Chapter 10

I looked at my surroundings and noticed it was night. I was in the outer edge of Wakanda. I made my way through the city sticking to the shadows. It was beautiful. The lights were like I've never seen. The movies only really gave small glimpses of the city from afar or focused on limited areas. I kept walking slowly and stayed out of sight. I used all my senses to make sure I didn't get close to anyone and got as close as possible to the main tower. I focused on my telepathy and moved through the streets heading to the main entrance. At that point, it became impossible to continue moving in the shadows, so I had to enter people's minds and erase myself from sight. When I reached the entrance, I searched through the guard's memories to find the location of the vibranium. I started to run now since it was becoming harder and harder to maintain my telepathy. Once I reached my destination, I saw a couple of scientists working on computers. I paused and concentrated to temporarily sedate them. While they slept, I went through all their memories. I saw how they handled the vibranium and their designs. It gave me a bit of a headache after doing that, but it was worth it. I made one of the scientists wake up and download all their designs and technology theories into a device I could later use. I walked to a large window and saw the rail train system they had to transport their vibranium. It was a beautiful sight. The amount of vibranium being transported was insane. They had a complex rail system, but after seeing the scientists' memories I knew which ones contained the most. I located a transport and used my telekinesis and magnetism to lift several containers off the transports and onto an empty platform. Controlling the scientist was quickly draining my energy. I continued doing this until the scientist came next to me holding a box. I took the box and placed it in my pocket dimension. I then forced him to fall asleep. I learned the location of the mythical flower they possessed too. Once I finished up, I could make my way to that location. I continued moving several containers until I felt something behind me. As I turned, I saw someone hurdling at me with feet extended. It happened too fast, and I was hit in the chest. The force knocked me through the window and glass flew all around me. I stopped myself midair and landed on one of the rail platforms. As I landed, I heard something land behind me. I turned and saw the Black Panther.

"It's not how it looks…" I said and paused as I looked at what I was doing.

"Okay, maybe it is, but listen, I don't want any trouble…" I said but noticed he started walking towards me.

"You're going to ignore anything I say, aren't you?" I said as I put my hands to my side and opened my hands.

He didn't say anything but narrowed his eyes as he jumped at me with his claws aimed at me. I lifted my hands towards him stopped him midair and flung him towards an incoming transport train. The train hit him and continued to take him further away from me. I levitated myself to the platform that had all the containers. I felt danger and dodged to the right. A spear grazed me on my cheek before impaling on the platform. The wound started to heal by the time I turned around to look where the spear came from. It took a piece off my mask, but it still covered my face.

"Look can't we talk about this," I said as I looked for the Black Panther. All I saw was another spear hurdled at me.

"Fine!" I yelled.

I knew this was going to exhaust me, but I didn't have time to create a portal with my sling ring. I created my force field and extended it outwards. I covered the entire platform and continued to expand it. The spear bounced off as it tried to penetrate the force field. Then I pumped more energy and a second force field surrounded me. I used more energy to force the second field to extend and surround the platform. I saw the Black Panther try to use his claws to open the outer force field.

"Later, asshole!" I yelled and lifted my right hand to flip him off before teleporting to the warehouse.

I collapsed to my knees and lost consciousness. I woke up later smiling. My body ached from the strain I put it through. I've never tried to use two abilities like that at the same time and then enlarge the radius of a force field. I was still happy since I had successfully robbed the most advanced city in the world. I hope they didn't get any evidence to find out it was me. I also transported the spear that hit me so at least they didn't have any blood. They probably had footage, but it wasn't enough to narrow the suspect list down to include me. They could probably guess it was me if I revealed my powers to the world. I exited the warehouse and made sure everything was locked. I used my sling ring to create a portal to my room and collapsed again from exhaustion.

I woke up after a restful sleep. I took out the box inside my pocket dimension and opened it. Inside were little black spheres and other devices. I knew what they were, but I didn't know they could be used to store information, too. The beads seemed to be used for medical purposes and other communication uses so it shouldn't have been surprising. When I lifted one it showed holographic designs and blueprints of their technology. I grinned.

