Young Memories

Myst would walk into her room hurriedly looked around, what was honestly a mess of a room. Clothes and other objects lay scattered around the floor. While her bed was covered in more clothes, and probably a weeks worth of drink pouches. Or at least, they looked like a weeks worth. She had honestly forgotten how long they've sat there like that.

Looking around her room, she quickly began digging through the mess that was her room. Searching for the weapons she had haphazardly buried beneath a mess.

Eventually Myst would start to find her gear as she dug through her belongings. Putting them aside on her bed, as she continued to dig. Eventually finding a small box in the mess. Looking at it curiously. She would pick up the old looking box, before holding it up to her ear and shaking it. She couldn't recall for the life of her what was inside of it.

Slowly opening up the box, she would look inside and see a stack of letters. And several pictures that had been taken of her, of each stage of her life.

Looking through the images she stopped on one of her as a kid. Wearing a oversized shirt that made her look, well like a baby.

Beginning to shake as memories started to stream into her mind. Grabbing her head, Myst would try to keep the memories, and the wave of flashing images at bay. Trying to not be overloaded by them. Eventually she would find herself falling to her knees, holding her head. As tears began to stream down her cheeks. Leaving trails over her pale cheeks. Feeling her vision begin to tunnel as she found herself being dragged into the past.

To when she was a little girl, huddling behind a dumpster shaking from the extreme winter cold. In clothes that stank from having been worn for the last several months straight. She had been chased out of the warm halls of the subway station in the dead of night. Lessening her chance of survival. From how low it had already been, she didn't even have any food on her to eat.

For it had been taken away from her from the other people in her state of life. Those who were beginning to go crazy from hunger. From having not eaten in a long time compared to her. Who had been running off of not having eaten in the last couple of days. Her last true meal being a few pieces of stale bread.

It was grainy and didn't taste all that good. And it wasn't even the least bit filling either. But it was definitely better than nothing. Or at least that was what she was told by the people in the subway tunnels. Who had made it home better than she could.

Looking up at the sky, she watched as the beautiful snowflakes beginning to descend down upon her and the surrounding ground. Beginning to make her feel colder and colder. As she shivered pulling her legs closer to herself trying to conserve how warm she stayed. Which was harder for her to do since she had lost way more weight than she could afford to do so.

Slowly standing up she looked around as she began to look into the dumpster that she had been hiding behind. Searching for something that was quite edible for her. Or at least more filling for her than the moldy pieces of bread. Looking through she was finding maggot ridden hamburger bags full of maggots that had gotten to the hamburgers before she could. Biting her lips she felt her hunger getting worse as she continued, to dig through trying to find what she could to at least eat and satiate a small level of her hunger. Continuing to dig, she would eventually find some food that the maggots hadn't gotten to yet. And was still considerably fresh considering the state of other foods in the dumpster. She would begin to wolf it down as the taste hit her hard. Causing her to begin to gag upon the food. Fighting through it she found herself swallowing it down anyway.

As she ate it, she would find her attention taken away as she heard the jingling of keys on a key chain. As she looked up to the two strangers who were approaching her as she ate her food. Chewing her food she would tilt her head slightly as she looked up at them.

"Well aren't you a tiny little thing." The Irish accent of the man before her would say. "You look like you need a proper place to stay and eat."

"Do you want to come with us and come to a safe place?" The woman next to him would ask kneeling down in front of the young girl. Holding out her hand with a bright smile on her face. She looked so nice, and smelled like lilacs. A scent that sadly reminded her of her mother as tears began to build up in the eyes of the young child.

Slowly nodding she would hold out her hand and grab the hand of the woman before her. Who would go from a tender look on her face. To a look of pure evil. Almost as if her intent was to trick the young girl.

Going to let out a yelp Myst would find herself being whisked away from where she was, and found herself being thrown into the back of a black van.

"Let me go!" Little Myst would find herself yelling as she thrashed about trying to push her way towards the exit. As she ended up being bashed across her head by the mans fist. Her vision beginning to dim from the force of the impact on her cranium. Hitting the ground hard she would begin to sob feeling freezing cold tears begin to streak down her cheeks. As the last bit of daylight she saw being stripped away by two pitch black doors. Leaving her alone in the pitch black darkness of the back of the van. As she felt it being rushing along the road. As the last of her freedom. She felt was taken away from her.