Joyfar was in his office, checking all the files on the his table and thinking about Jinali with the interest that he was having for her, put the pen inside the file and rest his back thinking when he heard a locking at the door.

"Come in" door opened and closed

"Good morning sir" Jinali said.

"Morning" he said looking at her.

"I come to collect file for NONO company"

"Sit down" he said with lower voice.

"The file sir" looking at him.

"I said sit down" he shouted

"Okay sir" she used her hand to dust the chair and sat down.

"The first day that I saw you, I have interest in you" looking at her and using his two hand to rob each other.

"Okay sir" Jinali said looking at him.

"Am telling you that I love you Jinali, I want me and you to be dating from now" she breath in.

"It can't possible sir" said with lower voice.

"Why?" looking into her eye balls.

"I have my own boyfriend"

"Realy?" Said with smile.

"Yes sir" said.

"How do you know if he love you?"

"He love me and I love him too sir"

"I want to tell you that I love you from my heart"

"It can't possible sir" shaking her head.

"Make it possible please"

"Am sorry sir, so sorry"

"Give me some days to watch me"

"Am sorry sir, I love my boyfriend and I can't cheat on him, we trust each Others"

"You love your boyfriend right?"

"Yes sir, I love him so much"

"You can go" said with lower voice.

"The file sir" she stood up looking at him.

"Go!! go!! G---o" saying it with lower voice.

"The file sir, I have to do something on it"

"Get out now, get out" he shouted.

"I have to account for the money enter the company account this morning"

"I said get out of my office now" beat his hand on the table with anger showed on his face.

"Okay sir, am sorry please" she ran out, door of her office opened and closed.

"You stay long" Adams said.

"Yes" she said sat on her chair.

"What happened?" Rest his back at the chair pressing phone, she moved her chair close to him.

"It's your boss, he said that he loves me that he want me to be his girlfriend"

"What do you say?" Put his phone on the table.

"I said it can't be possible, that an sorry.

"You don't supposed to tell him that, you will said that you will be thinking about it "

"I can't think of anything, it better like that"

"What did he said when you said that?"

"He said I should get out and I asked about the file, he just said get out"

"The file is with him now?

"No I took it, you don't know me" she smile.

"That is why I say you should have not talk like that"

"I have to tell him the truth, then to putting his mind there. Now he have no that I can't data him"

"But he can do and undo"

"He can't do anything because of love"

"Okay, I heard you " continue pressing his phone.

"Let me balance the account, I have go home before one today because no nobody is with my mother"

"Okay, am coming some minutes"

"To where?" She asked.

"To take a file in boss's office"

"Come!, don't go now leave it still tomorrow"

"I can't leave it, I need to something on it" standing at the door looking at her.

"leave it still tomorrow"

"No I can't, some minutes"

"Okay if you said so" he left and knocking at Joyfar's door.

"Come in" thought that it wasJinali, door opened.

"Good morning sir, no it is afternoon" he said.

"Go back" he said with anger.

"I come here to take the files"

"I said go back now"

"I have to balance the account for today sir"

"Get out now, leave my office" he shouted.

"okay sir am sorry"

"Just hold it, get out" door opened and closed, he entered into their office, Jinali have be packing her load ready to go home he sit on his chair.

"where is the file?" She asked.

"He is just shouting like dog"

"I told you, now where is the files" laughing beating the table continue laughing.

"Stop laughing now, what is it"

"Why should I, I told you is me that known the condition that I left him" continued laughing.

"It okay, I don't listen to you fine, so stop laughing"

Okay!!! Okay!!! I will stop"

"Fine, stop laughing" she took her bag on the table.

"Am going home" she said.

"Okay bye, help me to greet mummy"

"She will hear, bye see you tomorrow"

"Bye, take care of yourself"

"Bye, miss you and see you on WhatsApp"

"Okay, miss you too" door closed.

"This boss is sick because of Jinali and he now shouting at everybody turn himself to a dog, idiot" he hiss and continued with his work, after some minutes he stood up lockef the door put the key in his pocket going to restaurant to find something to eat; he met the director on the way and they exchanged greeting went to different directions.