Running down the cavern halls footsteps echoing around them with each step that they took.
Aurella had taken up the back once she managed to catch up to Maurice. Who was still carrying the still healing Luna.
Glancing back behind her. Aurella would keep her ears peeled for any sounds possibly echoing throughout the halls. Only to be greeted by their footsteps.
Maurice would glance to Aurella seeing that she was beginning to fall back some. Obviously she had her mind somewhere it didn't need to be. And that wasn't a good thing. Not at all.
"Aurella! You need to focus on here and now! Not on what's behind us! This is the first thing we are taught with our training!" She would yell catching the young vampire by surprise. With her voice ringing throughout the hall.
Looking to Maurice. Aurella would nod sheepishly. Though her mind didn't completely move on from the worry that was building up. Myst taking on that monster? Even she could barely keep up with it. How was Myst going to do it? And would she survive?
"Aurella!" Maurice would snap at her once more. "Stop thinking about it!"
"It's not something I was trained to do Maurice!" Aurella would admit sheepishly. "I never got trained with my brothers. I was just schooled..."
Hearing those words leave her lips. It amazed Maurice just how well she was holding up. Even with her injuries seeming to have held up.
"You seriously never took any combat training?" Maurice would ask completely shocked.
"Only thing close to it was the magic lessons. That I was never seeming to grasp until now..." she would say thoughtfully almost as if she was missing a detail.
"So this event was the catalyst to getting you to learn your abilities.." Maurice would mutter in a low tone. Before looking up and taking notice of the new cavern opening up before them. It looked like the others she rushed through previously. Except for the addition of a door all the way at the opposite end.
Generating a fireball into her hand. Aurella would allow the flames to breathe color into the room. As her and Maurice collectively inhailed sharply. As piles of bones were made visible as the darkness was ripped off of the pale bones.
There wasn't just the bones of a small handful of bodies. There were close to a hundred corpses down there. Covered in varients of mold and cobwebs.
Aurella would glance to Maurice. Panic beginning to spread even more through her body. As the adrenaline that was once pumping through her veins, quickly began to subside. And the panic began to take over.
Falling to her knees the torrent of emotions gripped her. Tears beginning to crawl down her cheeks. Her vision narrowing until it was nothing but a pin point. All she could hear was her own heavy breathing.
Taking notice of this. Maurice would look to the girl in her arms. Smoke slowly pooling from her body as her injuries were healing themselves. Glancing around muttering a spell under her breath. She'd feel her senses sharpen past their already inhuman level. Feeling around the cavern for any signs of immediate danger. Which luckily for her. There weren't any.
Which helped in lowering her stress a small bit.
Setting Luna down on the ground Maurice would go and kneel before Aurella who at this point. Was staring off into space sobbing uncontrollably. Tears streaking through the grime and blood that covered parts of her face.
Placing gentle hands on each of her shoulders. Maurice would quickly run through her memory. Trying to recall what to do in the event one was having a panic attack. And after a while. There was nothing that popped up that proved to be helpful. As far as she was aware. Evisceration, maiming, or any form of bodily harm wasn't good for one having a panic attack.
Electric shock therapy could work. Shaking her head as that thought entered her mind. She gritted her teeth in aggravation as she felt truly helpless with helping Aurella.
Since she wasn't physically injured as far as she could tell. There was no need for her to give more of her blood out to another vampire. At this rate it felt like she was donating her hemoglobin to a blood bank. Is this what it felt like for humans who donated blood?
"Aurella. Hun you need to calm down. Take deep breaths not minigun breaths. " Maurice would say gently shaking the girl. Hopefully enough to shock some conciousness back into her.
Instead the opposite happened. Her panic attack only worsened. Her body began to shake even more uncontrollably.
Pulling Aurella into a hug. Maurice tried to mitigate any possible physical harm that might come upon her from what was going on.
"You need to calm down Aurella. Nothing is going to hurt you. I'm here. I got ya" Maurice would say with a soothing gentle lull. Hoping it would help calm her.
Deep within the heart of a foggy swamp. Stood a crude stone structure. With three large pieces of stone leveraged against each other to form a massive opening. The stone faces were covered with several warding runes. Which prevented the sunlight from leaking in through the entrance.
Standing within the mouth. Was a women that wore wolf pelts which covered her chest. And her hips. Allowing for the majority of her impossibly tanned skin to be viewed. Atop her forehead sat a obsidian black crownette. Which had been manipulated to such a degree that it looked like natural grown thorns.
Iradeave would incline her head as she felt a sheepish presence approach her from behind. As the lesser being should.
"What do you want?" She would say with a enchanting lull. Which only made the figure behind her shrink back from fear.
That was the right response for the welp to give.
"B-boris. H-he has been found out" The figure would stammer. Liquid fear evident in the welps voice.
Raising her brow. She would take that information in. Allowing for a smile to play at her lips.
"Good. Things should start to get interesting then. Tell Thrisel to start the preparations. "She would say amusement obvious in her voice.