Chapter three: Hindering Emotions And A Wake-up Call

'Jesus Christ man, he has been through a lot', was all Mason could think of; no wonder the poor man despised vampires, it's just a coincidence Mason even knew Dean. Mason stayed with Dean and what was left of their gang, which was really only them." Damn, that's-wow, that's even fucked up for me." Mason says, forgetting about his beans because he was so into Owen's story, and was quite baffled by it. Mason knew it would've been dumb of him to say that he actually knew Dean, and the fact that they both escaped from the prison that they were in at the time. "It's whatever you know? No offense but- I still kinda hate your species. I'll tolerate you because you saved me." Owen said. "Yeah, that's understandable.." Mason says with a sigh. " We should get to that gun shop-" Mason said, quickly stuffing his face with the semi-cold beans and grapefruit. Owen's nose scrunched up in distaste as he watched Mason eat very...animal-like. Hell, Owen still thought vampires were animals. He was trying really hard to forgive and forget-but with something that traumatic, it was close to near impossible.

As soon as both of them finished they discarded their plates, Mason leaving his behind on the table, Owen was sensible and just threw his plate away into nasty foul-smelling garbage. Mason started walking back up the stairs, slightly leaving Owen behind. "Hey! Wait for me!" Owen said, grabbing his coat from the seat beside him before he ran up the stairs to catch up with him.

The two men made their way to the entry-area of the hospital. The doorway was shattered and crushed by rubble blocking the way, so they just climbed through a hole in the wall and out to the streets. As soon as Owen stepped outside he realized this had been his first time stepping outside since he had been hospitalized...and to say the least, he was astonished. Destruction, smog, and fire was all he could see. Owen's eyes went wide as he took a few moments to soak it all in. Trying to figure out why this would've happened, why the war happened even in the first place. Owen looked around and amongst the fire, he saw crumbled buildings with raging fires inside of them, still burning, some of them still completely standing, and others completely destroyed, and not to mention...the bodies. So many bodies laying on the ground, most of them still rotting and decaying, most also just crushed and mutilated. Owen wanted to vomit, he was heartbroken from the fact that war had caused this much destruction and chaos. He couldn't help but feel a wave of boiling anger and rage inside.

"What the actual fuck-" Owen says, not even noticing he was holding in his breath before he breathed, it was like his breath was caught in his throat, he was just in such immense shock his heart was destroyed from the fact humanity would actually do this to something so wonderful, it was all so careless and reckless, he didn't know what to think of it. " I know, it's really quite a shame, it's hard on all of us, especially the few of us trying to survive out here. We call it the no-man's land." Mason said with a sigh, his hands in his pocket as he was leaning against a pole that used to be a speed limit sign. "So- where's the gunshop?" Owen asked, "It's not that far from here, about a mile walk." Mason replied as he started to walk in the direction of the shop "Oh, that's not far." Owen said as he forced a half-smile onto his face, following closely behind Mason.

Owen and Mason made their way through the trashed and destroyed city streets, the streets were cracked, big holes from bombs blown into the ground which had big sinkholes in them, old cars in them from sliding off the road. The stench of dead bodies and rotting animals filled the air, along with the smoke, fire, and smog. Owen was trying to avoid looking in ditches, but he couldn't help himself, what if one of those bodies was Henry? With the seemingly never-ending fires burning, Owen felt like he was walking through hell, no wonder Mason and the supposed 'others' called it the no-man's land. He watched Mason, just observing him. A curious look on Owen's face as they walked together, an aching question in his head. 'Did he have anything to do with the shooting? He did seem a or something when I mentioned Dean. Maybe he knew him.' Owen thought, looking ahead as scratched the back of his neck with a deep sigh, but there was another daunting question swimming through his mind. How has he managed to stay alive this long? Surely nature would've taken its toll and ended him, but how is it five or so years later he was still alive and well? With being completely functioning and the apocalypse? It just didn't make sense to him.

"There it is," Mason said, a smile on his face. It wasn't Mason's fault- he loved guns. Even the tiny shitty ones. Mason thought not a single gun was shit; as long as somebody knew how to work it properly, and how to use it to its full capacity as well as potential. " Man it's been a while since I've used any sort of gun," Owen said, excited at the thought. It'd be like the old days while Owen was on duty, but not almost dying. "We could do some practice if you're rusty," Mason said, giving Owen a partially toothy grin. "Yeah maybe, I shouldn't be that terrible though. My aim might be a bit off." Owen says as the two of them walked into the store.

