Chapter 106

As Peter zipped up his suit, Nina moved closer to him, extending her hand in his direction. "Hold on to me," she instructed, and there was a hard edge to her voice that he'd never heard before.

He moved into position, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist as they had done a hundred times before. This time, however, the usual thrill of anticipation was replaced by a knot of apprehension in his stomach. There was a tangible tension radiating off Nina that set his nerves on edge.

Before he could voice his concerns, the world around them blurred as Nina activated her flight capabilities. They shot up into the sky, her body humming with energy beneath his arms. The sudden burst of speed stole his breath away, and he tightened his hold on her, burying his face into the crook of her neck.

They moved at a hypersonic speed, the landscape beneath them a colorful smear of greens and blues. Peter had always loved flying with Nina, the feeling of wind rushing past them, the thrill of absolute freedom. But right now, the exhilaration was tinged with unease.

He could feel the rhythmic thrum of her heartbeat against his chest, its speed mirroring his own. It was a stark reminder of her humanity, a jarring contrast to the unnatural flight and the impending revelation.

As they neared the ocean, the scenery below shifted from verdant landscapes to the endless expanse of water. Peter's mind whirled with unanswered questions, his heart pounding in sync with the waves crashing beneath them.

They were heading towards Corvo Island, Portugal, a location that held no significance to Peter, but he could tell from the rigid set of Nina's shoulders that it was of monumental importance.

The Ares MK 1 was hidden there, submerged deep beneath the ocean's surface. It was a place she had kept secret, a part of her life she had yet to reveal. The unknown loomed ahead of them, growing with each passing second, and Peter could do nothing but hold on, his grip on Nina the only constant in the whirlwind of uncertainty.

Hovering over the expanse of ocean, Nina cast a glance back at Peter, her eyes serious. "Hold your breath," she instructed him, the words barely more than a whisper against the roar of the sea beneath them. Before he could respond, they were plunging into the depths, the world above disappearing in a flash.

Water rushed around them, the pressure mounting as they delved deeper into the ocean. Peter closed his eyes, focusing on the feel of Nina's body beneath his hands, the faint hum of her suit as it propelled them forward. His lungs began to burn with the need for air, but he held on, trusting Nina completely.

Suddenly, a massive form loomed ahead in the murky water. A ship. His heart pounded in his chest as he realized the enormity of the vessel they were approaching. The ship's massive cargo doors opened with a low rumble, revealing an inviting glow from within.

The moment they entered the ship, water around them began to disappear, pumped out with alarming speed. The sudden drop in pressure was disorienting, the world tilting for a moment before everything steadied. Before Peter could shake off the feeling, a blast of heat washed over him, warm and intense, evaporating the residual moisture on his suit instantly.

Blinking in surprise, he looked around, taking in the advanced technology and sleek design of the ship. His heart thudded in his chest, realization dawning on him. The ship wasn't just a ship - it was more like a spacecraft.

A spacecraft hidden under the ocean, operated by his girlfriend who could fly and had a suit made out of nanites. The full implication hit him with the force of a punch, his grip on Nina tightening reflexively. He looked at her, wide-eyed, a million questions burning in his gaze. His entire understanding of their relationship, and of Nina herself, was about to be turned upside down.

As they stepped off the launchpad and into the heart of the ship, Peter was speechless. His gaze roved over the gleaming metal, the complex array of controls and monitors, the state-of-the-art tech that was decades, possibly centuries, ahead of anything on Earth. Nina's helmet disappeared in a shimmer of light, revealing her focused expression. She moved with an easy familiarity, her steps purposeful and assured.

"Where... What... Nina, what's going on?" Peter stumbled over his words, the sheer enormity of the situation threatening to overwhelm him.

"This is my ship," she answered matter-of-factly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Her nonchalant response only served to fuel Peter's confusion.

"Your ship?" Peter echoed, disbelief coloring his tone. The sight of the spacecraft, the ease with which she maneuvered it, the casual mention of it being 'hers' – it was all too much, too fast.

Nina, however, didn't respond. She continued her stride towards what appeared to be the command center, her face hardened into a mask of determination. Peter followed in her wake, his mind a whirl of questions and realizations.

