
I briefly talked with Sona to about the schedule of the training sessions so it doesn't conflict much with their school life.

After planning out the training routine we have invited them to Regulus Dominion a few days later as it is more convenient to train there than going to some mountain like last time. The first time they arrived there they were shocked that it was in the sky.

"How did you even build this?" Sona asked in amazement.

"It will be troublesome to explain in detail, but long story short, we have a generator or rather a core somewhere inside that supplies the mana infinitely while taking from the surroundings as the base flies which maintains the flight, barrier and other functions of it that we designed." I explained briefly.

We then arrived at the training grounds where we will teach them. Once we arrived there I saw that Setanta and Yun Yao were using one of the sparring grounds attracting the attention of Sona's peerage.

"Die! Stupid Dog!" Yelled Yun Yao as she releases golden bullets which Setanta dodged as he dashes towards her.

Seeing that Setanta is coming closer Yun Yao gathered her energy and met Setanta blow for blow.

Setanta's spear stabs were being redirected by Yun Yao to the side. This continued till Yun Yao kicked the spear to the side with her right leg and then quickly turned her body and used her left to kick Setanta knocking him a distance away from her as he used his arm to block.

"Damn you stupid cat that hurts."

"He he, I got you in that one, stupid dog." Replied Yun Yao with a mocking grin.

"I'll get you for that." Said Setanta in annoyance as crimson light gathers on his spear.

"Guess I'll get serious as well. [Balance Break!]"

Yun Yao then went into balance breaker as golden lightning gathered in her body.

"She can do balance breaker? That is amazing, are they also Fallen Angels?" Asked Saji in surprise and curiousity.

"No, both of them are human." I replied which caused him to be shocked as he never expected Humans to be that strong.

"Although rare, there are some humans that are quite powerful. Take Vasco Strada from the church as an example. That guy can slaughter high rank devils easily. He has even pushed back the Cadre Kokabiel in the passed." Raina added.

Hearing that the new devils were shocked and amazed at the potential of humans.

"Humans may be the weakest race in the world however there are some of them that could hold their own against powerful opponents such as Maous, Seraphs and even Gods. Albeit they are few in numbers." I added.

The devils had faces of disbelief upon hearing my explaination especially those that are former humans.

"Unlike other races, Humans doesn't have any weapons that are powerful against them." Ilya said to the shocked devils.

"Most races in this world have a weakness or rather a rather a weapon or something that is weak against them. You devils are weak to Holy Swords and symbols of the church such as crosses and holy water. Some of which you share with Vampires along with their weakness to the sun.

Us Fallen Angels as well as the Angels of heaven are weak towards Demonic Swords and other similar weapons. Dragons have dragon slaying weapons such as Ascalon and Balmung. Gods are weak towards anti divinity weapons such as Enkidu. However humans doesn't have any weapon that are weak towards them. In contrast humans have weaker bodies compared to the other races and is not as durable as them."

I explained as we walk toward an empty sparring ground.

"We have prepared a training schedule on what you will train. Since all of you use magic we will first work on control. Power is good and all but lack of control will cause you to use more power than needed. Once you mastered control you can do things you havent been able to do before." Saying so we gave them some metalic balls.

"These balls will rate your ability to control energy, in your case Demonic Power. They will help you in regards to your control of power." I then picked up a ball.

"On the top of it is a line. You need to direct your mana on the red line as it moves in certain speeds." Saying so I activated the ball.

A red line was moving at high speeds. In each level it increases until I reached level ten.

"[10/10 Wow! Your amazing!]" The ball yelled out.

"It will score you based on your performance and time taken to direct your mana there. Of course there are higher level balls as well depending on your performance."

Sona then tried to do it for the first time.

"[3/10, Are you gonna cry? So pitiful you cant even make it pass level three.]" The ball insulted Sona which caused her to have a tick mark on her head.

[2/10, Are you even trying? If you are thats a shame.]

"Damn you!!!!" Yelled out one of her peerage members after getting a low score.

These balls were created with the purpose of training mana control. The insults that come when the trainee gets a low score pisses them off which causes them to try harder.

"Damn, you have created a despicable object..." cursed out Sona as she looked towards me.

"Well, look at it this way. If it was some boring training method the person would eventually become bored and cause his learning speed to drop however if they get pissed off it makes them want to try harder." I explained to her the reasoning behind it.

Hearing that her eyes widened as she understood the concept of what I talked about.

"I heard you wanted to make a rating game school for lower devils. Just treat them as advertisement as well." I told her as I know she understood the significance of them.

Hearing that she smiled and went back to training them.

"I will leave you guys to train with that for an hour." I then called out, "Nanashi"

Heeding my call Nanashi appeared from out of nowhere.

"Nanashi here will be your next training instructor while you solidify your foundations." I then turned towards her, "Just do the same as Issei's training."

She nodded in agreement.

Last time we were only able to train Rias' peerage for a limited time and wasn't able to improve their basic foundations much except for Yuuto-kun and Issei while the others were just taught of methods to increase their repertoire of abilities as well as some basic foundation training which didn't improve much due to lack of time and focusing more on new techniques to acconpany their own ones. However since we have time I wanted to focus on increasing the foundation for Sona's Peerage for them to be able to fight those stronger than them.

After giving her directions we then left to give them space to train.