"Beautiful," I couldn't help but speak out loud grinning. What a find. It was totally worth it.

I stayed in my room for days going through all the information. I only had to see it once to memorize it, but there was just so much to go through. I was amazed at how advanced they were. They had achieved magnetic levitation, biosensors, kimoyo beads, vibranium weaponry, shield generators…the list just goes on. Now that I had this, I could advance my medical facility by leaps and bounds. James would come place food inside my room and Victor would come and get the plates when I was finished. Each time they entered; the room would be a bigger mess from when they found it. I was sketching numerous designs based upon their technology. I didn't want to flat out copy it—I wanted to make it my own. I had finished a lot of designs when I started to focus on the injection of the metals into our bodies.

I designed an automated medical device that would do all the procedures. I made 3 pods to help stabilize our bodies and increase our natural healing. I asked for multiple machines to be delivered to our home so I could start. When no one was near, I activated my telekinesis and magnetism to create an underground lab. It was crude, but it would do the job. I noticed that while my energy became denser, it was still lacking when trying to use my abilities for a prolonged amount of time. I haven't recovered since doing that teleporting stunt. I put those thoughts in the back of my head as I wanted to focus on building the equipment I needed. In a few weeks, I had finished everything. I told James and Victor to come to the lab through telepathy.

"Guys, its ready" I said as the machines came to life. James and Victor looked around and had their mouth open.

"You made all this?" Victor asked.

"Yes, all of this will help with the procedure" I said.

"Amazing…" James said.

"Guys, this will be the worst pain we will have ever experienced. The super-heated drills have to dig into our bones to inject the liquefied metals. Once that's done, the drills will exit and the water pods will cool the metal and help us heal faster. There will be multiple injection points. All of the joints will be injected with vibranium and our other bones will be injected with adamantium." I started explaining as both sat down.

"The metals in our bones will be a mixture. Our joints will have an 80:20 ratio of vibranium and adamantium. The other bones will have the same ratio but adamantium being the main component." I continued.

"And what's vibranium?" Victor asked.

"Vibranium is a rare metal. Kind of mythical to be honest. It can absorb vibrations and kinetic energy. That's why it's great when its injected into our joints. We could jump from a tall building and land without making a mess of our bodies." I explained smiling.

"That's incredible. Where did you get it?" James asked.

"Ah…" I struggled to answer before Victor started laughing.

"You stole it? Ah I didn't know you had it in you!" Victor yelled.

"Shut up!" I yelled back at him. James just shook his head.

"Are the people going to come after us?" James asked.

"Unlikely, but if a guy in a black panther suit attacks you, they found out it was me." I answered quietly.

"Black panther?" James asked.

"Yeah, his suit is partly made from vibranium and its super advanced. If he ever shows up, just run." I said.

"Anyways, we'll start in a couple of days. I need to set something up before we start." I said and they exited the lab.

Honestly, setting everything up was the easiest part. The hardest part would be applying runes to the liquified metals. It was a complicated process. I was making a large rune with multiple runes inside each other. It was a total of 27 runes. I had a total of 200 drills, each holding a container of liquid that I needed to apply the runes to. I sighed at the workload and started.

I worked for days and passed out from the exhaustion. James came to wake me up. We didn't speak much as we were all quite anxious. Each of us stood in our pods and entered. The pods lifted off the ground by a metal structure behind it. We were leveled and the pods started to fill with water. A mask came out and scanned our heads before attaching to our mouth and nose. My heart started pacing and my anxiety increased as the sound of drills started. Once the pod was filled with water, the drills started making their way to our bodies. My breathing increased as the drills slowly started entering the water. I could feel the heat off the drills as they hovered over my skin. The automated program now began to start. The drills pushed their way into our bones easily. I couldn't help but to scream from the pain. There was no pain from where the drills entered as they destroyed all the nerves on their way to the bones. The surrounding nerves were the ones that I was feeling. I wanted to move but we were strapped down. The automated program adjusted the drills in case we struggled and shifted. Once the drills hit the bone, they injected the liquified metal. I thought the worst pain was over, but once the metal started flowing in, all the nerves surrounding the bone flared up. I tried screaming, but it was a voiceless scream. The pain was all over my body. It felt like an eternity passed. I was still trying to scream, but nothing came out. I didn't notice the drills exiting my body. The pod shined and a rune activated under us to help with healing. I couldn't focus at all. My body was stiff. I didn't attempt to move as I was still feeling the pain. The straps holding us detached and we started to float upwards as the pods shifted to be upright. I stayed like this for a bit before attempting to move. I felt a slight heaviness as I tried to move my hands. Everything was sore but I felt it going again slowly. My mind drifted to my memories…how could James even move when they injected him with this stuff without any safeguards? As I began to move around, the automated system detected movement and started draining the water. Once the water was emptied, I took my mask off. The pod opened and I slowly made my way out.