"Nina," Peter finally said, his voice firmer this time, "What is going on?"

Nina stopped in her tracks, turning to look at him. Her features softened a bit as she bit her lower lip, her gaze thoughtful. After a long moment, she broke the silence, "Peter, I need you to promise me something. Don't say anything, unless you're spoken to, okay?"

His brow furrowed at her words. They were cryptic, ominous, but he saw the seriousness in her eyes. He nodded, deciding to trust her, despite the flurry of questions churning in his mind. She offered him a small, thankful smile before turning away, her steps resuming towards the command center. His heart pounded in his chest, a cocktail of fear, confusion, and anticipation brewing within him. Whatever was about to happen, he had a feeling that his life was about to change, yet again.

As Nina led Peter into the expansive command center, he could feel his heartbeat ringing in his ears, amplifying the silence that hung heavily in the room. The vast chamber was punctuated by control panels adorned with alien symbols, and screens showcasing live feeds from around the globe. The complexity of the technology surrounding them felt as if it was pulled from a science fiction movie.

They stood there, in the heart of the ship, waiting. Peter's curiosity was on the verge of consuming him, the unanswered questions bubbling up. Just as he was about to break the silence, a sudden shift in the air caught his attention.

A flicker of energy sparked in the center of the room, and out of nowhere, three figures materialized. Peter could only gape in surprise. Erik Lehnsherr, a man he recognized as Magneto, stood imposingly in the forefront. Beside him was a woman he didn't recognize, but her resemblance to Nina was uncanny. She had the same eyes, the same posture. But it was the last figure that made Peter's breath catch.

Empress Lydia stood regally, her attire a mix of ornate and futuristic elements that only enhanced her powerful presence. The aura she exuded was nothing short of divine, inspiring awe and reverence.

Nina immediately knelt, her head bowed in a display of respect that seemed out of character considering the casual nature Peter was used to.

"Your Majesty," Nina's voice came out steady and formal, echoing in the quiet room. The change in her demeanor was startling for Peter. He had never seen her so respectful, so reverent. It was as if she had slipped into a different role, a different persona, and he was suddenly acutely aware of the gaping chasm between what he knew about Nina, and the truth he was yet to discover. The air felt heavy with anticipation, his thoughts racing as he tried to make sense of the unbelievable scenario unfolding before his eyes.

With a swift shift of her gaze, Lydia's eyes met Peter's. The penetrating gaze was like a beam of sunlight, illuminating him, highlighting his uncertainty and confusion. Peter was out of his depth, that was clear. He had been drawn into a world he didn't fully comprehend, a world full of shadows and secrets that he had yet to unravel.

Lydia stood still, her face impassive, her gaze still locked onto him. Her mind was racing, the questions swirling in her mind like a tempest. Why was Peter here? What chain of events had led him to this alien vessel, standing before her? Why had Nina brought him here? It didn't make sense.

Reaching out with her senses, Lydia began to sweep the ship for any signs of other life forms, her psychic abilities pulsing outwards like sonar waves. Suddenly, a new presence, a faint blip caught her attention, the faint heartbeat of a new life from within Nina. The realization dawned upon her, the pieces of the puzzle quickly falling into place. Nina was pregnant, and Peter... Peter was the father.

Lydia's eyes seemed to harden slightly as she scrutinized Peter, her gaze making him shift uncomfortably. He could feel the weight of her attention, the unspoken questions hanging heavily in the air. He felt like a specimen under a microscope, every thought, every emotion laid bare before her. The intensity of her scrutiny sent a shiver down his spine, and he couldn't help but flinch under her gaze. The feeling was almost suffocating, a heavy weight pressing down on him. Yet, he stood his ground, meeting her gaze with a mix of fear and determination.

The tension hanging in the air was palpable, a tangible shroud that seemed to dampen all other sounds. Magda, a motherly presence, was the first to break the silence, moving to greet her daughter with open arms. Yet Nina, her eyes locked with Lydia's, did not move to return the gesture. Magda's face furrowed in confusion, glancing between her daughter and Lydia, sensing the unspoken hierarchy of power at play.

