Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Following the productive completion of the conference, Lydia made her way towards her personal workspace, her mind already engaging with her ongoing project. Surrounded by the steady hum of activity from her fellow employees, she maneuvered through the corridors with a focused air, acknowledging her colleagues with a brief, respectful nod in passing. Her mind oscillated between the recently concluded meeting and her strategic plans.

Upon reaching her private suite, she eased out of her jacket and relaxed the top fastening of her blouse, seeking the comfort necessary for her next task. Seated behind her desk, she engaged her screen, bringing up a meticulously curated list of her most recent corporate creations. Several entities, freshly incorporated, stood out, the fruit of Lydia's strategic planning over the previous weeks - a financial institution, a logistics enterprise, and a commodity trading agency. In addition, a handful of production facilities contributing to global markets were also on the list.

She allowed her focus to be consumed by the digital document before her, skimming through its contents.

"The Earth, I wonder how it fares," she verbalized her thoughts, her fingers flying across her keyboard. "It has been a considerable amount of time since my last visit."

Concluding her examination of the report, Lydia closed the file. Rising from her chair, she elongated her body in a satisfying stretch. It was then, she observed an intriguing anomaly.

A glance at her own reflection revealed an unchanged physical form, persisting through the passing decades, seemingly untouched by the flow of time. Physically, she was the same Lydia, but her mental state? That was an entirely different narrative.

In the span since the inaugural confrontation with the Kree, Lydia had undergone significant maturation, both in her experiences and knowledge base. She could no longer pinpoint her exact age, however, her mental maturity seemed to be on par with that of a sage. Astoundingly, she possessed knowledge that was considered beyond the reach of any mortal. This included knowledge of Earth's history, Asgard, and the remaining Nine Realms, the mastery to craft technology surpassing human capabilities, information pertaining to primeval civilizations scattered across the cosmos, the enigma behind life's creation itself, and a plethora of other things.

Why her mind held such a vast repository of information was unclear to Lydia, but the phenomenon had taken place nonetheless. This awareness prompted a brief pause in her thoughts as she pondered about her lifespan. Had she already journeyed through thousands of years of existence? Or could it be that her exceptional physiology led her to perceive events in a distinct way? Regardless, the knowledge that she had an expansive reservoir of data at her disposal was a comforting thought. Her cosmic energy absorption and mutations had provided her with an extended lifespan, presenting an abundance of time to pursue and achieve her ambitions.

In the cosmic abyss, a multitude of vessels loom over Nidavellir, a ring planet inhabited by dwarves and encircling a neutron star. Abruptly, a colossal silhouette eclipses the sun. The ships wheel about, confronted with the imposing sight of the Sanctuary II, a spaceship of gargantuan proportions, emerging from the celestial sphere.

Within this vast spacecraft, Thanos resides on his throne, encircled by his Black Order. This assembly comprises formidable warriors and lethal assassins, united by their allegiance to the Mad Titan himself. Each was meticulously selected by Thanos for their distinctive talents, creating an intimidating collective power.

Five individuals constituted the Black Order: Ebony Maw, Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Cull Obsidian, and Supergiant. Each boasted extraordinary physical prowess and a broad array of specialized skills and abilities.

Ebony Maw demonstrated masterful control over minds and telekinesis, able to manipulate even the most resolute will. Corvus Glaive carried a lethal glaive that could cleave through any material, acquiring immortality so long as his weapon was unbroken. Proxima Midnight, an adept warrior and sharpshooter, wielded a spear capable of penetrating any substance. Cull Obsidian, alternatively known as Black Dwarf, was a behemoth whose power and resilience were unparalleled. Capable of combating entire armies single-handedly, he added raw brute force to the team. Lastly, the telepathic Supergiant, utilizing her skills in mental manipulation to serve Thanos and demolish any opposition standing in his path.

As a unified entity, the Black Order represented an insurmountable power. Their mere presence instilled dread across the galaxy, their unwavering loyalty to Thanos driving them to ensure his mission's success, aiming to instill balance in the universe.

Ebony Maw advances towards Thanos, executing a minor bow in greeting.

"Master, our scouts inform us the dwarves remain defiant. Asgardian aid has been solicited."

"We must not let them escape our grasp now. The gauntlet must become our possession."

"Shall we annihilate them, Master?" Corvus Glaive inquires.

Thanos responds with a grin. "No, let's use them as a deterrent. Deploy the Outriders. We'll seize control by force."

