
Regina's PoV

Hearing what I said the man had a cramp smile.

"... Jou-chan what?"

"Ah sorry its just that I saw you 'inspecting' some 'art' earlier in the shop." I said using some of the words he described the 'art' earlier.

Hearing me say that his smile twitched a bit, he then turned his attention to the thugs.

"Stay out of this!" One of the tried to grab his collar as he dodged and trip the guy.

"You bastard!" Another punched towards him as the pervert caught her arm and kneed him in the stomach.

Seeing this the other thugs also attacked and got beaten up.

He is pretty skilled. Is he practicing sone martial art?

After that he scared off the thugs from earlier and now was trying to explaining to me 'art'.

"Jou-chan, im telling you I am not a pervert."

"Sure..." I replied still skeptical.

This went back and forth as he eventually he just gave up and put his hand to his head.

"I give up." He said.

Hearing this I let out a chuckle. Seeing this he knew I was teasing him.

"You..." He had a tired expression on his face when he saw me teasing him.

"Im Regina, Whats your name uncle?"

Hearing me call him Uncle he once more had a twitching smile. He then thought of something and wanted to tease me.

"Ne... Regina-chan you want to know my name?" He asked with a teasing smirk. Seeing that smile annoyed me a bit.

"Not really, I'll just call you uncle..." I told him while a little annoyed at the look on his face.

"Wa... Wait Regina-chan I'll tell you! I'll tell you!" Hearing that he panicked for a bit before trying to tell me his name.

"Nah its fine, I'll just call you uncle." I told him. Seeing this he just gave up and went with it.

"Ah right, Uncle I'm heading out for lunch wanna come? I'll treat you as thanks for helping me."

Although I could have handled it alone, he did help me so I should at least treat him lunch.

"Sure, where do you wanna go?" He asked me.

"I was planning on looking for some restaurants but those guys came and bothered me. Do you know any place?"

Thinking for a bit. He thought of somewhere and took me.

"Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise." He then thought of something and asked me,"your fine with anywhere right?"

"Yeah should be fine." I told him. I don't mind even if the restaurant is expensive. I have a lot of money and we sisters rarely use them.  As such they are just accumulating in my bank account.

After a while we arrived at a restaurant called 'Cafe Stile'

"Cafe Style? Its a maid cafe..." I then looked at the sign and muttered

I then noticed that it was a maid cafe and turned to him with a questioning expression.

"What? The food is delicious and its interesting here."

I'll take that I guess... For now...

We then entered the cafe and were greeted by a little girl.

"Onii-chan, Onee-chen welcome~"

Seeing the little girl I looked at Uncle with disgust. Uncle who noticed my stare immediately denied it.

"Wait!!! Im not into little girls!" He denied.

I just kept staring at him. This time grabbing my phone

Uncle Seeing this yelled out.

"Im really not!"

"Fine, I'll believe you this time Uncle." I told him trying hard not to laugh.

We then got a seat for two people. Looking around I saw that the waitresses were doing some characters. One was a Sadist, another was a tsundere, an onee-san, an idol and the imouto type that greeted us earlier.

"You really have a diverse range of taste." I told him looking around.

"Im not a lolicon! I keep telling you." He said, misunderstanding what I meant.

I didn't bother trying to correct him as his expressions are quite fun to watch.

As expected Its quite fun to tease him.

"Ok, ok. Lets just order." I told him.

After eating at Cafe Style we went around looking at the different stores in Akihabara.

Uncle introduced me to the new anime this season and we seemed to click together as we talk about different animes.

"Hey have you heard of 'date a spirit'?" I asked him.

"Oh that one where the main character seals the spirit girl's powers. Yeah their powers are interesting. Especially the villains who could match them with technology. Though I find that part ridiculous."

"Have you watched 'Doratora' ? " He asked me.

"Yeah I have, it was a nice show and I find you and the MC have some similarities." I told him.

"What?! Does my eyes look scary?" He asked startled.

"No, your both lolicons." I teased him.

"I keep telling you im not!"

As we walked we noticed an internet cafe. With a poster on it. It shows a poster that has a name 'GLORY'.