I saw James and Victor begin to move around. I had applied several runes to the metals. I made it so the metals were not magnetic, reduced the weight, and eliminated the poison factor from the metal. The rest of the runes were to make it, so they activated when the metal cooled off. It's the best rune work I've ever made.

James and Victor finally came out of the pods as I started to put a coat on. James made his claws come out and was amazed by the silver blades that came out. Victor looked at his hands. I noticed that his nails were silver when he extended them.

"You weren't kidding when you said it was going to hurt," Victor said smiling.

"Ready for round two?" I said. Victor stopped smiling and James snapped his head at me. I laughed out loud.

"Just kidding" I said smiling. They both got angry at me for making that joke.

"I wouldn't recommend fighting just yet by the way," I said.

"Our bodies are slowly adjusting to the two metals. Let's practice tomorrow," I continued to add. James and Victor started to dry off and exited the lab. I followed behind them. We arrived at our rooms and passed out.

When I woke up, I stared at the ceiling thinking about everything. My enhanced thought processing ability helped with sorting all my ideas. I was always brainstorming different things I could do. I kept on making back up plans to the back up plans out of paranoia. It's not safe to assume that this universe will always follow the MCU. I know Sir made numerous changes, I just don't know what they could be or when they would occur. I stopped thinking and decided to get up. As I was getting up, I saw a white mannequin sitting cross-legged at the bottom of my bed.

"What the fuck!" I yelled and pulled the covers towards me. The mannequin just tilted its head to the side. The smile came next. A full set of white teeth could be seen as the mannequin smiled. At the same time, a dark ominous aura surrounded it and seemed to bubble away from him. A few seconds passed in silence and I regained my composure. I knew it was Sir but seeing him in person had a completely different feel. When he came in my dream it felt more distant, but him being here, I could feel more, and his smile had the opposite effect of reassuring me.

"Isn't fascinating how you behave?" Sir said while smiling.

"What?" I said confused.

"Don't you think it's strange. You were male before. Now you're a female. Yet you don't really act like a male. In fact, you act more like a female." He finished saying. I had to process what he said slowly.

"The first thing you did was cover yourself with the covers. Isn't that fascinating?" He added. No, it was not fascinating. In fact, I didn't need him telling me that I'm more female than male.

"I'll be completely honest with you. It was my first time doing something like that." He said and put his smile back on. I couldn't think at all. My mind went blank. After my brain seemed to do some sort of restart, I threw my nightstand at him. It just went through him like he was never there.

"Seeing the results is very interesting. While your memories are male. Your female body has total control. It seems like your memories are just that, memories. You are genuinely a female no matter how much you deny it. I wonder what other things will happen." He hums while thinking. I began to think about all my past actions. He is right. I have been behaving more like a woman than a man.

"Tell me, have you thought about dating someone? Getting pregnant?" He said putting his elbows to his knees and rested his head on his palms.

"Kill yourself" I said with the most intense glare I could do.

"A simple no would have sufficed, jeez. Anyways, tell me about the surgery, how did it feel?" Sir said.

"It hurt." I simply said. I was still trying to wrap my head on my actions. I might be more female, but I know I still feel attracted to women. Thank goodness for that. Sir just continued to stare at me smiling. You're reading my thoughts, aren't you? He just nodded smiling.

