6. Flower Crown


"The King wants the wedding to take place this month. What do you want us to do? Resist the order of our King?" my father spoke in a low tone, trying to be careful in case anyone is eavesdropping from outside.

It wasn't too long ago when the Crown Prince visited our residence and the official engagement was announced throughout the kingdom but here we are fighting over the marriage that they're planning to push through within the month when it was supposed to be in next month's time, as we have talked about during Prince's visit.

My tears were at the brim of my eyes as I try to convince my father to postpone the wedding but he doesn't even listen to me. He always used the King card against me.

"But, father..." my lips quivered as I try to speak and appeal to him but he only looked at me with sad eyes before he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Aejung. You know we cannot do anything about it if it's the King's order. I was also surprised after hearing they moved it sooner than expected—"

Knowing it was already useless, I walked out of my father's room while I wiped my own tears. I feel so hopeless and weak that I don't know how to cheer myself up. I wanted to be alone but for some reason, my feet led me to Naeil's quarters.

For the past years, she has been my crying shoulder every time I feel sad and feel like everything has been going badly for me. She was always there to make me smile and shower me with encouraging words. She's the only person I can turn to in times like this.

However, the person I was expecting for was nowhere to be found that morning.

"Miss Naeil went out early today, Lady Aejung," Byun said, the person in charge of cleaning the quarters.

My tears literally stopped from flowing out of my eyes after he informed me. Suddenly, I fell anxious as to what Naeil is doing today.

"Do you know where she is?" I asked.

Although I was sad and very disappointed, after hearing what Naeil was doing that morning, my blood boiled in irritation and my sadness were replaced by concern. I didn't spare another minute and told Mino to prepare the chaise and go after Naeil.

That woman, is she really trying to get herself killed?

While I was very worried about her because she rode a sick horse and went on a lap around the woods, she doesn't even look bothered by the fact that she might have gotten into an accident because of what she did!

I don't understand why she is very indifferent with herself. She do things impulsively and doesn't even think about it twice. I've known her for a long time. We grew up basically tied to each other and I know she is not someone who would do something like this, especially when she knows that I'm not going to like it.

But these past few days, I noticed the slight change on her behavior. Though I'm not sure if it was her who changed, or is it me...

"Wait, Aejung! I'm sorry," she followed me after I turned my back on her to go back inside the chaise.

I stopped on my tracks and she did too. The hot tears dripped from my eyes like waterfall. Honestly, I have no idea what these tears are for. All I know is, I am very displeased and frustrated because of her. I want to scold her for making me feel this way, but then, I also don't know how to voice out these unexplainable emotions within me.

She sighed and I heard the dried leaves crunching indicating that she was moving towards me.

"I'm truly sorry," her voice was softer this time. I heaved before I turned around and faced her.

She was looking on the ground with hands balled into fists but she quickly loosened up and released them before she met my gaze and smiled as if nothing happened earlier.

"Mino said you want to take a walk. I found something earlier and I think you might like it," she smiled widely trying to make it up to me. She knows I can't resist her when she does that but not this time. She pointed to the east but my eyes never waivered from her.

I stared at her sharply, closely watching how her expression would change. Her smile slowly turned sour when I didn't move from my place. She retrieved her hand slowly and let out another sigh.

Silence engulfed us. Her mouth fell open a couple of times but ended up saying nothing while I only watch her a few meters away from me. And just like some other days when silence comes and embraces us like this, her eyes wandered around but never on me.

Something inside me started to yearn. A feeling I only felt whenever we're stuck in this kind of situation. A feeling I can't specifically figure out. Since when did I feel so confused?

"But if you change your mind, we can just head back now," she said, hanging her head low.

I sighed in defeat after realizing that I'm forgetting about why I went out in the first place. Though I was slightly disappointed at her, I am more disappointed at my father.

In the end, I found myself walking on the trodden path alongside Naeil and Mino following behind us. The sounds of the birds chirping and the wind blowing were all that can be heard between us. I'm not sure how much time had passed but none of us spoke for a while until Naeil cleared her throat.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" she asked, all of sudden.