The sound of their boots echoed in the place as they tried to stay quiet, droplets of water from broken pipes in the ceiling dripping onto the floor. Owen stopped in his tracks, taking a minute to look around, all the sudden hearing a gun load, getting down on the ground as he got shot at, bullets breaking stuff in the store as Owen hid behind a counter along with Mason, both grabbing a gun and pointing, Owen shot at whatever it was blindly, hardly able to see because there wasn't any electricity in the building, and there was now a large dust cloud in the store. "Ow f-fuck!" A voice sounded, " O-ok I surrender! white flag white flag!" A voice said it was high pitched and almost girly, Owen coughing as he choked on some of the dust.

" State your name and business, I won't kill you," Owen says, staying behind the shelf with his gun pointed in the general direction of the mysterious person, expecting it to be a female from the high-pitched girly voice. thinking this person must've been a teenager from the way she talked, and how she sounded. " Brian M-mcloughlin." He says, Brian was curled up against the wall, with an AK-47 in hand, close to his chest, his hands were shaky, the poor thing nearly scared to death. His shoe was grazed by the bullet Owen shot, so a few pieces of the shoe were missing as well as pieces of skin, the bullet grazing his big toe. Owen got up, his gun in hand, turning the corner as he approached Brian, Mason following close behind with his gun pointed directly at Brian, ready to shoot if needed.

"Jesus your voice does not match with what I thought you'd look like- I thought you'd be some skinny teenage girl," Mason said with a laugh. " I-I used to get that a lot, I decided to just get jacked up because of of...r-reasons." Brian said, pushing up his square glasses, cutting himself off as not wanting to get overly emotional and sensitive. Owen glared at Mason before his eyes followed the trail of blood from Brian's foot. "Shit, your foot-" Owen said, kneeling down beside him. " I-it's nothing…" Brian said, disregarding it as no big deal. " You fucking idiot, he shot you- god both of you are complete morons," Mason said, rolling his eyes as Owen took off Brian's shoe, putting it off to the side. Mason's nose scrunched up in distaste as he took off Brian's sock, which was dirty and now soaked up with blood. "Fuckin' nasty man-" Owen said,

Owen's head moved to face the side as he coughed into his elbow from the smell and dust, his feet looked like it had athletes feet, it was revolting, and the smell was just absolutely vile. "Jesus Christ man- do you ever wash your feet?" Mason asked, pinching his nose close in distaste. "Why would I in an apocalypse?" Brian as a toothy smile went onto his face. " It's almost impossible to find any clean water a-anyway," Brian said with a small shrug. "Have you ever heard of 'Bottled' water?'' Mason asked.

Owen nodded in agreement with what Mason said, grabbing a box of rubber gloves that were on the shelf. Owen put them on as he took out the first-aid box he found behind the counter, getting out needles, string, and disinfecting stuff. Owen knew a couple of things of first-aid from school, and from being a cop. "You're going to need stitches, do you handle needles well? Or do you need one of us to knock you out?" Owen asked, wiping off Brian's foot with a disinfected cloth, then putting the bloodied cloth to the side on the ground. Brian had no idea who these guys were yet, debating over the choices, deciding he'd try and be a man about it, he had no idea if they'd actually help him even though they were, or leave him there helpless, and maybe kill him, who knows.

But at the same time, what if this was all just an act? To trick Brian into thinking they were good, and as soon as Brian would let his guard down they'd be like: 'Sike! Gottcha their buddy, time to die you son of a bitch.' So, brian just shook his head. "No, I'd rather stay awake, thanks," Brian said as Owen nodded. Owen got out the needle and thread, using his teeth to help him get the thread through. It wasn't that big of a needle, just a standard medical needle, only three-eighths of an inch. It took a few moments to get the string inside and out the needle hole, when he did, he put it in a tiny knot so it'd stay on the needle. "May hurt a bit at first, try not to move too much," Owen said. Even he felt like gagging when he put the needle through the skin and out. He's never really had to do this, it was either someone else or a medic that was used to this kind of stuff. Brian flinched slightly as Owen stuck the needle through his skin. Looking away because he hated needles, with extreme passion.