All the student were going to their lecture room followed different directions, Joyce and her friend were siting under one big tree, talking and gist each other about their life, Her friends are three in number and their names are Bola, Timi and Onida.
"This course, Bam 0221, i don't understand it" Bola complained.
"Me too, I don't get anything at all" Onida said.
"It is very simple and easy to understand" Joyce said and brought a bottle with tea inside it from her bag.
"Yes, it very easy" Timi said.
"I don't get it at all" Onida said.
"I need to known it, because i don't want to have carry over" Bola said.
"Let take a day, so that we can tech each other about it" Timi said.
"May be tomorrow" Bola said.
"Yes tomorrow, it will be better" Onida said.
"Okay than, no problem" Timi said.
"We are in final year now, I don't want any carry over" Bola said.
"Don't talk about it, none of us will have carry over" Joyce said put the bottle inside the bag back.
"Yes now" Timi said.
"You guys know that next week Saturday is my birthday" looking at them.
"Yes!!, we all know" Bola said.
"What are you planning?" Timi asked.
"I want to have a big party"
"Okay, the preparation have start now" Onida said.
"Which place will you want to use?" Timi asked.
"Our house" she answered.
"Okay than, which colour do you want to ware?" Bola asked.
"Colour blue for the shit and white for the trouser"
"Okay, it look nice" Timi said.
"And my brother said that he will provide very thing that we will need for the party"
"That is good then" Onida said.
"Its only the cloth that remain for us to plan on" Bola said. "Yes" Timi said.
"Which day are we going to buy the cloth?" Onida asked. "May be tomorrow" Timi said.
"It can be tomorrow, will need to study on Bam 0221" bola said. "Yes is true" Joyce said.
"May be next tomorrow" Timi said.
"That will be better" Onida said.
"What do you want to use jewellery or bead?" Timi asked looking at her.
"I think I should use jewellery "
"No, use bead" Onida said.
"Yes, there is fine, fine bead in the market now" Bola said.
"Okay, I will use bead"
"Bead will be better, i have one girl that is selling bead" Timi said.
"Fine ones?" Joyce asked.
"Yes, i can tell her to help you to make it" Timi said.
"Tell her, I think brown bead will go with the cloth" Onida said.
"Yes and she will ware brown shoes with it" Bola said.
"Yes, it will make sense"
Joyce boyfriend met them on their interlocution under the tree, his name was Olu put the school bag on his right hand.
"Hey girls" he said walked closed to them.
"Olu, long time" Timi said.
"How are you?" Onida said.
"No see, am fine"
"Baby, I miss you" Joyce said.
"Me too I miss you"
"Let go" Joyce said, holding his hand.
"Bye girls" Olu said.
"Bye! bye" Both said in chorus.
On their way going out of the campus.
"I hope you don't forget my birthday"
"How can I forget your birthday"
"So what are you planning?"
"Big thing" holding her hand.
"Big thing, seriously?" Said with smile.
"Yes! Yes big thing" said with louder voice.
"It is the one that me and my Friends were planning on"
"Okay, do you want it to be big party"
"Yes now" looking around the campus.
"So, how many juice will you need and colour of the cloth that you want to ware, so i can take care of that" looking at her.
"Don't worry" said with lower voice.
"Why!! Why?" Looked at her.
"My brother said that he will take care of everything"
"Okay, that mean l can't do anything"
"You can buy the cloth"
"Okay than, which colour?"
"Blue shit and white trouser"
"Okay than, no problem"
"Thank you very much"
"That reminds me about your brother, have he join your father in the company"
"Yes, he will take daddy's position"
"Daddy position?"
"Yes, Doctor said that daddy need rest, so he will take over" explained to him.
"Okay". "That is the reason he said that he will take care of everything that we will need for the party"
"I will come and greet him before the birthday"
"He will appreciate it"
"He have resume to work now?"
"No, on Monday" they entered into the car and drove out of the campus.