It's a Trap! (1)

Regina's PoV

My Father has already went back to his own house to prepare for the peace talks between the three factions that would happen soon.

The next day everyone was gathered at the clubroom. It seems Rias wants to unseal her other bishop. We asked her if she was ok for us to come with them, she said she doesn't mind and would like to ask for our opinions and suggestions regarding the bishops problem.

We are now in front of a sealed classroom that has a tape plastered on it saying 'Keep out!'.

"Why do you seal him? Is there something wrong with him?" I asked curiously.

"He couldn't control his powers so it was decided by the higher ups to have him sealed. It was only recently that I was given permission to unseal him."

"Buchou, what kind of person is he?" Asked Issei looking at the sealed door.

"The kid over here. Is my other bishop. He stays here all day, even though the seal is loosened during night time. If its just in the building he can go out, however he doesn't want to go out and prefers to just stay inside all day." Explained Rias with a sigh.

"Is he a hikikomori(shut-in)?" Asked Issei curiously.

Rias nodded as she removes the tape with the help of Yuuto-kun and Akeno.

"The kid inside has been the biggest earner among the servants." Akeno explained to Issei shocking him.

"H-how is that possible when he doesn't go out?!" Asked Issei in shock.

"Through a computer, the kid takes special contracts from humans. Frankly, it's a person who doesn't want to meet us. Those type of people negotiate in a different way, and make relations differently. They solve things through the computer. In the dealings through computers, amongst the new devil servants, this kid grabs enough numbers like those of a superior rank." Explained Akeno answering his question.

"------Now then, I am opening the door." Said Rias as she pushed the door open.

"Nooooooo!" A high pitched scream was released from the inside shocking us who havent met him yet.

"Good day to you. It's nice to see you all energetic."said Rias with a sigh.


Judging from his voice it seemed feminine. It could also be a middle schooler so I am not sure.

"Ara ara, the seal got removed, you know? You are able to go out now. Now, let's all go out together?"

Akeno said in a gentle voice. Filled with sympathy. It felt like she was gently trying to connect.


"Noooooooooooooo! This place is gooooooooood! I don't want to go outside! I don't want to meet peopleeeeeee!"

Well this is gonna be troublesome...

"Ooh! A girl! Not to mention a foreigner!" Said Issei excitedly.

"Appearance-wise, this kid looks like a girl but without a doubt he is a boy."

Wait what?!

"No no no, no matter how you look at it. It's a girl, Buchou…Eh?Seriously?"

"He has a hobby of dressing in female clothes."

Holy sh*t, Its the famous trap in anime! I never thought I would see it in real life.

"Eeeeeeeh!?" Issei gave out a loud shriek in shock.

"Eeeeeeeeeeek!I am sorry, I am sorryyyy!" The trap apologized in response while shaking.


Everyone introduced thenselves to him(?) including us two and Rias new peerage members who havent met him till now.

"Please, can we go out? Okay? It's alright for you not to be sealed

anymore, you know?"

Rias said it gently but----.

"Noooooooo! For me the outside world is impossibleeeeeeee! I am scared! I am scared of the outside world! In any case, even if I go outside it would only cause trouble for otherssssss!"

As expected this is gonna be troublesome...

Issei got slightly annoyed and picked him(?) up, wanting to bring him outside.

"Hey, Buchou said to go outside-----."

It was at that moment that Issei tried to bring him out.

"Eeeeeek!" He(?) Shrieked as the world entered a suspended state.

"Hmm?" I curiously looked around and saw that everything stopped except the trap and Raina. Looking closely his eyes were glowing.

My body is being bathe in a golden aura protecting me from being suspended in time. This golden aura came from my sacred gear and protected me on its own. Similarly Raina is glowing light blue as ten rings appeared in her fingers.

It appears that the trap's sacred gear does not affect us. Issei probably wouldn't be stopped if he was in danger. Our sacred gears were activated instinctively which protected us from being suspended in time.

Seeing that the two of us weren't suspended in time the trap was shocked.

"Eh?! How come your not stopped?" He said in shock.

"Im guessing you are too weak to stop us." I replied.

Hearing that he cried. Which caused us to panic.

"Hey! Dont cry its ok if you are weak you can get stronger." Said Raina hurriedly.

"*Hic*its not that. Im just *hic* glad I didnt cause you *hic* trouble."

He then explained to us that he was scorned in the past due to his mixed bloodline as well as his inability to control his sacred gear.

"Then train hard. Your comrades will help you with it, Its fine if you can't control it now, you can learn in the future." I told him as we consoled the trap.


"Yes. Being unable to control it now doesn't mean you won't in the future. So believe in yourself."


Time then resumed in the suspended space. Issei and the two church girls were shocked as they had no knowledge of what happened.

"Gasper's sacred gear can stop time in the boundaries of his vision, he however cannot control it which caused the higher ups to decide to seal him." Explained Rias to her new servants.

"If I am not mistaken his sacred gear should be [Forbidden Balor View] right?" I said towards Rias. Based on what I saw and witnessed it should be that sacred gear.

"You know?"

"I have read about it before."

Father has a lot of books regarding sacred gears which we sometimes borrow to increase our knowledge. Some knowledge actually helped us progress in our research regarding regalias.

After explaining the trap's circumstances towards us. Rias asked her servants to help him.

"How about you two?"

"We will watch for a bit." I told her. After nodding she bid farewell to bring Yuuto-kun to Sirzechs as he wanted to hear the details regarding Yuuto-kun's sacred gear.