"To be quite honest, you are the most entertaining person I've watched in a long time. I wanted to pay you a visit. I have to handle some small multi-dimensional crisis," he said nonchalantly. I have been wondering who exactly he is for a while now. The only equivalent person I could think of would be the One Above All or one of the 4 cosmic entities. I thought this while looking at him. He laughed and lifted his head up looking at the ceiling. That laugh. Was he best friends with the Joker?

"No, the One Above All is a system I created to help me manage the omniverses and those four were made by the system to help manage the universes." He said looking back at me. Omniverses? As in more than one? I knew that the Omniverse is the collection of every single universe, multiverse, megaverse, dimensions and realms. Is it even possible for there to be more than one? I was using my intellect to the highest possible degree to try to understand.

"Don't bother. You'll never even come close." He said smiling at me.

"So, are you going to stop watching me?" I asked. He laughed again.

"I can never stop watching you," he said smiling at me. My instincts flared and I pushed my back closer to the headboard. I waited to see what he would do next.

"I also came to tell you something else," he said. I kept my thoughts blank and waited for him to say something. He leaned in a little towards me and I leaned away.

"If you try to gain more abilities, your body will fail to maintain itself and you'll die a painful death. I'd rather not let this end so abruptly, so don't disappoint me" He said smiling with his head tilted to one side. When I blinked, he was no longer there.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. My mouth felt dry and it was hard to swallow. I stayed leaning against my headboard for some time. I was waiting for Sir to pop out of nowhere again. After a few minutes, I got out of bed. When I got out of my room, I headed to the kitchen. I noticed from the window that James and Victor were out practicing and testing their new bodies.

I began to think about what Sir said as I drank some water. This universe must be based on the MCU. It would be safe to assume that most of the major events would happen. My fear is what other events will be mixed in and from what universe. A lot of the comics talk about different universes. Even small events lead to a major conflict in there. I would have to go through my memories and make sure I am familiar with them. He also confirmed what I already suspected. My energy can't support anymore abilities. Even now I extremely weak. My energy is having a hard time recovering after I used all my energy teleporting. I finished my water and went outside to practice with James and Victor.

"Lydia! About time!" Victor shouted. I just dismissed him with a wave of my arm.

"You okay?" James asked.

"Yea…just a bad dream," I said as I looked back at my window room.

We began to practice and to see the limitations of our new bodies. I saw that our physical attacks carried a lot of force behind them. We practiced our shock absorption by climbing a tree and jumping down. When we landed, we didn't feel a thing. I could see the power getting to Victor's head. I A good sparring session with me put him in his place.

Time went on and we became used to our bodies. I started to use the ideas that I sketched out and seeing what I could do. I bought more pieces of land to prepare my factories. I wanted to make my own factories so I would have total control of their production and have fewer eyes on what was going on. I drew up plans to make a suit, but I wanted to make an AI before completing it. Tony Stark was able to create an AI that later became Vision. I decided to study more on computers and coding before attempting to design an AI. It would have been hard or impossible to do it with the current technology, but thanks to the tech I stole its achievable. I just needed to sit down and concentrate on it.

I let James and Victor to handle the business while I practically locked myself in my room. The routine for weeks and months was eating, sketching, writing, studying, and sleeping. I would do this until I had made all the plans I needed. I contacted James and Victor to purchase large lots of land in northern New York. I contacted different contractors to build the basic shell of the facilities. Once everything was built, I proceeded to use my powers to create my machines. I only used my magnetic powers since it was easier to use and was the least costly ability to use. I ordered all the parts I needed to be shipped and delivered. I was so absorbed in what I was doing I didn't notice how much time passed until James and Victor knocked outside my small cabin I used to rest.

"James! Victor! What's up?" I said excitedly.

"Hey Lydia… someone wanted to see you as soon as possible," James said as he stepped to the side as did Victor.

"Hello, I'm Charles Xavier" Charles said as he extended his hand and made eye contact with me. Once he did, Charles' eyes opened wide as did mine.