The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was the light. The light pouring into the dark, fleshy tunnel I was in.
Ah. I'm being born. Well, that's the conclusion I came to when my head came into the world. I could see the midwife who was delivering me. I narrowed my eyes at her and on instinct alone I practically projected my thoughts to her.
Not through telepathy. Nothing fancy like that. I just made her instincts understand me.
I made them understand, that if they messed up delivering me...I'd tear her apart. My own instincts told me that this was the correct cause of action. They also told me that I was...superior to this woman delivering me. I was just better than her. Nothing else to it other than it being a factual statement.
She flinched and I saw a sheen of sweat instantly cover her brow but she didn't mess up. Though it was more like her body wouldn't allow her to mess up because of the instinctual threat I sent her.
She gently pulled me out and passed me to my mother. My mother looked at me and seemed to feel the same instinctive fear. Though she didn't shy away like the midwife. This made me feel a modicum of respect for her. She was worthy of it.
Even though I'd just been born, I could already move my arms, so I maneuvered myself out of the weakened arms of my mother and began to feast myself on the milk she produced.
I needed this liquid for my growth. That's what my instincts told me.
. . .
"Yujiro! Breakfast is ready!" I heard mother shout so I stopped my exercise and took off the weighted anklet and wrist bracelets, letting them drop to the floor with dull thuds that shook my room. It had been 6 years since I was born into this world. 6 years of learning where I was and training. I don't remember much of the reincarnation process I seemed to have gone through but I do remember my last life.
Well, I say remember but it's more like important snippets. Though I got the picture.
I was a weakling. I was pushed around and used as a doormat. So much so that even thinking that that person used to be made me sick. It made me disgusted. It's why I trained so hard until now, actually.
So I never become like that 'thing' ever again.
Though those memories brought much more useful information than my past self being weak - it gave me information on where I was.
I was born to a rich family, though sadly as a bastard - my father was no where to be seen when mother was pregnant, so no marriage could be forced. Though I care very little for where I stand in my family in all honesty. The reason for my family's riches? It's a hero family. They'd produced innumerable amount of B-Rank Heroes, dozens of A-Rank Heroes, and a few S-Rank Heroes. This brought in a lot of opportunities.
I care very little for being a hero. The idea seems stupid to me - protect the weak? Heh, not on my watch. The weak deserve a chance to grow on their own.
...But when I learned that Heroes fight monsters that can destroy cities; something inside of me began to burn. Something violent and extreme. Something that wished to fight, and crush, and kill, until I could stand at the top of the food chain. Until I was the strongest creature. So that, plus the disgust of ever possibly being weak, was why I began to train.
Not so I could protect people. But so I could fulfill my own desires.
Anyway, back onto which world I'm in.
You see, the family I belong to, The Kayama Clan, have their main base in a city called Z-City. There was only one place in my memories which followed such a weird naming sense for their cities: the One Punch Man world.
Catching my new appearance from the corner of my eye as I went to leave my room, I stopped and inspected the dark red eyes looking back at me. I had wild red hair and sharp, fierce eyebrows. I'd say I had handsome features but they were definitely...intimidating. But maybe that was my aura? Even when people couldn't see my face, they got put on edge by my very presence.
Whatever, I'm getting off topic.
My appearance, my unique physiology...they all remind me of one person. Yujiro Hanma. It's a bit too much of a coincidence that I was born the same way he was - being fully aware of the whole process. I even had his name. Just not the Hanma part.
Walking out of my room, I felt the distinct lack of durability and strength of the floor compared to my room...but I soon adapted and began to walk down the hallway to the dining room.
Mother and I didn't live with the others of the Clan - we lived in a guest house a few city-blocks away. Something about not wanting a bastard to live with their purebloods or whatever weaklings say nowadays. Though we're still looked after quite well seeing as mom is one of the direct descendants of the clan patriarch. What I mean is that she's his daughter.
So no matter how angry he is with her, he still looks after her and by proxy, myself. His connections with the hero association are where I got the super dense and heavy weights I wear to do my morning warm-ups.
Entering the dining room I saw a red-haired woman placing piles of food onto the table in the middle of the room.
Her red-hair was like mine but unlike the harsh red eyes I had, her's were a mellow light green. Like jade, if I had to describe it. "Mother," I greeted as I placed myself on the table before digging into the food in front of me. My physique naturally required a lot of nutrients, and with the consistent workouts I put it through? It requires even more than usual.
"I heard the bangs upstairs, Yujiro - how are the weights I got for you?" she asked, sitting down at her usual chair and digging into her own food. Albeit much more politely than I was.
"Alright," I concisely answered before swallowing a few slabs of protein dense meat, "They're getting too light, though. They barely work my muscles anymore. Get me some heavier ones. Increase the weight by 15 times and get a vest for me to wear," I said before eating even quicker.
Despite my rudeness, my mother's eyes didn't show discontent, only pride, "Haha~!" she chuckled like some kind of old man before ruffling my hair, "You're truly getting strong at a terrifying speed, Yujiro. Though you didn't forget what today is, did you?" she asked as she finished her second plate of eggs and bacon.
...I didn't get my appetite just from the Hanma bloodline, it would seem.
Sighing, I glared at her ruffling my hair - if it hadn't been my mother and someone I respected, I'd have ripped her hand off. But I closed my eyes and denied that instinct. I may have the Hanma bloodline, I may look like him, but I'm not Yujiro Hanma. I won't become like him either. Too much, anyway. I am my own person.
"...I remember that I have school today, yes. Though as we agreed, I will only go for a year before I take the tests to graduate. Same with Middle School," I said before turning to meet eyes with her across the table, "Do not make this interrupt my training," I barley held back the impatience and sharpness in my voice but she didn't seem to mind anyway and just smiled. You may not see it from the way she looks like a normal, albeit very beautiful, housewife, my mother is an S-Class Hero. Or at least equivalent to one.
I don't know what I'd be equivalent to right now but I know I can't beat her in a match of pure strength. Though I can say for sure that when I'm fully grown, I will.
I'm only 6 and yet I can force her to use a quarter of her strength. At least that's the reading I got from how tensed her muscles were whenever we clash.
Pushing such useless thoughts out of my mind, I began to eat again, thinking about how I should train when I get back from school. How to train more efficiently. How to better my results. How to become stronger. That's all that went through my head. Even after I finished eating and was in the shower. Even on the way to school.
Even as I introduced myself to the class.
The thing that brought me out of my thinking was a smiling popular kid who was pointing at a child and saying that they were the monster in their game. The so-called monster kid had long silver hair that spiked upward in two large prongs. His yellow eyes were full of indignation and anger for the smiling popular kid.
Seeing this I smiled savagely. That silver-haired kid...I knew he could be strong in the future. It gets lonely at the shouldn't I foster friendships with strong people? And the Hero Hunter, that's a friendship that would never get boring!