About ten feet between them, the aliens stay close together so one beam converts them all.
(to the humans)
Are you ready for this?
The humans nod, squint and turn their head a little to the side, unsure of what they would witness.
(he then looks at MA-1 & MA-2)
Tish? You think Sean could be right
about your feelings after we're
back to our real selves?
Tisha turns away from them with a sad look in her face.
You both might not really like how
we look after this… just be ready.
SA-1 extends his arm and points the device towards them. They start to glow in a very bright white light for a few seconds, dim a little to show an outline of human form, then glow again; outline-glow about five times. The glare of the light is like looking at the sun and experience momentary loss of focus or sight. The humans' eyes could not bear it. They have to turn away. After the light has subsided, the humans face them again. Frightful of what would be before their eyes. The aliens are looking at them, waiting for their reaction.
Pamela and Tisha quickly move forward towards them, give MA-1 and MA-2 a left and right hand combination of slaps.
You trio of idiots! Why don't you
just tell you can't be serious with
That's right! You could have a girl
or even a family in your own planet,
come to think of it!!!
The stunned trio look at each other and to their surprise, they still look human in every aspect. They couldn't believe their own eyes.
It's nothing like that!
We don't understand this ourselves!
We have to communicate with the
spacecraft and ask for a scan!
(to Dan Hill)
Can we quickly drive back to your
home in L.A. We can't communicate
with our ship exposed possibly to
other human!
Your device might be low on battery!
In the background, Pam and Tisha, are overjoyed. Their eyes twinkle on the thought that Mr. Right is here to stay.
In a hurry, the group rush to the SUV they rented, pack themselves in, and speeds off back to L.A. The trio are quiet, so with Hill, but the girls keep on with their girly whispers. Midway, the two girls fall asleep between MA-1 and MA-2, who couldn't believe what has happened to them. Very often, they check on the comfort of the two girls. The more than 400 mile trip is long but it seems no one felt it.
Driving onto Hill's driveway, they hurry inside, not minding the two girls asleep in the SUV. MA-1 switches on the TV while SA-1 is communicating with the spaceship. Shortly . . .
PANEL CREW (female):
(to TA-1 and SA-2)
SA-1 is on one of our monitors…
Go ahead, we're waiting for this.
INTERCUT: (spaceship and TV)
Could you please display on the TV
screen here, a scan on our bodies?
Sure! What's going on there?
Send it now, I'll tell you later.
The TV screen again garbles, distorts then the usual "Doors" introduction. On the TV screen, it shows that ninety five percent of their brain and bodies are red. The eye area is not shaded with any red. Just then, the two women come in the house to witness what's on the TV screen.
That explains it!
Explains what?
The red shades on our bodies mean
that those parts have been converted
to human. Our bodies are quickly
converted because it was originally
like human bodies.
A few seconds later, TA-1 appears on screen. The humans are astounded how he looks, then glance at the aliens.
Surprise – surprise. Humans, this
is really how we look. Those with
you, we could not undo because they
need at least seventy five percent
Exter tissues to be reverted by the
Thank you TA-1 for that dramatic
entrance. You surely sobered up the
people with us.
Probably you understand that you have
reached the point of no return.
The girls silently jump with joy and rapid little claps.
Yeah, we do. What are our options?
Your choice, we can get you back but
undergo the viable process, or, live
the rest of your life on earth.
A ghostly silence prevails in Hill's living room. MA-1 and MA-2 look at Pamela and Tisha, then to SA-1, who also looks at them.
MA-1 and MA-2, I think, have a purpose
here on earth, I don't think I have
Dan Hill's face shows some disbelief. He has gotten to like the company and logical thoughts of SA-1, who looks at him.
With a shrug . . .
It's your life not mine . . .
Standing up, SA-1 shakes the hand of Hill and they buddy-hug each. Not certain of their feelings.
This is not good-bye… it's like an
end of a season in basketball…
I could return . . .
(turning to the TV screen)
The mini craft comes in the form of a parrot. Turns into that CD player-like form; hovers up and down in front of SA-1 with a beam. Seconds after, SA-1 shrinks down to a size, small enough to get into the mini craft. The craft settles down on the floor; opens its hatch; SA-1 gets in; before the hatch closes on him . . .
(miniature voice)
See you next season guys!
Without turning back to a parrot, the mini craft zooms away in lightning speed towards the front door, slows down to a brake-like screech, turns and goes for the bathroom window. Those left, rush to the dining room panoramic vista window to see the mini craft vanish into the dark of the night. From their backs, we see each couple's arms onto each other's waist, Hill mimicking his arms around someone.
----- The End -----
SA-1 (Scot Nash) Male Panel Crew
MA-1 (Sean Rock) Female Panel Crew
MA-2 (Chris Orton) TA-1
Dan Hill SA-2
Pamela Fox Street Players
Tisha Holmes Coach Jacobs
Makers Team Rings Team
Bets Team Makers Fan