I glanced over my shoulder to look at Mino, but he avoided my gaze. He must have told Naeil regarding what happened earlier.

"Let's not talk about it," I frowned and looked straight ahead.

She cleared her throat once again. "You know, I'm really happy for you," there was delight in her voice but when I glanced at her, it was the opposite I saw in her eyes.

I frowned at how she was trying to act happy in front of me when I know she's not. "Stop it," I said.

"Stop what?"

"Stop acting like you're happy. I'm not happy about it either," my honesty got the best of me.

Her mouth gaped open, obviously caught off guard by my remark. I don't know where to put my gaze on after what I said. I'm not embarrassed or anything but I do feel that way somehow and for some unknown reason, I hate the idea of it.

We continued walking silently until we reached the end of the path and welcomed by the breeze of the mid-morning wind. We stopped on our tracks as we take in the view that's in front of us — the green meadow where tall grasses danced with the wind.

The sight was calming and the wind was soothing, as if it was blowing my worries and aches away. For the first time in a while, I felt relieved.

"I told you you'll like it," she whispered softly beside me but when I turned to look at her, she was facing the meadow before us.

As soon as I get a glimpse of her profile, I can't help but gawk at how perfect her features are. From her doe eyes, defined nose, plump lips and not to mention her appealing jawline which I find very attractive ever since.


Does that sound weird?

Her hair blew covering her face causing me to giggle. It got her attention and looked at me with a smile. My heart pounded harder the longer I stare at her.

Another weird thing is that this heart seem to act up these past few days. And I get the feeling, it won't be good for me.

I frowned thinking about it.

"We used to run around here when we were kids. Don't you remember?" Naeil uttered, disrupting my negative thoughts and replaced by the memories I have with her.

I beamed as the images of our young selves flashed in my mind. "Of course, I remember. How will I forget?" I whispered the last sentence as I recalled a special memory.


"What's that?" I saw her holding something in her palms but I can't quite figure what it was.

We've been running around here for some time because she was looking for something I have no idea of. She said she wanted to show it to me so she insisted to come here. I looked around and saw our guards watching us from afar before walking towards Naeil who nodded at me to go to her.

"If this is still one of your tricks, I swear I'll tell father to—" I didn't finish what I was saying when she held out hand and saw a huge beetle!

"Aahhh!" I screamed in horror at the sight and quickly turned on my heels to runaway from her while she laughed and even went after me.

"Hey! Go away! I don't want it!" I said while I cut through the wild grasses that outgrew us.

I didn't stop from running away from her until I can barely hear her laughter. When I looked back, she was still following me but this time, she was just casually walking through the tall grasses but I noticed the thing that she has looped around her small arm.

My eyes squinted as she made her way towards me and even if I can see she's not holding anything in her hand, I still prepared myself to runaway if ever she'll show me another bug!

She smirked when she saw me and I was ready to get away from her again when she held up her arm with two flower crowns looped around it.

"Stop right there!" I said, holding my palm up.

"Why? I have something for you," she ignored my order and closed the distance between us.

As soon as she was in front of me, she smiled and gave one of the flower crowns to me which I hesitantly accepted, by the way.

"I made them earlier while you were picking flowers to give to your mother. Pretty, isn't it?" she boasted but knowing her, she probably has another bug she kept somewhere with her. Sometimes, I don't really trust her.

She forwarded and I stepped back in case she is thinking of scaring me again.

"Stop moving away," she said and quickly closed the distance between us before I could even react. The next thing I knew, she was beaming at me, her eyes twinkling in joy and excitement as she gazed at me.

"Let me put mine on so we can be a pair!" She said and wore her flower crown over her head. "Tada! Now, we're partners!" She giggled.


For some reason, that memory hold a special place in my heart. And for some unknown reason, I can't seem to let it go.

"Can you. . . make a promise?"

"What is it?"

"To stay with me. . . until the end."