4 - The Emperor

Inside the central market of Secluded City, a group of 20 beautiful female soldiers wearing silver armor with golden lining on it. They were heading on their horses toward the governor's mansion. On their way, they were discussing and arguing if they are in the right city as there was also a castle in the middle of the city. A soldier was speaking loudly "There is no way that this city is Vermillion city!! I mean look around you and see. There are multiple races here!! Look at their architecture, clothing, products, and how happy and friendly they seem. This even better than the capital city!, That trash wouldn't be able to create such a good place. Captain Mareona, are you sure this is the right place?" Captain Mareona said with a confused face "Yes,this should be the right place according to my sister Captain Lila, this is the right city, She said I will be surprised. But, this is beyond surprising. This place is way better than the capital!! Also, watch your words he is a Prince and the favorite grandson of Empress Dowager." The soldier said" Hmph!! I don't believe that trash is able to create or own this place! I think we just entered another country by mistake. We should ask just to be safe. "The soldier couldn't believe it, so she asked a 7 year old kid wearing a golden mask and sleeping on a tree branch at the side of the road with a small golden fox sleeping on top of him. She said "Hey, kid, Wake up, I have some questions I would like to ask!" The kid continued laying on the tree branch while saying" What?" The soldier was annoyed that a kid like him is disrespecting a strong soldier in the third stage of cultivation like herself. She said with an annoyed voice "Is this the trash's city? Trashy Vermillion City?" The kid said without hesitation"No, it's not the trash's city. It's my city and it's called Vermillion City . If you are looking for a trash city then go back from where you came from. Don't bother me. scram scram" The kid moved his hand signaling for them to leave.

The soldier started to get angry at this rude kid, she took her sword out and went to teach him a lesson "You are rude! Don't you think so? You should understand that there are some people that you are not allowed to offend in this world. I will teach you in your parent's behalf to not lie to people and be nice in your next life!!"

When the soldier said those words, the nearby elf shop owner said with a smirk on his face "He is telling the truth. Sigh, why young people like you love to act tough? Lord, could you at least not spill a lot of blood in front of my shop. I have a business to run here.

The kid took a wooden staff from a space ring on his hand, he looked at the soldier and said "Swords aren't toys. Since you took it out, you should prepare for your death."

The soldier had a smirk on her face, she looked at him saying " Hahaha Good toy. But, it's useless. I will kill you before you even realize you've died."

The kid raised his hand and did a powerful slash dividing the soldier in half. The soldier had burned marks in place of the cut which prevented the blood from spilling around.

Captain Mareona had a scared look on her face, the 7 year old kid just killed a energy condensation stage soldier with a single slash, She then saw him with the golden mask and had a weird thought. She thought 'Could it be, He is him'

The elf shop owner came while saying "Sorry for keeping you waiting, Lord Liam. This is the ice cream you asked for. Next time just ask the guards and I will bring it to your mansion. No need for you to come here and ruin my shop reputation as 'the lord's killing place'

Captain Mareona had a pale face and was completely shocked. She tried to calm herself and came down from the horse. She bowed while saying " Prince Liam, I apologize for what my soldier did for you. She deserves death for offending you. I am Captain Mareona, I was sent by Empress Dowager to send you an invitation."

Liam was about to walk away when he heard her, he turned around and said " Ohhh, why didn't you say that earlier. Shadows, no need to kill them anymore. They are grandma's people. Please follow me to the castle. We will continue our discussion there."


While walking back to my mansion, I started thinking about the past 3 years. During the three years, there have been a lot of changes that happened in Vermillion State. I have finally united tribes like Secluded Spiritual Beasts Tribesmen, Elves of Pheonix Forest, Dwarfs of Creation Smithing Village, and Beast - beast men from Black mist Tribe inside the mountains.

The city improved due to the increasing development , schooling system , economy , low tax , and business support . The architects were developed and unique spreading good vibes for tourists and visitors . All the issues of discriminations and racism were fixed by giving everyone equal opportunity , doing cultural meeting , and making social gatherings.

The leaders of every tribe helped into talking with their people about the importance of uniting with other tribes in one city. All of these were the efforts of the three old men. They worked constantly without rest for 3 years making several breakthroughs in Vermillion State developments.

