Chapter 16

Chapter 16

*** Andrea***

We clean to kitchen until it was spotless the counters shine like new, the floor was sweep and mopped, every surfaces was cleaned. Because I for sure did not want Mrs. Smith to kill me and the way nick was acting he did not want Mrs. Smith's raft to fall on him either. After we finished nick drove me home inside of the car was silent tried from all the work of cleaning the kitchen.

 As we finally made it to my new home nick got out of the car came around and open the door for me . Awe your so sweet you didn't have to open the door for me but thank you anyway. He looked so cute standing their trying not to blush like a school boy !! You know you don't have to walk me to my door I know you're just as tried as I am.

 Ok nick says: how about a compromise I walk you to the main door and make sure you get there safely, ok that sounds fine with me. as we said our goodnights at the I raised up on the tips of my feet and kissed nick on his cheek then quickly turned around leaving nick standing there smiling.

As I made it into to door me. I suddenly felt lonely and sad that I did not have what nick has a family.

I sat on the sofa that must have been delivered while I was gone. Tears slowly leaked from my eyes remembering my daddy and how when I was upset or sad he would always come and hug me and show me that everything was going to be fine. He would hug me so tight and I always felt so safe in his arms that nothing could hurt me.

Now what do I have nothing, why did you leave me here all alone daddy? Especially when I need you the most, she doesn't love me or want me, you daddy were the only one that loved me. Why did you have to go its not fair damn you. I cried so hard so much so I cried myself to sleep...

I woke up to the door bell ringing; I slowly got up because I had crook in my neck and my back. Defiantly need new furniture the doorbell rang again, hold your horses I'm coming. Throwing the door open hard standing there was the devil herself their looking as beautiful as model, long black hair down her back, in an elegant Red Carolina Herrera Suite with red and black monolo blahniks with a black clutch purser.

 Hello mother how are you and may I ask why the hell are you at my door at looking at clock on the I see only seven am , So damn early in the morning ? Well little girl I have a proposition for you, and what may that be mother?? Well I will let you move back home with me and my husband and children if you sign some of the money your dad left. Hahaha looks like someone has some pretty funny jokes this morning I see (Hahaha.)

 Can't your husband take care of you and your children, oh I guess not and if I were you (but I'm glad I'm not) I say out loud, and I needed help or want something I'd work on being more humble. But mother dear I wouldn't give you a tick on a dog. Not with the way you've treated me so listen and listen good from here on you are as dead to me as my father and as far as money even if I wanted to fathers will states that I can't give you one red cent. Not that it was going to happen anyway, next thing you know she reaches back and slaps me.

 ***Mrs. Smith***

OH HELL NAW YOU DID NOT JUST SLAP THAT CHILD?? I hear Mrs. Smith say to her you have got to be the worst mother I have ever met, so why don't you pick someone you own size and we will see how goes and who goes home with their ass handed to them, and it for damn sure ain't gone be me!!!

Can say I was shocked to see that evil ass woman hit that baby and the way she talk to that child made me just what bitch slap her silly ass. not this demon ass hoe just staring at me well if she wants a fight she picked the right bitch on the right day...
