attention, grinning as I felt my achievement push my elation to new heights.

"I wondered why we didn't kick fire you know. We always seem to blow it from our mouths or release it from our hands. I have really good chakra control so even if I don't have too much tenketsu in my feet, I can release fire from there. I still have to mould it with the hand signs though," I said, frowning at the last part.

"Sure it drained a lot of your chakra, but every new technique takes time to master," Nami said ruffling my hair.

"So until you master it in training you promise you'll never use it in battle unless necessary, ok kiddo," Gaku said strictly.

"Fiine," I grumbled. "Kill joy."

"I mean it, I don't want you using up all your chakra. It's too dangerous. Only ever use techniques you are sure you have got down."

I nodded, seriously this time. I could be a brat if I wanted to be, but I had a professional switch and it always turned on when sensei put on that no-nonsense tone. If he said something it usually was for my benefit, so I listened.

"You've got a fine little kohai there. You're making me want a few gakis of my own," Doto muttered.

"A Genin team, huh? I think you'd do good with one," Gaku agreed.

"Come on Hina-chan, we still have desert!"

"Is it chocolate?" I asked.

"Of course it is."

I couldn't help but quicken my pace a little. Nami went to the fridge and to my surprise brought out a chocolate cake. I gaped in surprise, and grinned. Cake. By the heavens above, I was craving something sweet. Stupid war getting in the way of my stupid desires!

"Happy birthday kiddo."

I smiled up at sensei as his familiar hand fell on my head. I looked up at him, which was always a little annoying when he was basically a giant. I jumped up onto the chair and Nami brought out a camera. Oh my god, those were rare!

"Doto, can you take a picture of us?"

The Akimichi agreed and Nami, Gaku and I stood behind the cake, all grinning happily. Doto snapped a picture and it came out of the camera. He shook it and handed it to me.

"Thanks," I whispered, suddenly feeling very warm inside.

I had the sudden urge to call sensei dad and hug him, but I didn't. I just smiled because I was truly grateful to not be so alone in this world. Sure there was a war, and we were all in danger, but I was happy.

"We got a little present for you too!"

"Oh?" I asked curiously.

Nami brought out a green box with a little blue ribbon on it. I pulled the ribbon apart and opened it to see gloves. Khaki green gloves with metal studded on the knuckles and the palm. I traced it with wide eyes.

"Its chakra reinforced," I said in wonder.

And it wasn't cheaply reinforced either. It was some good quality chakra. This must have been expensive. Apparently, my observation didn't go unnoticed.

"How did you notice?" Nami asked, giving me a curious look.

"I just knew... aren't I meant to know?" I asked.

"You can sense chakra in objects?"

"Yeah in everything with chakra, like trees and animals too. Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, but how far exactly can you sense?" sensei prodded.

"Only as far as I can see," I shrugged.

"So a mild chakra sensor huh? I can't believe I didn't see it before," Gaku snorted with a grin.

"Hey, does this mean I can become a tracker like you?" I asked.

He shook his head and I deflated a little. "You'd need a wider range of sense for that. If you want though we can—"

"—No training for a week, remember," Nami cut in crossly. "Now let's eat some cake!"


Then like the true alpha she was, Nami got us all to sit and talk about something other than Shinobi related business. I indulgently ate two pieces of cake and packed another two for Taichi. I began doing a mini kata with my new gloves, enjoying the glint of dangerously sharp chakra reinforced metal on the ends. Oh punching people was going to do a whole lot more damage!

I pulled out the picture of Nami, Gaku and I, and felt a pool of warmth take me. Life was more than just training. Life was the people we shared it with, and I was proud to share it with them.

I found myself not really wanting to train. I enjoyed running and I spent 2 hours every morning running with Guy, but that wasn't something I could spend the rest of the day doing. I wasn't meant to train. This was my mandatory week off and that meant I couldn't book a training ground. I didn't have a private one either, so I was stuck actually having nothing to do for once in my life. Sensei had Clan business, Hanami was always busy with the hospital, all my young friends were at school and I didn't feel like staying at home with my family when Yua was ignoring me. I huffed as I ate some dango.

What the heck was I meant to do?

I had nothing to do... no hobbies outside of training like my life depended on it, because honestly it did. Now that my life wasn't on the line, I felt lost. An itch to jump back into training was threatening to take over again but I knew that wasn't healthy. I knew how to do things that could be considered a hobby, like draw, read, and cook, but I did those activities out of necessity. I didn't do anything for fun.