In the vast expanse of space, The Sanctuary II releases a legion of Outriders, insectoid beasts armed with lethal claws. They surge towards Nidavellir.

Inside Nidavellir's forge, Eitri, the dwarf king, and his compatriots scramble to establish their defenses. Suddenly, tremors ripple through the ground. Eitri's gaze ascends to meet the descending swarm of Outriders.

Directing his voice to his people, Eitri commands, "Defend the forge with everything you have! It mustn't fall into enemy hands."

The dwarves combat valiantly, transforming their craft tools into weapons. The relentless Outriders, however, outnumber them. Eitri's gaze is drawn to the descending Sanctuary II. The Outriders press the dwarves, and the struggle becomes one-sided.

"We need more time! The forge must not fall into enemy hands! Has Asgard responded?!" Eitri bellows.

A bright blue ray illuminates the sky, heralding the arrival of another wave of Outriders. Eitri's gaze locks onto the advancing army.

"… all hope is lost…" Eitri whispers as he observes the overwhelming forces.

Simultaneously, in a galaxy distinct from our own, the brilliance of countless stars paints the surface of Earth's moon in vivid light. A barely perceptible shimmer emerges, revealing within it a massive edifice: the Inhuman lunar base, Attilan. This progressive, technologically advanced structure serves as the dwelling of the entirety of the Inhuman populace. A network of interlocking domes composing the base serve varied purposes from residential zones, research laboratories, medical facilities, to recreational spaces.

The base boasts sleek, sharp design elements, abounding in metallic surfaces and radiant panels, cultivating an ambiance that seems both futuristic and somewhat alien. Much of the architectural style is rooted in Kree design philosophy. The interior of the base is flush with cutting-edge technology, inclusive of holographic interfaces, gravity-altering systems, and energy barriers.

The central point of the base is the throne room, the locale where the Inhuman Royal Family administers state affairs. The throne platform sits atop an extensive staircase, ensconced by numerous pillars and statuary depicting prior Inhuman monarchs. This ordinarily tranquil space is currently seized by an unsettling occurrence.

The Inhuman throne room bristles with unease. Medusa, Queen of the Inhumans, occupies the throne platform, protected by numerous guards. Maximus, brother to Black Bolt, the Inhuman King, confronts her, bolstered by an armed contingent of Inhumans loyal to him.

"Spare us unnecessary difficulties..." Maximus warns.

Medusa's eyes widen fractionally as she pieces together recent events. The realization that Maximus orchestrated the death of one of their kind envelops her. Anger surges within her, her long hair rising in response. Medusa's Inhuman capability involves controlling her hair through psychokinesis, which grants her the power to animate her extensive locks, even enhancing their tensile strength and elasticity.

Maximus, well-versed in her abilities, exhibits a mild scowl, reluctant to escalate the situation. Signaling his followers with a curt nod, they advance towards Medusa.

Before a psionic onslaught to her cranium immobilizes her, she manages to subdue five of her assailants.

"With majority support from our people, a change in leadership is imminent," Maximus addresses Medusa, who's held upright by the guards.

"The throne is not yours to seize, Maximus," she retorts decisively.

"Your forgetting I'm the legitimate successor to the throne. Black Bolt's silence only serves to affirm this," he retorts with a smirk.

In a fit of rage, she glares at him. "Black Bolt's silence is indicative of his respect for the council's proceedings. You can't simply usurp the throne by force."

Maximus bristles and bellows, "I am NOT taking the throne by force!" He composes himself before continuing in a calmer tone, "I am instigating a revolution to herald an era of Inhuman prosperity. We are returning to Earth." With that, Maximus procures a pair of hair clippers and begins to shear Medusa's hair. In her current condition, she cannot utilize her powers. Her hair becomes ordinary. Maximus grins faintly as he observes Medusa's debilitated state.

Abruptly, alarms reverberate through the lunar base. Lockjaw, a colossal bulldog, materializes next to Medusa and they disappear in an instant. Lockjaw possesses the capacity to teleport himself and others across vast distances with a mere thought. He is a stalwart and ferocious guardian of the Inhuman royal family.

Maximus's frown deepens, having no time to react. He promptly communicates with the other guards to gauge the situation.

Lydia's terminal immediately lit up with a video of Astrid.

"Come to the HQ quick," Astrid cut the video quickly after saying that. Lydia was a bit stun before teleporting to HQ.

Lydia stepped out of a portal and into the HQ building. In particular, she was in the command center orbiting New Genosha.

