Shirou Silver

A young man with black, fierce short hair with blue and sliver eyes, sat in the helicopter seat with a bear cub on his sleeping on his lap. He wears a dirty tattered brown t-shirt and black knee-length pants. The young man was Yuu, and besides him was a middle-aged man who had tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. He wears shaded glass spectacles and unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wears black trousers shoes and long, dark green pants.

Yuu: [Why… something like this happen?]

Let's rewind the time a bit.

After defeating Beowolf, Yuu went to see the origin of the voice that had previously attracted the attention of the beowolf. He was surprised when he arrived, the shrieking sound was actually the sound of a bear cub crying. Yuu also saw a large bear that might be its parents. Its body was full of injury, Yuu thought that the bear cub parent might be died because attacked by another wild animal.

Yuu decided to take the bear cub with him, and to his surprise, the bear cub calmly obeyed as Yuu picked it up.

After that he come back to the cabin and started again to experiment on some of the abilities he had and his new obtained abilities. When he has finished using all of his special abilities except for one ability, called [Form Change]

Yuu finally decided to try to activate the ability, but what happened surprised him. Half of his body turned into a pitch black color and on his face there was a white half broken mask, maybe because he still low level causes the Form not perfect. Not only that, he also obtained new skill.

[Skill: [Darkness Authority] Obtained]

[Skill: [Dark Devour] Obtained]

[Skill: [Black Field] Obtained]

[Skill: [Mimicry] Obtained]

[Skill: [Semblance Copy] Obtained]

When Yuu was fascinated by his appearance and the new skill he obtained, he was caught by someone. The person was next to him now. At first the man thought of the young man as a Grimm in human form, but he realized that the young man only had the appearance of half Grimm. This made him doubtful about attacking or not attacking, then he decided to approach Yuu which made him panicked (although he not really panicked).

Yuu already knew who the person in front of him was, he was called Professor Ozpin. A huntsman and principal of Beacon Academy.

Yuu doesn't know why Pro. Ozpin can be in the emerald forest. But when Ozpin stepped toward him, he was sweating coldly. That was because he now had a half-Grimm appearance, and there would be a possibility of the middle-aged man in front of him to finish him in the blink of an eye. Yuu knew full well the power Pro. Ozpin had.

He had no choice but to just stand still with an emotionless expression. The closer Ozpin, the faster his heartbeat. When Ozpin was close enough to him, he knelt down and began talking to the young man in front of him.

Ozpin: (Smiled) Hello, how are you? May i know your name?

At first Yuu flinched, but he answered in a low voice.

Yuu: (Silent for a moment) I… do not have one.

He answered honestly, even though he had a name in his previous life, he currently did not have it in this second life, because it was seen in his window status.

Ozpin: hm? you don't have? [Strange, is this child a Grimm or a human? I can feel his aura and he also have silver eyes, so it's impossible if this child is a Grimm.] (Smirked) [This is interesting.]

Ozpin stood up and extended his hand to Yuu, which made him confused and doubtful. He looked into Ozpin's eyes.

Ozpin: Come with me, we will talk in another place, it is not safe here. It's okay, I'll take you to a safer place.

Yuu deactivated his abilities and surprised Ozpin when he saw it. Before leaving, he went to get the bear cub that he had left in the cabin.


After a few minutes, the helicopter carrying Yuu landed on the ground.

Ozpin: Alright, we're here. Come on follow me.

Yuu decided to listen to Ozpin for now. He walked beside him while looking around.

Yuu: [Where is this? Is this place his house?]

They walked for a while and arrived at place that looked like an office.

Yuu: [Is this his Office or what? I don't watch all RWBY episodes nor do I know much about the characters so... where exactly is this? Aaargh, so annoying. If it's like this I should at least read more the character profiles that are on some RWBY fan websites.]

Ozpin: (Sat down on sofa) Now, shall we talk about you?

Three years later.

Yuu: [Three years have passed since then. After listening to the story I made, Ozpin decided to let me stay with him and he also give me the name Shirou Silver. I was taught everything by him, how to read, education from this world, and also how to fight grimm by him. He might want me to be a huntsman. But from all that, he always reminded me not to show the form of my half Grimm to others. Because there is a possibility for the witnesses to misunderstand and end up hunting me. Well, I already know that thought.]

Shirou is currently walking around the City of Vale. And now, on the way to someplace.

Why he in such a place? Well, that because he want to meet the protagonist of RWBY.

Shirou wears dark, topcoat over a black and white, hooded jacket and dark red shirt. He also wears long, dark blue denim pants with magnetic belt on his waist. There were ordinary long sword in the belt.

Shirou: [That old man said not to go too far and returned before afternoon. Well, I just went to make friends with that two sibling. Although the place a little bit far, I'm sure I will be okay… maybe.]

Shirou continued walking while thinking about something.

Shirou: [I am currently 10 years old, and the two of them should be, still a child. If I not mistaken, they must be on the way to find their mother's whereabouts. I have to go to their place as soon as possible. Because according to the story, they will be attacked by Grimm once they reach that place.]

Shirou: (Grinned) I wanted to know, what will happen if the story changed? Heh, I can't wait.