Lords of Hell (Part 1)

"you shall now be know as... Pluto!" I say with a smile Pluto my new Cerberus barks in delight all three heads. Cool...Wait, WHAT!?! That's not okay but I guess nothing I can do about it. Ah well. Now to get back to the city and set the next part of my plan into motion. I jumped on Pluto's back and raced off towards the fallen city or grave yard. After all the final pack was dead this hound I'm on had killed them all. As I arrived back at the grave yard I saw construction starting on a wall around the grave yard. Temporary fortifications where necessary for us to survive. I jumped off Pluto and left him with the pixies and other tamed hounds. opening my stats on the way to the castle I saw something interesting.


Angels_ Soldier

Species: Fallen Angel

lvl: 5 EXP: 0/800

Title: Unlocked at lvl 5. Rider of Cerberus, Favored of Unknown, champion of the fallen, Friend of pixies.

Class: N/A (Find a trainer or fulfill certain conditions.)

CON: 8

STR: 16

DEX: 16

INT: 12

WIZ: 10

CHA: 11


Huh... I'm gonna have to examine those titles later. Anyway I put my stat points into my charisma and wisdom so magic is easier and convincing people is also easier to do and good thing I did cuz when I entered the hall they where talking with Lucifer about how to remove all of the graves at this I frowned. Coughing to draw attention I said, "Excuse me but I must ask why must they be removed?" At this the pixies almost laughed before saying, "Because they are in the way of construction." I shook my head, "They are also important pieces of history. This places history, They should not be removed they should be renovated and re-carved so as to remember all those who died because of the hate our race faces. So WE as a race can remember them and draw strength from our ancestors. Would you rid me and mine of our right to that?" "Indeed the boy is right. Build a shrine to the only lord of hell that allows our souls rest and we may help the generations of the future my lord." Lucifer's eyes widened, "How did you speak to the dead of my...No our city?" A thought hit me and a smile was brought to my face.

"Pluto. I'm betting the name of the Hell lord whose favor I gained bears this name that or he likes something bearing that name." I say with a grin. Lucifer nods, "Hell does not have many lords some older than others. Among the dozen lords three are the ancient lords or originals. These three only two are known to bear names. Satan and Orion these two lords gave power to the other lords but the third lord not forgotten but not worshiped simply because he does not wish to be involved in the politics of mortals thus his name has long been lost to time. It's said he rules the furthest depths of hell. In fact we are upon the edge of his territory." Lucifer looks at me. "And if you have gained his favor then you may yet be allowed to gain admittance to his realm. Maybe even gain his protection for our city. But you are right. The graves must stay. As they are memory's of past defeat, Something we can not and will not allow to happen again." AH! Before i forget. "I might have a way to release you."

A few minuets later I was standing with around forty hell hounds including the tree living alphas and Pluto. All chained up to a single link in one of the chains. "On my count," I said to Pluto as he was in the front, "Three, Two, One... PULL!" and with a mighty heave and a groan the chain snapped. the other soon followed suit. Lucifer rolled his shoulders. "Ah it feels nice to flex the old wings." And with a grin he said, "Thanks for freeing me lad and reminding me of the importance of the past. I had three Great friends once. Azazel a master artisan. Harut, A arch-mage last I saw of him. Nakir, A master of arms, no matter the weapon he could kill 100,000 arch angels in close combat. They were my brothers, my family. non where killed they live some where." I suddenly interrupt saying, "I may know where one of them is Azazel Is in the demon city, "Devil's Valhalla" He contacted me through remote viewing I suppose you could say." Lucifer looked at me and nodded, "Then you should go save him as soon as possible. After all a good artisan can spell the difference between defeat and victory." He's right problem is getting in that city. And getting him out. "Indeed but first I must grow stronger."

(Hiiiisssss) With a soft hiss the VR capsule pops open and a young man sits up inside it. Unbeknownst to him the developers of the game where talking about him a lot and so was every one else. Arthur might've forgot that he was streaming but for sure he was fighting at a high level the entire time. Not only that but he was completing High level quest as easy as if it was a rank 1 quest in the over world. Everyone had lost their minds. His account went from 0 Subs to over 10,000 in one session. I got in the capsule At around 4 pm it's now 8 pm. The time in game passes faster than time in real life. I checked my bank balance and was shocked just from those four hours of game play I earned over 10 grand. Not to mention that's just from stream donations. Not my sponsorship. Like holy hellhole in a fiery shit swamp.