
Regina's PoV

The next day me and my sister were on the way to school. Arriving at the classroom we noticed that Issei and Asia aren't here.

Thinking that they were just late I just greeted my classmates. However time passed and they still haven't arrived.

During our break time I look around and saw that none of the members of Rias' peerage are in school. Noticing this I decided to go to Sona to inquire about the matter.

Arriving at the student council room I knocked on the door and waited for permission to come inside.

"Come in." Hearing Sona's voice, I opened the door and went inside.

Coming inside I noticed a few new faces. I even saw a boy who is trying to flirt with the girls. Seeing him reminded me off the pervert Issei.

"What do you need?" Asked Sona as usually we come by here during lunch time as she and Raina plays a match of chess. On a side note their scores are 55-56, with Sona in the lead.

"I noticed that Rias' peerage is absent today did something happen?" I asked her. To the side Raina is getting acquainted with Sona's new peerage members.

Seeing my beautiful little sister, the boy who introduced himself as Genjirou Saji tries to flirt with her. Seeing this I got slightly annoyed and launched a golden toy hammer at him from my treasury.

"Ack!" The toy hammer hit him at his head knocking him down.

Seeing this my sister just giggles while Sona held her head. As the rest of the student council watched this in amusement.

"Rias and her peerage went on a training trip in the mountains." Sona said answering my previous question.

"Why so suddenly?" I asked her curiously.

I can't think of any reason while they would suddenly go and train.

"It's about Rias' engagement." Said Sona.

"Engagement? What does that have to do with them training?" I asked her confused.

"Well you see Rias is engaged to a man called Riser Phenex the 3rd son of the Phenex Family. A pure blood noble devil. The engagement was an agreement betweeb the two houses to create more pureblood devils in the underworld. You see during the gretr war many pure blood devils were lost. Although our population can be recovered through the peerage system however the pure blood devils cannot. So a lot of pure bloods are afraid of losing their power and standing especially with powerful pureblood devils slowly filling the ranks." Said Sona explaining to me the situation in the underworld.

"Lemme guess, Rias doesn't want to be married to this Riser Phenex? Wait so how did it go from that to training in the mountains?"

"With the agreement between the two houses breaking the engagement is almost impossible even Rias' older brother Sirzechs-sama cannot do anything about it. So they decided to do it through a rating game. If Rias wins the engagement will be broken off. If Riser wins they will get married immediately." Explained Sona

"So thats why they are training?"

"Yes, Riser has given them 10 days to prepare saying that only Rias' queen, Akeno can even fight them."

"I see, thank you." I said as we gave as we said goodbye before leaving.

"I'll come back later Sona-chan~" said my sister as they will continue their match later.


"So what do we should do onee-chan do you wanna help them?" Asked me on the way back to the classroom.

While I did take a liking to the devils at school even I can't really help much in this situation. Unless they allow outside helpers which I doubt they would allow.

"We can't really help much in this situation. We don't have any influence in the underworld and I don't want to be dragged into their silly politics. Theres also the fact that you and I aren't devils. We are humans and even we have that accursed heritage."

I replied back. The only thing we could help then with is training. Thats if they would want our help.

Hearing my reply she felt a bit down. Seeing this I gave out a sigh.

"I'll ask Rias if she needs help with training." I said to which she smiled at me.


True to my words I contacted Rias through the phone asking if she needs help to which she asked me to help train Issei and the others as they were more of a mage type than a close combat time. Kiba uses a sword while Koneko relies on brute force. Issei has too many openings and is also a melee fighter with the boosted gear. Asia is better left off with my sister training her.

Hearing her request I agreed and decided to help train them.

"So should we ask Yun Yao and the others to also help?" Asked my little sister.

I can train Kiba in the sword on my own as Its one of my main fighting style.

Koneko can be left to Yun Yao as she also uses a similar approach of using her body. She can teach Koneko to better control her body and fight better.

Asia and Akeno can be left to my sister as she is an expert at magic.

Liliane would have been perfect for teaching Rias as she is a pure blood devil as well. Though I'm hesitant to let them meet her as she came from the old satan faction in the past.

Nanashi is perfect for Issei as her fighting style consists of striking at her opponents weak point and openings with extreme speed. She would force Issei to respond and make less mistakes.

I can make them sign a geass contract to not talk about us and keep the training a secret. That would solve most of our problems. The issue is will they accept?