"Hmm? Have you played glory?" He asked me

"Yes, I have played before. It was pretty nice."

"Lets play?" He said pointing at the internet cafe.

"Sure." I said as I looked at my watch. I had plenty of time to spare.

I took out my card from within my bag. Well thats what it looks like outside but I actually took it from my treasury.

We quickly found two seats and started playing.

Me and Uncle went around and cleared some dungeons. During this period we obtained a lot of loot and massacred a lot of players.

"Damn uncle your really good." I told him. As I maneuvered my character to attack the enemy while he knocks them upward.

I used the Blademaster class under the swordsman class where as he went with a mage class called Battlemage.

"Your not bad yourself. Now lets end these f*ckers!" He yelled out as we proceeded to massacre the players.

5 hours have passed and our last hour is almost done. Finishing up I saw that it is now almost 6pm and I should start heading home.

Me and Uncle already exchanged phone numbers and promised to hang out sometimes. For an older guy he is fun to hang out with.

Uncle proposed to send me to the station as its already getting dark as the sun started to set. Originally I planned to take [Vimana] back home but I don't wanna show it to normal people. It is also rude to decline his offer so I'll take the train back home.

'Now that I think of it, I never really heard Uncle's name. Even on the phone I just labeled him as 'uncle' I should as him before I leave at the station.' I thought as we walk.

On the way towards the station I noticed that the area was deserted. Which is kinda weird and its been a while since we last saw another person.

It was then at this moment that uncle suddenly grabbed my shoulder with a serious expression. I was about to ask him whats the problem when I noticed several presences around us.

They were Fallen Angels... around us. Sh*t! I was too relaxed the whole day and didn't noticed that we were followed from the internet cafe.

A spear of light then appeared and was thrown towards us. Uncle then extended his hand forward and a magic circle appeared and blocked the spear of light.

"Wha..." From the sudden action I was shocked as I didn't think Uncle was also from the supernatural side of the world.

"Rogue Fallen Angels..." Uncle muttured.

"We will kill you!!!" Yelled one of them. "Az-"  however before he could finish Uncle killed him.

"Stop or this girl would get hu-"

Another one then appeared and wanted to take me as a hostage. However golden ripples in the air appeared as countless blades impaled him.

"... so you are a sacred gear user." Uncle said with wide eyes. He didnt expect me to also be a part of the supernatural world.

"I myself was shocked that Uncle was also from the supernatural world." I told him as I impaled the fallen angels with swords from the [Gate of Babylon]

"This is my first time seeing a sacred gear like this. Its also pretty powerful."

"Your not bad yourself, Uncle. Your magic is pretty powerful."

"Well I had a long time to master them unlike you who is still young. Your really amazing to be this strong at your age." He replied.

I also took a sword from the treasury and fought using it, so he could see my swordsmanship as well.

"Keep one of them alive I need to question them."

I nodded towards him and asked, "So they really did come for you?"

"Yes and I want to find out who sent them."

After cleaning up the battlefield me and Uncle went to the only Fallen Angel alive. He seemed to be the leader of this group so we spared hin for now.

"So care to tell me who sent you?" He asked with a threatening smile.

"Damn you Azazel!!" The Fallen Angel screamed as he self-destructed. Uncle seeing this contained the explosion using a barrier.

"They really are crazy..." He said.

He then looked towards me who had a shock look.

"Hmm you alright?"

However my mind couldn't register his question as my mind lingers on the name the Fallen Angel said. When I heard that name I recalled a piece of memory from a long time ago. It was a name I could never forget...

[Hey mom, can you tell us what Dad was like?]

[He was how to say it... carefree and laidback. However he would be serious when it matters. He is someone who deeply cares for those he considers his family, and his a pervert.]

"Your name... its Azazel...?" I asked him slightly shaking.

Please tell me I misheard...

"Oh right I never did introduce myself to you."

My mom's voice lingers in my head. Overlapping as I hear Uncle introduce himself.

[Come to think of it I never told you his name did I?]

[Your Father's name is...]

"I am the Governor General of the Grigori, Azazel."