Wow was I a boring person? Maybe not— hopefully not, at least. I sighed again as I knelt down and thought about how to spend this week. I wanted to wind down, to find something outside of training to look forward to. Could I pick up an instrument? No, that would take too much time.


The sound of soft classical filled the air. Clear blue eyes looked back at me, soft golden hair highlighted by the sun behind as Catherine arched her back and kicked her legs up in a perfect arc. It was beautiful. My breath was caught in my throat and I found myself still, unable to move, entranced by the beauty and emotions behind every bend, turn and change of pace. This was dancing.

The memory caught me of guard. I felt like crying. Something about remembering was painful and unnatural because I shouldn't be able to remember my past life. It was like the world had glitched when it threw me out again. I sighed, trying to compose my feelings. I could vaguely remember dancing with Cat, although I clearly remembered my preference for Jazz. I had two left feet back then, barely managing to look any good with my better half while she shook her body to the tune and I just shook it in general. That was fun.

I don't think I could bring myself to dance like that again, at least not by myself. I could barely stand the sudden loneliness I was hit with.

"Stop moping around Hina. Don't think about the loss... It's sad but you need to get over it," I huffed to myself slapping my cheeks. "I should probably go soak in a hot spring and stop thinking."

That was how I found myself going to a hot spring for the first time in years. I'd only ever gone one other time before with Hanami. The experience had been odd. As a child I wasn't expected to show any form of embarrassment about being butt naked. The older women too didn't wear anything as they got into the water. I was pretty sure even the Japanese back in my previous life wore towels in, but apparently this world was a bit freer with bodies. Women and men often were fine being seen naked around their own genders.

I tried not to look of course. It felt a bit wrong on my end because not only was I a kid, but I was also a 35-year-old woman who was attracted to other women. I paid up the front desk for my time there and went to the changing room before unwrapping my hitaite, folding my clothes and putting them in my assigned locker. I jumped into the shower, glad no one else was here before scrubbing myself clean and making my way into the hot spring.

Steamy air hit my face, burning my nostrils and eyes for a second before I took a moment to adjust to the sensation and sight. It was a pleasant view. Light brown rocks surrounded the steaming clear water and bamboo surrounded most parts of the tall wall. There were already two women, probably in their 30's sitting in the water chatting with each other. I tried not to look about self-consciously as I walked to the water. They sent me curious looks. I didn't blame them. Normally 6-year-old girls weren't as toned as me, or had as many scars as me, or even came to a bathhouse without supervision.

I dunked myself in the water, glad that it came up to my neck because of my height as I sat down. It burned nicely. I was feeling rather calm and I decided to spread out my chakra sense out of curiosity. Gaku-sensei said I was a sensor, if not a very weak one. Every Shinobi was a bit of a sensor, but they had to actively train in it to be any good or to even sense their own chakra. Doing it on my own without any thought meant it was possible to expand my senses.

So far, I could sense about 100 meters away. It wasn't much, just a basic line of sight kind of thing, but it could mean a lot if an ambush were to happen. A split second's notice could mean the difference between life and death in the field.

I pushed out my chakra and I tried to concentrate past the walls. I could feel the receptionist ambling around, a few men on the other side and... a man kneeling outside just behind the wall. 2 minutes and he still wasn't leaving. A peeper? I blushed furiously, dunking my whole body into the water as I blinked in embarrassment. Oh Kami, why would anyone want to peep on me? I was a kid! I pulled my head out after losing my breath and then I turned my eyes to the other women in the hot spring with me. Oh right— there were actual women here with rather big breasts.

Dammit don't look!

I averted my eyes before jumping out of the water and running across the water's surface, startling the women. Oh right civilians didn't often see water walking. I didn't mind them though, as I made my way to my assigned towel. I spun it around me before startling the women again, leaping onto the wall opposite them and jumping straight onto the peeping-toms head.

"Bastard don't spy on naked women!" I shouted.

I jumped off the man, adjusting my towel again and thanking Kami that it basically draped over my whole body. The man muttered an "ita ita", as he stopped his bleeding nose. Paper sprawled everywhere and ink was spilling out. That's when I remembered his iconic face, that striking long white hair, and the pervy character before me suddenly had a name. Jiraiya! I had drop kicked a Sannin. I would have been horrified if I wasn't so sure he didn't dodge me on purpose. No way would an S Rank Shinobi have not seen me coming so I crossed my arms and huffed.

