Chapter 8

The portal closed the moment I exited. I looked around. Much to my annoyance, I was still in New York City. The runes were only able to trace down the target to a general area. I sighed heavily and started to search. Knowing them I should probably start at bars or anything with violence. Victor more than likely drags James into these places.

I started to use my mental powers to help with the search. I didn't get any hints, but I had a gut feeling I should search in Brooklyn. It paid off as I heard voices talking about how two people are beating people in a bar. I stopped the connection and walked to the bar. As I walked closer, a man was thrown through the window and landed on the sidewalk. The cause was probably Victor. I walked slowly and opened the door. I saw James and Victor back to back fighting off 5 people each holding a weapon. I heard grunts and moans from the people that were lying on the floor. I shook my head. They never changed. I concentrated on the 5 men and made them fall asleep. As they collapsed, James and Victor looked confused.

"Hello boys," I said. Both looked at me with wide eyes. James was the first to move and smiled.

"Lydia, it's good to see you," James said as he came to hug me.

"I missed you," I whispered as I returned the hug. I looked at Victor who was off to the side.

"Come here big guy. Give your big sister a hug," I said with a smile. He looked annoyed and turned his head to the side with his arms folded.

"No and you're not my big sister. I'm older than you," He grunted. I used my telekinesis and pulled him closer to me. He was startled and wasn't expecting that. Once he was next to James, I reached out and pulled both closer to me to give them a hug.

"I missed you guys," I said. I was trying hard to fight off my tears from flowing down.

"Come on, Let's go before the police show up. I'd rather not make a scene," I said. As I made a portal with my sling ring to the forest I usually went to.

"Let's go," I said as I stepped through it.

"What the hell was that?" James asked.

"A portal. I learned to do magic during my travels," I said.

"You what?" Victor asked.

"Let's sit down. We have a lot of catching up to do." I said.

I began to tell them of everything I've done. They were my only family, so I didn't hold back anything. I did bend the truth a bit when it came to knowing the location of En Sabah Nur but I will tell them about that and Sir later on. They told me about how they had fought in World War I and II.

"So how did you guys keep them from being suspicions? Wouldn't someone have seen your face before?" I asked.

"No, we just used different names and joined different divisions. During the war, the people in charge didn't really care much about remembering faces, so it was pretty easy." James said.

"I see," I said as we fell into silence. We just stared at the lights from the city. Some time passed before I spoke.

"There are multiple dangers heading our way. I plan to stop them. I promise I'll tell you more, but I need you guys to trust me. Will you join me?" I asked. They were both quiet for a while. James was the first one to speak.

"You can count me in sis," He said with a smile. I smiled back at him. I turned my head to face Victor and waited for his response.

"Of course, I'll join," Victor said as he grinned.

"Thank you…" I said. I was truly grateful for their trust in me.

"I have a place nearby. Let's walk there." I said as I stood up.

"We have a lot of planning to do." I told them as we started walking. I didn't want to create a portal to get there. I wanted to enjoy walking with them again. We looked quite intimidating walking down the street. I think it was mostly thanks for James and Victor. They looked the same as in the movies. People would just move out of the way and stand to the side to avoid us. It was really funny. Once we reached apartment, we sat down and started talking.

"So, what are we preparing for exactly?" Victor asked.

"There are some dangerous organizations here that have evil intentions. On top of that there are multiple threats in the universe that find Earth a perfect target." I responded.

"Are you saying we're going to fight aliens?" James asked skeptically.

"Yes, there's a lot you don't know. The universe is a lot bigger than you could ever imagine." I said.

"And how do you know about it?" Victor asked. I hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Come here" I said in a low voice. Both looked hesitant but moved closer to me. I placed me hands on each of their heads and using my telepathy I showed them visions of the possible futures. They were short images. I did not want to overload their brains with a sudden influx of information. Once I was done, I removed my hands and they stayed quiet. Their eyes were filled with shock as they were reviewing the images I shared. I felt a bit drained after performing that. They looked at each other and then looked at me.

"What I showed you were possible futures. It's one of many possible events that could happen. We'll need to prepare. Maybe even make a team." I said.

"Easier said than done. We'll need more than a team to fight against people like that" Victor scoffed.

"I know, but we have nothing but time. We don't need to recruit right now. We need to build an organization. I'll start working on that. It would help if you guys could help me manage the business every now and then." I explained as I looked at Victor. He just folded his arms and looked to the side.

"I plan to stay here for a while, but I actually just thought of something you guys can do later. There's a country in Africa that was struck with a meteorite. We need it. There will be other people after it. Use any means necessary but killing the locals is off limits. In the meantime, try to educate yourselves so you can help me with the business. I'll pay for it if it makes you feel better." I said in a stern voice.

'I'll know if you did something you weren't supposed to' I said in their heads to add additional effect. It worked as Victor nodded and James just smiled.

