"The house it can't be right? We aren't in texas, wait where are we exactly?" All these thoughts were flooding my head all at once. "Lt." "LT" shouted wolf, I got so caught up in my own world that I forgot I was still behind enemy lines. "copy wolf what's up" I said "sir the doc just gave us a 4 wheeler to help us get there faster" said wolf. "How in the hell did she do that?" I thought "same way she did with the sniper sir" Oh ya forgot wolf can read my thoughts. "well that would make sense" I jumped on and we gunned it all te way there. It was high noon when we got there, "I cant believe it we really are home"i said with excitement and worry. "home sir?"questioned wolf "ya wolf this is where I live... well lived at least with my parents before everything went to hell." I told him. "sir why did you still live with your parents shouldn't you have your own place?"he asked. "are you kidding wolf I am still in high school, hell wolf I'm just 17 my birthday was 2 days ago."I said, "17 sir? Your a sec ops solider at 17 and a Lieutenant?!"wolf said suprised. "ya after my house blew up on top of me the military took me and turned me into who or whatever I am" I said. Me and wolf stood there in silence for a few minutes before the evac helicopter showed up. "wolf no one is to know I am 17 and a junior" I told him. " yes sir" he said, "sir when you get back to base the doc wants to see you" said one of the tail gunners. I looked at him and nodded showing that I heard him, I wasn't much in the talking mood after seeing my house. The whole thing brought back memories that I would rather forget about. "Sir" questioned one of the gunners " is it true that you took out a whole platoon of enemy soldiers?" he asked. "yes it is why do you ask?"I said back. He had a puzzled look on his face but at the same time was suprised "Well sir all day the enemy radio chatter has been about the BLACK DEVIL sir. They cant see you until it is too late and that the BLACK DEVIL only attacks at night sir." he said. Black Devil huh? It has a ring too it, I think I'm gonna stick with it. When we landed I headed straight for the docs office with a huge grin on my face though no one could see it I was happy as could be. "Hey doc what can I do for you" Inasked even though it was improper I couldn't help it. "I'm sorry Lt. Really I am" she said with tears in her eyes. "Doc what happened. Tell me" I said as a lump formed in my throat." Tell me NOW" I demanded putting a hole in the wall with my fist. "She has been taken hostage" she said.