CHAPTER 2.. A shocking revelation and Training Method.


A shocking revelation and Training Method...

Beginner guiding section had a disclaimer saying: Only for mortals who had joined the group recently only available for 20 year after joining...

Thinking deeply Kei constantly tap his finger on his head, which usually mean he was in deep thought, " well let's try this option too after coming this far I guess hacker must have access everything I guess and what's there in my phone of worth hiding."

Clicking on it he felt an electrical impulse running in his mind while he looked at series of weird technique names.

Sky shaking Fist technique...

Phantom Dance of Death...

Pulse of heavenly beat...

And so on but what peaked Kei interest was {Yang dragon and Yin Tiger force.} which had the depiction of dragon with orange and violent red roaring at sky while White Monarch looking at heaven with disdain in his eyes, although Kei knew he was looking at image but the feeling of powerlessness with deep fear was hidden inside his heart.

"What a weird image, can this group be real legitimate chat group of deities and god while I had been lucked out to be mistakenly joining them?" Kei tremble with this thought and ponder over his next action with a serious look.

Making his mind Kei tap over {Yang dragon and Yin Tiger force}

Suddenly huge amount of memories he never had before came rushing inside his mind in which a boy shadow started performing some stance after which Invisible energy bin the surrounding started to cover him up while every breath he took had large amount of so called energy which travelled its lungs and in which a hole in the lung absorbed it which was connected with a stem like structure.

According to instruction the hole was lungs Acupoint through which the person was able to pass the collected Qi (Weird Energy) into his Dantian (Branch like structure.).

For becoming a cultivator Kei had to open the first Lungs Acupoint, then he had to clear his first Dantian, this realm is called Mortal Beginning Ascension.

Which are divided into 3 tiers and 9 sections, low tier had 1 star to 3 stars similarly with mid and high tier too, after which one will shed mortal body and will had rise in power and vitality too.

Kei stood up after a long time as he performed similar movement to the shadow while he felt warm feeling on his skin while, cold feeling coming from other half of the body, with every breath Kei feel his body a new while he was immersed in the fantastic state he didn't notice a shadow of old man smiling at him with a node.

Fist first: revolving Dragon wrath.

Fist Second: Tiger Crunch...

Fist Third: Rising Dragon....

This set contain 20 fist technique for basic establishment while he was only able to perform first four which was his limit, after which he realized that it was already 12:30 pm and he had to go for lunch, while his body was releasing black oil like substance with awful smell.

Kei rushed inside the bath room with sore body while he took a bath, cleaning his body he notice that his skin looked little fair while there is a healthy glow too which was a shock for him to absorb this early.

Smiling Kei pumped his fist in the sky while he thought "My status can be cured."

After which he left his apartment and rush toward Lady Anna shop with a huge smile plaster over his face, looking at laughing yet silly figure of Kei Anna broke into smile as she couldn't help but ask "What happen Kei you looked happy, and what's with this sudden glow over your face."

Kei was embarrassed yet he smiled while scratching his face and saying "Ha-ha, I don't know but after today shower I realise that my skin seemed to be healthy as previous time doctor explained in his test and there was huge surge of vitality in my body."

Listening to Kei, Anna reveal shocking expression but soon hugged Kei with a smile, as she patted Kei head while saying " I am happy for you little Kei and hope you get better every day."

Listening Anna word Kei tear up a little while he controlled his emotion and nodded.

After the lunch which was full of meat and veggies as a treat for his recovery to Kei, he rushed back to home to collect every experience he had in his Dairy note which was a habit of his.

After entering the room he sat down and repeat every experience while this time there was an additional box which heading was

Cultivation Experience...

Every punch I throw had life in them which Coach Stuart once said to me, while the weird Qi surrounding me formed a protective layer around my body but, it was clear that amount of Qi in my world seemed to be neither high, neither Low which is perfect for my practice.

Then Each and every breath absorbed the Qi inside my lungs but the Acupoint is like endless abysses and it never stopped greedily absorbing it.

For now but the weird thing is that half of my body get heated up and other half is cold which had a painful experience for me during my punches session, but I guess it can also be good sign because I can absorb two different energy which is better than absorbing only single one, after which I also guess during day time hot Qi is more Dominant, while other Cold Qi would be more Dominant during night which can be counted as wild guess for now.

Overall Review: I am getting more and hungrier for power which could have been my hidden side, i never had, and on the other hand I wish to earn riches from this hidden secret of mine.

Caution: I have to cautious because there might be other side of society in which people who had similar encounter as same as me, then I have to look for cultivator's too because I need res0urce to continue this path.

After writing down he jumped while looking at the watch as it was 4pm already and he had to go there...

Smiling Kei Thought 'How are you now Kaede.'

Silently entering the alley Kei rushed out with a huge dash with a smile and excitement, due to the speed he achieved in such instantaneous second with a single dash while he feel the wild wind across his face, suddenly he felt something and his body instantly jumped based on his instinct while he saw a cat below him as he passed over it with ease which shocked Kei.