On the other hand, Inside the spiritual land that Liam discovered in the mountains during the trade talk with the Alexandria kingdom, the results were shocking. The 50,000 soldiers of the blood army and the 5,000 Shadow Guards were finally ready . Shadow and Odin did their best to train them which made me satisfied by the current results. The elders which Liam summoned who were 7 dwarves created special black armour with runes for each shadow guard member and crimson coloured armour for the blood soldiers.

The elder dwarves finished building 5 advanced flying battleships that can hold 10,000 people each, and 1 stronger and faster flying mothership for me which can hold 20,000 people. Each ship had defensive and offensive mechanisms. As soon as the elders finished these projects, they locked them selfs inside the laboratory saying that they will be busy building Qi power generator and more interesting things. Venom was annoying since she is my new personal maid but she acts like my mother all the time. She is always strict about my training and teaching. I started to get bored after training, practicing my spells, and learning new spells for 3 years, so I usually sneak out with Nixon and come to Vermillion City to have fun. For fun, I went from shop to shop to teach them how to cook delicious foods and desserts. The shop owner started to be interested in my teachings and added it to their menus. Of course, I got the deal to eat for free. Usually, when I walk around I receive food from women of different ages, which I happily accept. Soon , I became known throughout the whole city and people got used for me sneaking out to eat food and killing outsiders who came here to steal or act tough. All the people from the city respects me for being a fair ruler who listens to them. Also, they understood that I am a strong and talented person which made a lot of them admire me. After arriving at my office, I stopped thinking about the past 3 years. I invited captain Mareona saying " Welcome to my office, Captain Mareona. What brought you all the way to see me?"

Liam's POV

I looked at captain Mareona and noticed she looked familiar. After thinking for a while, Captain Lila's picture came into my mind. Captain Lila was the captain of the 100 soldiers sent by my grandmother for my protection. She is a nice person and useful for keeping peace and training regular city guards. I said "You look similar to Captain Lila. What is your connection with her? Are you her mother? You look too old maybe her grandma!" The worried and scared captain Mareona face changed to an angry one with several vines popping her. She said with fire in her eyes "I am her younger sister I am not old!! I am just 30 years old" I couldn't hold my laugh looking at her "Hahahaa, You are funny. You are her sister indeed. Does your whole family get angry easily? Lila always get angry over silly things. hahahaa. Jokes aside. Why are you here? What invitation are you carrying?" Mareona calmed down and hold here anger, she said " Empress Dowager sends her greetings and invites you to her birthday party next week. She fears she won't be able to hold anymore and wishes to see you before it's too late. Here is a letter from her and the invitation card." After taking the letter from Mareona, I opened the letter. Then started to read Empress Dowager's message

"Dear Liam,

It's been 4 years since we last met. During the 4 years , I have been receiving good news from little Lila about you and your achievements in Vermillion State. I am proud of what you are doing. You are a good grandson and a wonderful ruler just like your grandfather. You might not know, but there is a lot in common between you and your grandfather. If he was alive, he would be glad and happy to have a grandson like you.

Please forgive me for not being able to stand by your side while you grow up. You can't imagine how much I hoped to come and be with you. But, I am old and sick, and I can't leave my palace. Also, I don ' t want others to hurt you because you are close to me.

I didn't want you to come back to the capital because it might be dangerous for you. But I don't think I will last long, so could you accept the invitation and come to let me see you before my death? This is my only wish before my death!"

After reading the letter, I can feel her sadness and grieve. She is a poor old lady forced to accept the fact that her husband and children's murderer is her remaining son the current emperor. With illnesses and poison that hold her from taking revenge, all she could do was watch in silence. She has ways to kill the emperor but he is her only remaining son and killing him would affect the empire's future.

The reason she is so interested in me is that I look similar to the past emperor which is one of the reasons why my father hates me.

I looked at Mareona and said "I will come to the Birthday Party next week to fulfill her wish. Who else is coming to the party?"

