Grand Gift

Sena walked into [Eight Immortal Temple] in Century City after roughly five minutes of trying to find it.

There was a maze that some other players were complaining was a new part of the quest, but he just hopped over it. He landed in the temple as he walked past another few regular gamers who were also upset and agitated about the new quest.

"Yesterday, I heard the Eight Immortals only tested you on two tests, but now it seems they changed it to eight tests!"

"It must be because players were making fun of it on the [Seven Seven] Forum." A girl in a red set of level 30 armor said as Sena walked passed her with a smile. He walked into the entrance way to [Eight Immortal Temple] and saw a statue of an immortal with crossed legs.

He sighed and walked over to the statue as he nonchalantly ignored a trap on the floor. This was nothing like [Twist of Fate] and all the traps were obvious. He turned his head to the side and dodged a fist coming out of the wall before he casually walked over to the statue.

A young man was sweating by the statue and looked confused, but Sena ignored him. He walked up to the statue as a large bar appeared over its head.

"You got to hit it and do a certain amount of damage... This wasn't here yesterday!"

"I'll help you," Sena stepped back on his right foot as the statue's eyes moved towards him. The statue was of one of the eight immortals, and he was smiling as Sena pushed off his foot. He was thinking that this boy had pretty good form, but was nothing compared to them at their peak.

Sena noticed this, but ignored it and slammed his hand into the statue's stomach. The statue instantly lost it's smile as Sena gently pulled back his hand and walked away. The wall behind the statue fell over as his bar turned to red as the other boy looked on with fear.

"Wait, are you Sena?"

"No, I'm not," Sena replied as he started to run down the hallway as the boy named Winnie followed after him. He ran as fast as he could as Sena casually stopped at a third statue. This was also new and had been added by the company mysteriously last night.

There was a huge amount of activity going on the forum about it as we speak. Winnie wanted to save video proof of it so he kept staring at Sena. If he wanted to watch something about it later, all he had to do was load his character.

"Please... please give me one thing that I want out of those five objects over there."

"No," Sena ignored the five objects on the floor, "I want to pass,"

"You are refusing an immortal?"

"Yes," Sena replied as he looked over at the objects which were that of basic weapons like swords and shields, "I already have a second class. I'm tired of being offered hidden classes!"

"You-you may advance..." The statue looked somewhat shocked as it moved to the side and let Sena pass. It took long enough to open that Sena looked back at Winnie and sighed as he held the wall open so he could enter.

The statue looked extremely pissed, but Sena let him enter anyway even though the wall was trying to shut. The little boy with black hair looked up at Sena with extreme confusion as he nodded his head and started walking forward.

"This is new, so I'll help you," Sena said as he put his hands in his pockets, "I'll even show you how to improve your attacks."

"Why? Why would you be so nice to me?" Winnie said as he looked at Sena's face, "I'll be honest... I'm only following you because of your reputation."

"I have nothing better to do," Sena looked out at a room of hundreds of statues as the chains around their necks were slowly released. "Besides, this seems easy... Why were the people outside saying it was easier before?"

"Yeah, right..." Winnie said as Sena took out [Poseidon's Trident] and instantly burst towards one of the statues. It looked like it was made out of a special material that could stop even bullets, but that all changed when Sena arrived in front of the [Immortal Stone Statue]. He twisted his foot and casually swung the trident before the statue shot into ten other statues.

They burst into large shards of rocks and caused the pillars to shake.

Sena felt somewhat upset about how that strike went and walked over to another statue as it held out its hand and summoned thousands of rocks into the air. This was the type of ability a level 100 boss was supposed to have not a single elite.

Winnie was amazed and zoomed into film what he thought would be Sena's demise. He smiled as all the other statues held up their hands and started to turn red and beep like they were about to explode.

"You betrayed the eight immortals requirements. You are not allowed to continue!"

"Not bad, however, that's not enough," Sena leaned back and flexed his muscles before he tossed the spear into the first statue and then jumped forward to it as it ricocheted. He grabbed it in mid-air and tossed it at another statue as the inertia carried the two statues towards the rest of the pack.

The shards of brick that broke when Sena attacked spread in all directions towards the other [Immortal Stone Statues]. They were all charging towards Sena and preparing to explode to kill him before they were all sent flying into the stone wall behind them.

The few that crashed into pillars broke into thousands of shards and were destroyed so easily that Sena yawned.

"That's amazing! You're really Sena!"

"I think we made it to the end... You go first," Sena pointed Winnie to the final that he needed to get to in order to complete the quest. He knew enough about the [Eight Immortals] to know that when you walked in that room they'd bestow you with a skill.

He didn't want the skill, so he asked Winnie to go first. He figured he'd just follow out the exit after him and take the finish quest.

Winnie was so touched that he almost didn't know what to say, and ran the opposite direction.

"Sorry, but i was recording you! I can't take your skill."

"Please?" Sena said as he crossed his arms, and tapped his foot impatiently, "If i ask again, I'll have to drag you into the room..."

Winnie sighed and turned around and looked at Sena before he eagerly nodded his head. He smiled and dropped his head before he burst with top speed to Sena and ran past him into the skill room before a bright white light shimmered.

Sena smiled and walked into the room as the exit appeared.

"Hope you enjoy the skill...." Sena said as he smiled and walked out the door, "By the way, don't post that video, or I'll find you..."

"Deal," Winnie said with a smile, "Wow, so many secrets of the universe! I can't believe he let me take this in his place!"

"I knew it... They wanted to give me garbage," Sena sighed and looked over at the time on his monitor as he felt something vibrate in his pocket in the real world. It was still possible to feel things in the real world, but it was much harder with the [habitat] on his head.

"Great, I wonder what tribulation it will be this time..."