Astrid was waiting for her, looking tense.

"What's going on?" Lydia asked.

"We lost contact with sensors in Nidavellir," Astrid explains.

"Thanos," Lydia muttered under her breath.

Astrid nodded. "It seems he has sent his Outriders to attack the dwarves. The forge of Nidavellir is in danger."

Faced with a sudden two-pronged crisis, Lydia Howlett, First Empress of Genosha, makes a strategic decision. The potential threats to Nidavellir vastly outweigh the uncertainties on the Moon. Thus, she sends the brunt of her forces towards the beleaguered realm of the Dwarves. Yet, not wanting to neglect the developments on the Moon, she dispatches a single vessel, led by the skilled operative Yelena Belova, to investigate.

Upon the dark canvas of the cosmos, an epic space battle begins to unfold. Thanos, wielding his army's might, presses his attack on Nidavellir, his sights set on the formidable forge. His menacing figure looms over the Dwarven king, Eitri, compelling him to craft a Gauntlet potent enough to harness the power of the Infinity Stones. To cement his threats, Thanos allows his forces to mercilessly slaughter several Dwarves, a grim display of power that sends ripples of fear through the remaining population.

But just as hope seems to be fading, a beacon of resistance appears in the form of a massive Genoshian fleet, led by Lydia Howlett herself. Delegating the space combat to her trusted commanders, the Empress teleports down to the battlefield, her loyal Sentinels at her side. Despite her powers, the resistance against Thanos's ground forces proves to be arduous.

The battle was intense, with the Outriders attacking from every direction. Lydia called out to Eitri, who was desperately trying to hold the line with his dwindling forces.

"We're here to help!" Lydia shouted.

Eitri looked up in surprise and relief. "Thank the gods. We need all the help we can get." He did not care who it was, all that mattered was there might be a chance of survival.

Lydia's Sentinels fought with all their might, taking down Outriders and pushing them back. The dwarves rallied behind them, their morale boosted by the sudden arrival of reinforcements.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, with Lydia and Eitri fighting side by side. But they were outnumbered, and the Outriders seemed to have an endless supply of troops. Lydia restricted her use of the Stones so Thanos would not be alerted to it. This greatly dimished her battle potential but she was still a formidable force.

The Forge Chamber of Nidavellir is shattered as Thanos and his Black Order burst out of the chamber. Thanos holds a Gauntlet on his left arm.

"Thanos…damn it" Lydia whispers. She notices what Thanos has in his possession.

Thanos laughs. "Lydia Howlett, the First Empress of Genosha. This is an unexpected turn of events. I was expecting Asgardians, not mutant Terrans." Thanos speaks as he grabs the Infinity Gauntlet created by Eitri.

"The Genoshian Empire stands against any threat, including you, Thanos. Retreat now or face the consequences." Lydia responds steadfast.

Thanos raises his hand and sits down on a floating throne chair. A surge of energy radiates from the Ebony Maw, knocking back the Lydia's forces. But Lydia stands her ground, channeling her powers.

A fierce battle ensues as the Black Order charges forward. Lydia engages them with her superhuman strength and agile combat skills, fighting off each opponent with strategic precision.

Eitri glances at Lydia. "The thief?" he whispers as he recognizes her. His anger swells but quickly calms as he continues fighting.

Meanwhile, in space, the Genoshian fleet, a formidable armada of starships, emerged from the celestial darkness towards Nidavellir. These vessels were not just mere spacecraft; they were marvels of engineering and technology, armed to the teeth with state-of-the-art weapons. Each one was engineered and crafted in New Genosha, reflecting a blend of advanced technology and alien architecture. As Thanos's forces came into view, a shiver of anticipation ran through the Genoshian armada. Thanos's armada, a nightmarish assemblage of heavily armed warships and hordes of Chitauri fighters, presented an imposing sight. The Mad Titan's forces were renowned across the cosmos for their ruthlessness and efficiency.

A massive space battle rages between the Genoshian fleet and Thanos' forces. The skies are filled with laser fire, energy beams, and the swift maneuvers of starships. Genoshian fighters engage Thanos' fleet, expertly navigating through the chaos.

The space around Nidavellir quickly turned into a battlefield. The two fleets clashed with a fury that reverberated through the void of space. Energy bolts streaked between opposing ships, colliding in fiery bursts of destruction. Genoshian vessels swerved and evaded, their agility and speed a counterpoint to the raw power of Thanos's ships. Fighters from both sides engaged in a deadly ballet, dancing between larger ships and exchanging fire.