Mareona smiled happily when she heard me accepting "You agreed? The empress dowager thought you hated her, the imperial family, and the empire, Since you have accepted, that ' s good. I will inform her when I go back, she will be glad to hear you will come, I must warn you. There are many important guests that will arrive from high rank empires and sects. So be careful when you are there, You can't offend those people."

The Empress Dowager thought I hated her? Why would she think so? I like her, she always sends money and food. She is right about one thing though, I want to destroy this imperial family and this empire. Hmmm, she is a smart woman, it is good that I didn't make a move and waited for her invitation.

Remembering she mentioned high - rank empire and sects, I said "Was it great grandfather who invited them? He is looking for a way to heal her right? I never thought that the old man will come and meet her."

Empress Dowager is the daughter of the sect master of a high - rank sect called Chaos Sword Sect . She fell in love with a disciple from the sect and became his wife and the empress of Estramite Empire. Her father cut all contact with her after she disobeyed his order and got married to the man she loved. That old man hates the Estramite family to the bone. After all, they had some responsibility for his daughter's current health problem.

The people who were invited to the party were only able to lengthen her life span for several years, but nobody was able to find a cure for her illness and poison. Mareona looked surprised, she said "How did you know that the Great Master is the one who invited them? How do you even know about him?"

I smiled mysteriously and said "Mareona, you can leave now, tell grandma I love her and will bring the cure for her illness with me."

Mareona looked confused and she said" The cure? stop joking, How are you . . . " Before she ask anything more, 2 shadow guards appeared next to her with daggers pointed at her neck.

They said " Lord said leave!" Mareona was slightly frightened but eventually took her leave

Liam though for a while and decided it was time to meet his grandmother so Liam asked the 3 Nobles to prepare a carriage to the Capital city of the Estramite Empire where his grandmother was staying and he also ordered all shadow guards to be ready to leave.

Liam sat inside the carriage along side the 3 nobles. Unknown to the 3 Nobles that all 1000 shadow guards where following Liam's carriage.

After a whole day of travelling Liam arrived at the Royal Capital where there was a fat noble boy who said "Stop you peasant, first you have to give a fee of 100 royal coins to enter the city." Liam knew that this boy was his older brother who was born from the 7th concubine of his father and was very arrogant and a playboy who owned the richest brothel in the capital.

Liam instantly jumped out of the carriage and said "I do not have that much money on me right now." and then continued "And even if I did I would never give it to you, brother"

This infuriated the fat boy as he said "You worthless trash, how dare you call me your brother, Kill him." and three arrows were launched in Liams direction but before they could touch Liam an old lady walked in front of Liam and turned the arrows into ice which instantly fell to the ground and shattered and Liam's shadow guard killed the archers and decapitated the fat prince in a bloody manner.

The old lady said "to think such a young boy would be this ruthless but to show your enemy no mercy is a good trait." Liam knowing she had saved him gave a short bow and said "thank you for saving me" and the old lady said "And to show thankfulness and good manners, what a good boy you are." and Liam said to this "Thank you" but then Liam noticed the young girl behind the old lady and when he was about to say something the 13 year old girl said "what are you looking at?"

Liam was astonished with how rude she was but he ignored her and stepped over the body of the prince and went into the carriage and inside the 3 old nobles were shocked but suddenly a portal opened and Lyron stepped out and Shadow came out of his shadow and the 3 nobles were instantly on guard but both of them kneeled inside of the carriage and said "Master" Liam responded with "Find the best inn in the city" and they both disappeared

The 3 old nobles were shocked but stayed silent and got of at each of their estates. Shadow and Lyron reported that the blue moon inn was the best inn in the city.

So Liam eventually arrived at 'Blue Moon Inn' which was a five story inn and entered he went to the front till and gave them a pouch with 10 royal gold coins and said "Empty the inn"

The owner was flabbergasted but nodded and eventually her and the staff ushered everyone out and left themselves.

Liam asked Shadow to send all the guards to their room and called Shadow, Odin, Lyron, Nixon, Venam and Veldora to a table and said "the royal guards will be here soon to arrest me for killing that fat prince so don't do anything unnecessary" and they all nodded

As the meeting continued and they ate food a familiar old lady and 13 year old girl were approaching the inn but when they entered that saw Liam and the rest and the girl said "Move I already rented the VIP room in this inn so leave" this infuriated Liam as he said "Dis you pay? Because I already rented this whole inn for myself."

