
Sena continued walking into the dungeon after finding a map in another treasure chest.

It seemed like the diamond soldiers weren't ever passed before. The rest of the dungeon was covered with cobwebs, and thousands of posts where monsters should be were empty.

It was almost like no monsters in Chaos Dungeon expected anyone ever to beat it. Such contempt from the monsters was both a good and a bad thing for Sena. How was he supposed to beat the dungeon if he couldn't find the boss.

He opened up the map to the Chaos Dungeon and found a skull was on each floor of the dungeon. There were ten bosses in total, and he decided to go to the boss on the second floor's east side.

"Kana, stop play fighting with Rena."

"She's not play fighting. She's attacking me for some reason!" Rena dodged Kana's hands as she reached for her shirt. The two girls started to run around in circles as Sena finally made it to the large door of the boss.

There were three massive two headed boars sleeping on the left and right side of the door. They had brown skin and blue eyes and were comparatively docile to what he expected. He sighed and walked over to one of the boars and knocked on the back of its head.

It suddenly opened its eyes as he stabbed [Cupid's Arrow] into the back of it's head. Since it was facing the other boar, it was immediately overjoyed and got up and walked over to its friend who was still sleeping.

Sena didn't dare watch and walked into the door.

The boars seemed to be girls, so whatever happened at least wouldn't be a problem in the future.

"So, what's the plan?" Kana said as they walked into the boss room as thousands of drops of water fell from the ceiling. Ice was melting and creating almost a diamond mist as it slowly started to rain. "Should we each have a strategy? I can be on defense and Rena can stay safely here?"

"I'm not a baby!"

"Rena, what's your second class again? I forgot?" Sena asked as he looked at his sister as Kana tried to grab her hand again. "Can you tell me?"

"I'm a provisional fire expert.... It means I'm good with fire..."

"Why did you choose that class? Isn't that the most basic one?" Sena asked as a boss walked into the room with a large ax on its back. It almost didn't notice that Sena was there and walked over towards a gigantic treasure chest. "Well, be on distant attacks."

"I think she looks cute no matter what class she has."

"Hello?" The boss got up and looked confused as it looked over at Sena. "How did you little brats get in here? What do you want?"

"We're here to challenge you," Sena walked over to the boss with the [meteor lightning god sword] coming from a portal. "You got a problem with that? What are you eating anyway?"

"There was nothing in the kitchen so I'm drinking tea," The boss said as it stood up and reached for its sword. "Do you want me to take it easy on you? How did you get in here anyway?"

Tartarus was one of the strongest greek gods and had been created when Chaos was created. He looked at Sena with confusion as he decided to pick up a sword.

"How about rather than trying to beat me. I'll teach you a technique. If you can learn the technique, you can consider it beating me."

"Fight me first, and if you win then I'll learn your technique." Sena walked over by himself and looked over at Kana. "You two, stay and watch. Kana, you're hurting her hand. Try not to hold it."

"Am I useless?" Kana looked over dejectedly at Kana as Rena looked over at her with confusion as well. She felt somewhat bad and smiled as she pat Kana on the back. Kana blushed and took out a brush and walked over to Rena and began to brush her hair.

Sena didn't think anything strange of it, and just assumed they were getting closer as sisters.

"Tartarus was it? Don't hold back."

"If I didn't, you would die. Why do you seem familiar?" Tartarus looked at Sena with confusion. He'd in his last life fought a great warrior and gotten killed in three hours. That man somewhat looked like Sena, but had a strange arrogance that Sena didn't have.

They were almost like opposites, with Sena being calm and that man being a domineering presence that wanted to rule the heavens.

Tartarus ignored it and walked up to Sena. He used one finger to hold the sword as he put down his coffee...

"Ready?" Tartarus decided to use the sword to stir his coffee as he looked at Sena, "Don't hold back."

"You sure?"


Sena sighed and pressed off his back foot as he used the [Conqueror's Line] to burst towards Tartarus. He activated his elemental arms and swung at Tartarus as the latter looked at him with confusion.

That style of fighting was definitely familiar. He rapidly stepped off his back foot and slashed at sena's blade.

Sparks flew into the air as Sena slid back and glided across the room.

"Wow, you're not bad. Harder then a few immortals. I'll give you five minutes."

"Five minutes?" Tartarus shook his head, "Kid, you have no idea who you're fighting against. I was responsible for this Earth you're standing on with my wife."

"Too bad," Sena burst forward towards Tartarus, "You're going to lose anyway."