A Father and A Daughter

Regina's PoV

Me and Uncle Barakiel went to his office. After offering me a sit he brewed some tea and offered it to me along with some snacks. It seems this will take a while.

We casually talked for a bit. I noticed that he has some difficulty bringing up the subject.

"Uncle, just tell me you don't need to hesitate. Is it about Akeno?" I asked him.

Hearing me say Akeno's name he is shocked as he never expected me to know of their relationship.

"Uncle, I already found out about it today when Kokabiel revealed it on the battlefield earlier. I have also asked Father about it so you don't need to hold back." I told him encouraging him to speak up.

He released a sigh and nodded.

"How did you become able to forgive Azazel?" He asked me.

So he wants to reconcile with Akeno huh...

"I don't know if it is the same for Akeno, but me and Raina haven't met Father all our lives so we had some yearnings towards him although we did hate him. We understood that it wasn't entirely his fault and we are just blaming him needlessly just to keep our minds from breaking at that point.

If we didn't think like that maybe we would have broke. It is something I always wondered, but anyway it just takes time I guess. If it was 5 years ago. Me and Raina wouldn't easily forgive him, maybe even try to murder him but through the years we thought about it and deep inside we knew It wasn't his fault and our hatred became lesser compared to what it was. So when we met him it was easier to forgive him."

"... I see." He muttured as he listened to my experience.

"Just give her time and show that you really care about her. Do it slowly, don't rush it as she probably knows that deep inside she is just blaming you needlessly." I told Uncle Barakiel to which he nodded with a bitter smile as he know this wouldn't be easy.

"Well, be prepared to be attacked at least. I did attack Father at first after all." I said the last one with a joking tone. Uncle also let out a smile however deep inside he knew that's also a possibility. Uncle has already know about how we met from Father so he knew what I said was true even though Im joking.


After talking with Uncle Barakiel I went back to my house at Kuon Town and teleported towards Regulus Dominion.

Entering the base I was greeted with the others who came back from Russia. I saw that Alyssa and Kuromi are with them.

"So how was it?" I asked my sister Raina who led the team.

"We have helped the allied forces retreat successfully. However the damage from this attack cannot be ignored. There is a traitor among them that revealed the base's location otherwise they wouldn't be able to find it that easily. They were attacked when they were having a victory party for one of their successful missions. I find it hard to believe that such coincidence is merely a coincidence."

I then turned towards Alyssa at the side.

"Alyssa, next time you guys go there. Bring Nanashi and Schatten." Hearing my words she nodded and knows why I ordered as such.


A few days have passed since the incident that happened with Kokabiel. Rias was suspicious of me and Raina at first due to our Fallen Angel Lineage. We have already explained our story to them in full. Knowing that we met Father(Azazel) after meeting them made their suspicions lesser however it is still there.

There was a sense of awkwardness towards me and Raina at first. As all of them except Yuuto-kun who already knew about us and Asia who is a nice girl overall had their suspicions however it soon faded as we have already helped them quite a few times. Akeno on the other hand still seems akward around us and I still didn't have a chance to bring up her situation with Uncle Barakiel. She didn't hate us as we had a similar past with each other however it is still akward at the moment.

Things slowly turned to normal these past few days as everyone went about their daily lives. Issei also seemed to be earning a lot of income in his Devil work lately due to a mysterious customer which I know is Father.

These past few days, Father also seemed to be moving behind the scenes to conduct an alliance between the three biblical factions, in hopes of peace. We have also worked and cleansed out some of the traitors in the Grigori. Father was saddened by the result as many higher ups were in cahoots with the Khaos Brigade.

We don't know if there will be more traitors so we made a new secret division that is made up of the most trusted by Father that investigates traitors and such. To avoid more betrayals and traitors. Uncle Barakiel was put in charge and we did a background check of the members using a lie detector that was created by the Research and Development sector of Regulus Dominion. It would detect and ring out if someone is lying in the vicinity. I don't know much of the details as it was Ilya and Raina who created it. So far it has been helpful.