The girl was stuck for words as she had no money so she asked the shopkeeper to reserve the room for her sick grandma so the girl replied "n-no I didn't have money earlier but you can't do this" and as she was about to continue the old lady said "Enough!" So loudly that even Liam leapt back in fear but the lady continued "Sorry to disturb your time young one" and turned around and when she was about to leave Liam screamed "Wait, I'll give you a high end room if you tell me who you are and what you are doing here"

The lady did a full 180 degree spin and said "I am the matriarch of the snow flower sect and friend of your grandmother and I am going to your grandmother's party"

A few minutes later around midday 100 or so royal knights came in front of the inn and said "Liam Von Estram come out and receive the royal decree"

The lady quickly thought and said "would you like my help?" But Liam nodded and walked forward and Veldora, Venam, Lyron, Nixon and shadow followed short behind

When Liam got outside and the man with a scroll said "you are sentenced to come with us to the royal court to be sentenced for the murder of the 7th prince of the Estramite Empire Slutard Von Estram"

Liam casually said "Ok" and this infuriated the man as he said "kill his servants" and Liam became so angry that he shouted "Shadow guards pave a road of blood to the palace"

And hundreds of Shadows flew past the guards and each lost their heads almost instantly and in this bloody road walked Liam calm as the still water on a summers day

At the same time in the palace a scared servant was kneeling down on the floor telling the emperor what kind of bloody scene was happening outside and this infuriated the Emperor as he waved his hand and killed the servant reducing him to ashes and on the right side of the emperor was Liam's mother who was smiling upon hearing the news.

A few moments later Liam entered the door and kneeled on the floor and said "Liam greets Emperor father" seeing this the emperor was confused but in a manner of seconds regained his composure and loudly said in a booming voice "Liam Von Estram do you commit to crimes of murdering your older brother Slutard"

Liam did not deny this and said "Yes I did because he was trying to kill Emperor Father" this shocked the Emperor for a second and in that split second Liam summoned his golden dragon staff and cast a lightning strike followed by a fire ball and a wind blade as well as an ice shard and a mental needle.

But before they could even touch the emperor he pulled out a silver plate with runes all over it and passed some QI into it making a blue dome around him and all the spells where nullified but the plate shattered and this infuriated the emperor who activated the empire's ancestral array which put 100 x gravity which put immense pressure on Liam so Liam was about to use the strongest fire spell he knew but before he could an immensely powerful figure came through the room and grabbed Liam and flew away.

Liam was shocked for a moment but then said "Hello great grandfather how was your day?" this greatly shocked Liam's great grandfather was shocked but eventually he gave a a big grin and said "Now I know why my precious little gem of a daughter like about you, now call me grand-daddy, okay!" This kind of attitude impressed Liam so he said with a cute yet goofy smile on his face almost perfectly matching his age "yesh, I mean yes grand-daddy" hearing this Liam's great grandfather let out a bellowing laugh which echoed for miles.

He then said "Wait till you meet my awesome and amazing daughter who's heart is as good as gold and her looks where prettier than a gem" and he went on and on and that's when Liam realised how much of a daughter con he is

When he arrived at the Mansion he saw 2 old women each sitting in chairs and a young girl behind one of the women and Liam recognised 1 of the women as the Matriarch of the snow flower sect and her granddaughter so he went and greeted them then he went to meet his grandmother but when he tried to say something he couldn't and just stared until eventually emotions overflowed in him and he ran up to her and gave her a big hug while a few tears streaked down his cheek.