Despite the overwhelming power of Thanos's forces, the Genoshian fleet stood its ground. The Genoshian vessels, under Lydia's Commanding officers strategic planning, moved with precision and coordination. Their volleys were calculated, the timing impeccable, causing severe damage to Thanos's armada.

Mutant and enhanced Human soldiers in sleek, armored suits teleported onto enemy vessels, engaging in fierce close-quarter combat to take control of enemy ships. Their brutal efficiency was a testament to the rigorous training and battle-hardiness of the Genoshian forces.

Still, the battle was far from one-sided. Thanos's forces fought back with ferocity, their relentless assault challenging the Genoshian fleet's defenses. Chitauri fighters swarmed around the Genoshian ships, their vicious attacks causing substantial damage. Yet, the Genoshian fleet remained undeterred, their resilience a testament to the leadership of their Empress.

As the battle raged, the void of space around Nidavellir became a grand spectacle of light and chaos, a testament to the fury of war, and a symbol of the Genoshian Empire's unwavering resolve.

Back in Nidavellir, Ebony Maw attempts to attack Lydia from behind. She senses his presence and quickly turns, delivering a devastating blow that seriously wounds him. Ebony Maw collapses weakened and defeated.

Lydia roars a battle cry. This act of defiance momentarily turns the tide of the battle, but it also sparks Thanos's curiosity. The Mad Titan, who had been merely observing the battle unfold, now finds himself intrigued by Lydia's unexpected presence.

Thanos realizes the strength of the Genoshian forces and their unexpected appearance. This unexpected intervention prompts Thanos to reconsider his strategy. His initial plan disrupted, the titan opts for a tactical retreat, buying himself time to contemplate Lydia's sudden appearance and her growing power.

'The Genoshian Empire... They are more formidable than I anticipated. How did they emerge so swiftly?' Thanos says to himself.

Thanos orders a retreat, recognizing that victory is not within his grasp. He activates his ships teleport, teleporting himself and his remaining forces away from Nidavellir.

Above Lydia, ongoing space battle continues, showcasing the Genoshian fleet valiantly holding their ground against Thanos' forces. The clash of starships and the brilliant explosions fill the vastness of space. Thanos' forces retreat and converge on Sanctuary II and quickly leave into the darkness.

The immediate threat is averted, and Lydia takes a moment to gather herself, but she knows this respite is only temporary. Her confrontation with the titan has raised the stakes, and she finds herself anticipating an inevitable, more significant clash in the future.

Eitri stood amidst the wreckage of his once-thriving kingdom, his gaze resting on the aftermath of the catastrophic battle. He felt the weight of every lost dwarf life pressing upon him, a burden he would carry until his final days. His eyes met Lydia's, the unlikely savior standing before him. His memories, full of past grievances and the theft of his treasures, warred with the present.

"Eitri," Lydia began, her voice echoing in the emptiness of Nidavellir. "I understand your hesitations, your anger, your grief. I apologize for my past actions. I was different then. But, now, I come to you as an ally."

Eitri let out a harsh laugh, his eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions. "Ally? You robbed us, Lydia. And now you wear a crown. What game is this?"

Lydia stood unflinching, meeting Eitri's gaze head-on. "A lot has changed, Eitri. I bear a responsibility now. A responsibility for the lives of many."

"And where were the Asgardians?" Eitri burst out, his gaze hard. "Our so-called protectors? They never came, Lydia. They let us die."

"I know, Eitri. And I am sorry for their indifference. But I am not like them," Lydia replied, her voice laced with a quiet resolve. "I don't turn a blind eye to those who need help."

"I see that now," Eitri admitted, his gaze softening. "But what do you propose?"

"Merge with the Genoshian Empire, Eitri. We can help you rebuild, protect your people, ensure this horror doesn't repeat itself," Lydia offered, her words echoing in the silence of Nidavellir.

"That would sever ties with Asgard," Eitri mused, his gaze pensive.

Lydia nodded, "I understand the implications, Eitri. But this is about your people, their future. Asgard has shown their true colors."

Eitri was silent for a long moment, his gaze scanning the wreckage around him. The lost lives, the despair, the ruin - it all weighed heavily on him. He turned back to Lydia, his resolve clear in his eyes.

"Very well, Lydia. For my people...for Nidavellir, I accept your offer."

Lydia nodded, a sense of grim satisfaction washing over her. "Together, Eitri. We'll ensure Nidavellir rises again."