All of us shared my small apartment. I had to get an additional couch so Victor could sleep in it. James slept in the other couch. It was entertaining to wake up in the morning to their bickering. I haven't experienced this in a long time. I would cook quick meals and leave for work in the mornings. Both had keys to the apartment so they could enter when I was in school. I helped them enroll in college to study business management and they could pick another degree when they finished. I didn't mind paying for their fees. I was just happy that I could help them become the best versions of themselves. It wasn't easy to convince them to study but I just reminded them of the visions I shared. Strength by itself would be meaningless. We would need brainpower on our side in order to stand a chance. Our opponents won't always come one at a time. We would have to use our brains to think of strategies and tactics to fight.

Time flew by and the year was finally 1949. I only had a small window where I could find Erik. I know he only stays here for a short amount of time before he goes on his quest to kill Nazi's and look for Shaw. I don't know if I should help with those events or not. I haven't really decided. I think I'll just monitor and watch. James and Victor are close to finishing their degrees. I kind of tricked them into competing on who does better with grades. Their natural rivalry with each other kicked in and they focused harder.

Every day I would go near the Statue of Liberty and scanned the area. I used my telepathy to search people nearby. One day, I caught a voice declaring his revenge. I focused on the direction and found him. I made my way to him. I was lucky enough that he was only a few blocks away from me. I took control of his body and we made our way to the apartment. Once we were there, I opened the door and made him fall asleep. James and Victor weren't inside since they were off studying. I took a moment to breath. It still drained me taking control of someone for so long. I aimed my hand at him and lifted him off the ground and put him in the couch. I began to set up my equipment and started to draw blood. I also brought fluids I could give him through an IV to make sure his body has the nutrients it needs to be stable. It took two days to withdraw the blood I need. It took long because I wanted to do it as safely as possible. Once I was done, I took control of his body and we walked to the same spot I found him. I modified his memories to make him think he never moved from that spot and the day was current. When I released control, he turned around and went off to search for information on Shaw. I waited for James and Victor to complete their degrees before injecting myself.

"What's going on Lydia?" James asked as he sat down on the couch.

"Remember how I told you guys I can get new powers by injecting new blood into me?" I asked. James and Victor both nodded.

"Well I got some, but I need to be in the forest to do this. The power controls magnetism so I need to be far away from metal as possible." I said.

"What do you want us to do?" Victor asked curiously.

"I rented a cabin in the woods. It's pretty deep in the forest. I want you guys to guard me while I inject myself with the blood. Every time I've done it, I always fall asleep and my powers activate and go out of control." I said.

"Okay. When do we leave?" James asked.

"Now." I said as I made a portal with the sling ring. It was easier to travel with this than using my teleporting ability since all it required was concentration and very little energy.

As we arrived, I asked them to remove any metal they saw inside the cabin and move it as far away as possible. I laid down on the bed and set up the equipment as usual. James and Victor were next to me as I started to connect the bags.

"You're going to be okay, right?" James asked with a concerned tone.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I am mostly concerned for people around me. Make sure no one gets hurt. If it gets really bad, try to wake me up." I said as I injected myself and opened the connection.

The blood started to flow in, and I began to fall asleep. When I woke up, I saw James and Victor looking at me. I had only been asleep for a few hours, but the ground started to shake before I opened my eyes. I guessed that the power was reaching towards the Earth to grab anything magnetic and bring it to the surface.

"Sorry," I said as looked at them.

"Don't be. At least nothing happened," James said.

"You guys go back. I'll stay here and practice some more," I said as I opened a portal back to the apartment.

I proceed to take a fork from my small pocket dimension and try to bend it. When I didn't get any result, I approached it the same way I did with my mental abilities. I closed my eyes and familiarized myself with all the energies around me. I began to see all sorts of lines around me. The fork had lines surrounding it in a cone. These must be the magnetic lines. The others I see around me must be the Earth's magnetic lines. I made my energy connect with the lines around the fork and once it merged with it, I compressed the lines. I opened my eyes and saw the fork had been crushed. I was happy to manage to accomplish that. I figured that this power would be like En Sabah Nur. It would take me sometime to master it to the level that Erik does.

I decided to portal back to the apartment after I had good enough control. When I arrived, James was watching TV while Victor was sleeping. Neither of them moved as I walked through the portal.

"Welcome back," James said as he took a sip of his beer without turning his head from the TV.

"Thanks," I said smiling.

"You should take a shower. You reek," Victor said with his nose scrunched up. I lost control of my energy due to my annoyance and the couch he was sitting on flipped. I just turned and headed to my room.

"Lydia! That hurt!" Victor yelled.

"Don't be an ass then!" I yelled back.

"Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to watch," James said in a low voice. As he was about to take a sip but the beer in his hands broken into pieces before he could.

"Oops," I said as I closed the door to my room.