And the old lady chuckled and said "How have you been little Liam?" hearing this Liam smiled and replied "I'm fine, thank you"

And without saying anything Liam walked up to his grandmother and said "Don't move and I'll try to heal you" and without giving her the chance to respond he circulated a lot of his Mana and used the highest ranking Life spell he could use which was 'Diety's teardrop' but it only helped her a little and this made Liam very dejected and angry with himself and seeing this Liam's grandmother was touched and said "It's okay dear, it's not your fault" and when Liam heard this a teardrop streaked down his eyes but then he remembered the healing pearl in his inventory and took it out and placed it in the palm of his hand and said to his great-grand father "get me 5 high grade Mana crystals and I can guarantee that I can heal her"

Liam's great grandfather was suspicious but he still decided to go with the feeling in his gut and out of his spatial ring he took out 5 high grade Mana crystal and handed them to Liam who then took the crystals in one hand and in the other hand he held the pearl, he then took the pearl and pushed it against his grandmother's forehead and poured his Mana into it and when his Mana reserves where almost empty he sucked the Mana out of the crystals and one by one they turned to dust and when Liams Mana was completely finished a golden light enveloped Liam's grandmother's body and Liam fell backwards with all the Mana in his body drained he had no more energy but his great-grandfather catches him and propped him up and them 2 along side the Matriarch and her granddaughter watched Liam's grandmother emerge from the light and she became younger and much more healthier and she had long light blue hair and clear pink eyes.

The granddaughter of the Matriarch of the snow flower sect was staring eagerly at Liam so Liam asked "What's wrong, and why are you staring at me?" Hearing this the girl got startled and so her grandmother said "Sorry Naya is a bit shy but she was hoping to ask if you could heal me Lady Lydia because I have a very dangerous illness which will kill me"

Just as Liam was about to reply his grandmother said "please Liam she is a really good friend of mine" Liam hearing this said "Okay but prepare the Mana crystals" hearing this Lady Lydia took the crystals out but as she was about to pass it to Liam he said "Sorry Lady Lydia but can we do it later because I'm feeling slightly week right now" Lady Lydia started to nod furiously and Liam replied "Thank you"

Liam walked up to lady Lydia and said "We can start now since my Mana is full and I have fully recuperated and can even use my high level magic" and Liam flew and floated towards Lady Lydia and landed and stretched his hand out where lady Lydia put 5 high grade Mana stones and Liam did the same with what he did earlier and this time when he fell back, his grandmother caught him but this time he could not stand so his grandmother picked him up.

When Lady Lydia emerged she was also much younger and had long lime green hair colour and crystal blue eyes. When she saw Liam in such a weak state she felt guilty but when he smiled and laughed saying "Looking closer at you, you look similar to your little sister. I wonder why a strong person like you who have strong people and powers by his side would let his sister suffer and be treated badly? Shouldn't you go and help her? Or are you the same as the rest of Vermilion Royal Family?"

Liam looked confused, he never had a sister. Even in the novel, there was no sister for Liam Von Estram. He asked "Sister? I don't have any little sister. Are you talking about another princess? Was there a new princess after I left? My father has many concubines so it normal for a new princess to be born without the public knowing." Lady Lydia frowned and said " No, you have a sister from the same mother and father. Did nobody tell you about her? She is 5 years old right now! She will be married off next week to Grand Elder of The Yang Sect in exchange with some medicines that help a person perform better in bed with women. I was injured and couldn't do anything and the Empress Dowager was also injured" Liam looked shocked hearing this. He said with eyes full of hate " The trash they call emperor will marry my 5 year-old little sister to an old man for some medicine? Did he think I am that worthless? I will destroy him and that fucking pervert! My blood army is thirsty for blood"

With that Liam summoned Shadow to his side and said "Take 150 shadow guards out of the 1000 protecting me and take them to protect my sister" The others in the room where shocked but even more so with what happened next.

Lyron opened a portal and appeared in front of Liam and Liam said "Go to Odin and tell him to get the entire army of 50,000 men ready to raid The Yang Sect and deploy the Rose Wind Archers with the Blood Army" everyone in the room was quite until 2 suppressing and domineering auras appeared on top of them but it seems that Liam's Great grandfather easily sealed with that and was ready to kill when 2 people came through the window. These 2 were Veldora and Nixon but Nixon was no longer a small kid but was now even taller than Liam and looked like a 16 year old and he was wearing a white sleeveless open jacket with golden lining and white and gold pants with white shoes and his nine tails and ears were the colour of gold while Veldora was the same.