"A gaki? Damn, I was hoping you'd be a big bosomed beauty," he whined.

So he didn't dodge because he wanted to be hit by a woman? Kink noted Jiraiya, you weirdo.

"It's rude and improper to look at women naked without their permission! Not only is it a volition of their privacy but it's also sexual harassment!" I scolded, face a bright red.

"Relax kid, I wasn't even looking at you," he huffed. "I was just enjoying the female form, and why does a kid like you even know what sexual harassment is? Shouldn't you be at the Academy?"

"I'm not just some kid," I scoffed before I gave him an appraising look.

He was a Sannin. A pathetic excuse for one, sure, but still an S Rank Shinobi... who knew Fuinjutsu. How the fuck did that not cross my mind?

"Yeah, yeah brat now scram. You ruined my research!"

"No, how about I tell those women in there that you've been peeping on them! I'm sure their husbands in the room next to us will be pleased!"

Jiraiya paled slightly before huffing and turning from the hole he had created. I bit my lip.

"I'll let you continue... if you teach me some Fuinjutsu," I said quickly.

Jiraiya paused at that and looked at me with a whole new gaze. His face went mildly serious and somewhat perplexed.

"You know of me then! The Mighty Sage and Toad Sannin Jiriya!"

"Of course I do and peeping on naked women makes your cool factor go down the dirt!"

Jiraiya sighed. "Tough crowd, eh? Ok how about this kid, I teach you some basic Fuinjutsu and you leave me to my business ok?"

"Agreed!" I replied, a little too enthusiastically.

"Ok now put on some clothes. I'm not training a naked brat."

"O-of course," I said quickly, unable to hold in my blush as I realised, I was in nothing put a towel. I jumped back into the establishment startling the women again. I sent them an apologetic look, because well, I was going to let Jiraiya peep in on them and that was wrong. But Fuinjutsu. I couldn't just say no to this opportunity!

I changed almost in record time and made my way back out in less than 5 minutes, barrelling past the flustered receptionist and out. I ran straight to the back of the building and my excitement died the moment I saw no Jiraiya. I cursed my stupidity.

"Idiot, he's a ninja! I shouldn't have trusted him at his word!"

I was going to grumble more about how Jiraiya had outwitted me when I noticed a scroll by the wall. I walked over and picked it up before opening the note on top.

Deconstruct this and I might consider teaching you ;)

Fucking lazy, perverted, sneaky bastard! I wanted to pull out my hair in frustration. That stupid smiley face at the end of his chicken scrawl of a writing was infuriating. I grumbled my distaste as I opened the scroll to see a seal, or at least what I hoped to be one. Seals in this world was made by writing in Kanji and various other symbols. That's all I really knew about sealing. Everything else was a mystery. How the fuck was I meant to decode something I couldn't even get the information for basics on?

Something in me boiled at his challenge though. I never backed down from a challenge. Ever. I curled the scroll back in, face setting in determination. I would decode this piece of shit by this week's end.


My longest chapter yet at 10k words :') It took a lot of reading through to fix up all the mistakes in this one. Thanks everyone for the likes and reviews! You guys are so sweet and honestly give me the motivation to continue. I'm actually about 20 chapters ahead in writing compared to what I post hence why the quick updates.

Review Responses

RileyBlue00- You have to tell your partner your proud to be a nerd! XD Also thanks a lot for that! I actually stress at writing fight scenes, so it's good to know someone likes it! I'm so glad you're enjoying this!

Shadow Wolf 15846- You make me remember why the readers here are so sweet! Thanks a lot! Your reviews encourage me!

Unlimited Cookie Works- Thanks! I aim to please XD

Cwrywn- Actually I choked on some beef XD Yeah, Hina doesn't remember who Shisui is, but she sure as hell is not going to let him get away with any suicidal tendencies he has. Hina and Kakashi unfortunately won't spend time in battle too much, but they are friends and sparring partners later on!

Chillingbear- Thanks a lot for always reviewing! It's good to know that my fight scenes are well written since I struggle with them a lot

shadow patronus- and thanks for reviewing! Hope you enjoy the rest!

alia00- Thanks!