Lydia, ever the master of the situation, finally addressed Nina. "Rise," she commanded, her voice as imperious as it was calm. At her command, Nina stood up, finally able to greet her mother. A sad smile danced across Nina's lips as she met her mother's gaze, a silent plea for understanding that did not go unnoticed by the keen-eyed Magda.

Turning to the stranger in their midst, Magda asked, "Nina, what's wrong?" There was an unmistakable tremor in her voice. But Nina simply brushed off the question with a wave of her hand, assuring her mother she'd explain everything later.

Then, she turned to face Erik, greeting him respectfully before asking how she could be of service. The sight of her father, in person after such a long time, sent a rush of nostalgia washing over her. She fought back the urge to break down, to confess everything, her fear about her pregnancy, her apprehension at the sudden appearance of her superiors, everything.

Yet, she remained composed, knowing she couldn't afford to show any weakness, not in this moment. Inside, her thoughts whirled, fear and anxiety swirling in her stomach. Had they come because V had reported her pregnancy? Would they take her back to New Genosha now? The questions seemed to pound in her head like a drum.

As her thoughts spiralled, Lydia's gaze once again fell upon Peter, scrutinizing him. Peter could feel the weight of her gaze, it was like a spotlight, pinning him in place. He couldn't help but flinch under the intensity of her scrutiny, anxiety gnawing at him. The silence in the room was suffocating, the tension almost tangible, leaving everyone in a state of unease.

Erik, with a heavy sigh, finally spoke, breaking the stifling silence. "We need another meeting with Wanda and Pietro," he stated, his gaze steady on Nina, his voice carrying the weight of his expectations. "We are hoping you can help arrange it."

A rush of relief flooded over Nina at his words. So, they weren't here because of her pregnancy. Yet, as the tension ebbed away, another knot of anxiety began to form. The request was a stark reminder of Erik's infidelity, a truth she'd yet to reconcile with. She shot a glance at her mother, Magda, whose face betrayed no sign of distress, much to Nina's bewilderment.

Nonetheless, she answered with the respect ingrained in her, "Yes, I can arrange that."

Lydia, her eyes never leaving Peter, voiced her intention to be present at the meeting as well. The proclamation shocked Nina. The Empress herself was going to attend? It was a daunting thought. Lydia's presence elevated the stakes to a whole new level. Nina swallowed the lump in her throat, acknowledging the order with a firm nod. "Understood, Empress."

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. Nina turned to face Peter, her heart pounding in her chest. "Peter," she began, her voice steadier than she felt. "I'd like to introduce you to..." Her voice trailed off as she gazed at him, silently pleading for understanding. She didn't have to explain further. Peter, still in shock, was beginning to piece the puzzle together. As their eyes locked, they both understood that their lives were about to change drastically.

"This is Peter," Nina announced, her voice carrying an unusual hint of shyness. "My boyfriend."

Magda's face instantly lit up. A spark of maternal delight ignited in her eyes, and she moved towards Peter, her welcoming demeanor immediately putting Peter at ease. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Peter," she said warmly, extending a hand to him.

However, Erik's gaze on Peter was far more scrutinizing, his piercing eyes seemingly evaluating Peter's worthiness. "Why is he here?" Erik asked, his voice flat, causing Nina's heart to race with anxiety. She was back to believing that they might know about her pregnancy.

Before she could formulate an answer, Lydia intervened. "Nina has her reasons," she stated, her tone stern but not unkind. Her eyes met Nina's, and in that brief connection, there was an unspoken promise - Lydia was on her side. "Nina," she continued, addressing her directly. "You should proceed to arrange the meeting."

Lydia then turned her attention to Peter, her gaze softening slightly. "Peter can stay here for the time being," she suggested, her tone suggesting it wasn't really a suggestion. "I believe Magda would appreciate the company."

A sigh of relief escaped Nina. Lydia's intervention had bought her some time, and she felt an overwhelming wave of gratitude for the Empress. She gave a curt nod and turned to leave, her mind already planning the arrangements for the impending meeting.

Magda, meanwhile, enthusiastically ushered Peter into a sitting area, her warm demeanor a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere that had preceded her invitation. Peter shot Nina an unsure look, but she merely offered a comforting smile in return before she left. It was clear to him that his life had taken an unexpected turn. Now, he just had to figure out how to navigate it.