Liam said to them both "Veldora, as the storm dragon king you are in charge of bringing my Sister here if anyone tries to attack her and Nixon as a Royal nine tailed fox you will have the same job" when they both left everyone in the room was flabbergasted because of how Liam bossed those two around even after revealing their titles

What was even more shocking was that Liam's great grandfather as one of the few people in the world in the Palace formation realm knew exactly how powerful each of Liam's underlings were and was most shocked but eventually started to laugh and said "to think my great grandson Liam is 7 years old and is already at the Magus rank and has so many powerful underlings" everyone in the room was shocked because Liam broke a world record because the youngest known Magus was at the age of 16

Liam gave a goofy smile when he got a System message saying "System will give Host 2 Psuedo-Magi tickets now but in return Host will fall unconscious for 2 hours" and Liams vision became blurry and he collapsed

<2 Hours Later>

Liam woke up but felt a little groggy but when he looked to the side he saw his grandmother smiling and she said "I'm so glad your okay" hearing this bought a smile to Liams face as he said "I'm fine grandma but can I be alone for a while" Liam's grandma left the room albeit reluctantly and Liam said to the system "Use all summoning tickets" and a red mist and silver mist appeared in the room and out of it appeared an old butler and a pretty girl with long red hair

The butler kneeled and said "I am a Vampire Duke and am a Pure-blood Vampire please name me"

Liam said "Axial"

The girl kneeled and said "I am the Princess of the fallen kingdom Aldenia and my race is shapeshifter please name me"

Liam said "Viana"

Liam soon walked out of the room with Axial and said to everyone "This is my Vampire butler Axial" and Liam's great grandfather said "Your underlings have a diverse range of races and that's good because they have a diverse range of skills, I'm proud of you"

There she was, a 5 year old girl who was being protected by many guards wearing black when a lady walked up to the girl and said "My name is Shadow and I was sent her by your brother to protect you, what is your name?"

The girl was elated hearing this and she replied "Big brother Liam sent you. My name is Izzy" suddenly Veldora and Nixon came in and said to Shadow "Master told us to bring the girl to him" Shadow nodded and said to Izzy "These 2 will take you to your brother" and so Izzy went with the 2 of them and suddenly all the shadow guards disappeared.

A few moments later Izzy was screaming and clutching on to Veldora's scales and when she got to the Mansion she walked inside and screamed "Big brother Liam, where are you" hearing this Liam sprinted to the front of the mansion where he saw Izzy and said "Hello Izzy" and Liam walked up to her and suddenly started to tickle her making her laugh non-stop then Liam asked what happened and Izzy said "Dragon and Lots of tail fox brought me over here and big sister shadow protected me" hearing this Liam smiled.

Liam's POV

I woke up early in the morning to go out and buy something to surprise my grandma and my little sister tomorrow. During the time that I spent with them, I have found out more about my biological mother and the royal family. Looks like my biological mother have been taken care of my sister secretly but Lily has told the maids by mistake. When the emperor heard this, he started to use Lily as a way to threaten her to follow his demands. So, my mother started to stay away from Lily to not cause her harm.

Hearing that she is kind, innocent , and didn't mean to harm me or Lily, did make me feel bad for cursing her all the time. I heard she is from the main branch of the lightning flame bird family so she should have the ability to at least make her children stay safe in exchange for helping them with finding the inheritance of the lightning flame bird, but she has chosen to refuse the main branch and act cold because they killed her father and sold her to the emperor in exchange for him helping find the inherent so she technically had no choice with the slave mark on her so I will help keep her alive.

My investigation on The Yang Sect has finished thanks to Viana's help. I got the locations of all of their disciples who live outside the sect. So, I asked the shadow guards to take care of them. So, the only thing I need to take care of is the ones in the main sect by the blood Army will attack during the party tomorrow.

Liam went to the infamous 'treasure pavilion' and went floor by floor to look for nice things for a gift for his grandma and sister but when he tried to go to the 4th floor he was stopped by a boy who said "VIP only or pay 1,000 gold and buy a VIP ticket" and so that's exactly what Liam did and after he got on the 4th floor he looked around and bought a necklace with blue gems in it for 12,000 gold coins and a little bracelet encrusted with green gems in it for 10,000 golds and he also bought a necklace with black gems for 7,000 gold coins and spent a total of 29,000 gold coins.