Butterfly Effect

After a few minutes, the ships that carrying the student, Shirou and two sibling finally docking at the entrance of the school.

Shirou who was walking alongside the two sibling, taking a look at Jaune who was running towards the nearest trash can, hunching over it as he loses his lunch.

Shirou, Ruby, and Yang, alongside several other students, walk out of the ship and head down the paved path to the front of the school.

Ruby and Yang: Wow...

Shirou: This is… [Its, feel different when looking from my computer screen.] (Smiled) Awesome.

Yang: Yeah, the view from Vale's got nothing on this!

Ruby: Ooooh!

Shirou: [There she goes again, amazed by student who carrying unique weapon. From the anime, Yang the one who stopped her. Well, its just stopping her from making trouble. What could go wrong?] (Pulled Ruby hood) Eazy there, little girl.

Yang: Calm down, little sister. They're just weapon!

Ruby: Just weapon?-

Shirou: […Same line again, huh? So nothing different from here, except when Yang telling her to make a friend but replied with "But… why I need friends if I have you two?" Ruby has changed the line because my existence.] (After a few moments talk, Yang left Ruby and Shirou to go meet her friends. While Ruby almost crash to someone, Shirou catch her in time) Fuu… Close call, are you okay Ruby?

Ruby: Yeah, thanks.

Weiss: Hey! Can't you be more careful?! (Glance at the two, but noticed a familiar person) huh? Shirou is that you!?

Shirou: (Nervously Laughing) Long time no see, Weiss. How are you?

Weiss: (face slightly red) Oh, I-I'm fine. Wait! Why I talking to you? Hmph!

Shirou: (slightly smiled) [Still the same attitude, eh? Is she still mad with the incident at that time?]

2 years ago. While Shirou was hunting a Low-Level Grimm, he met with Weiss who was accompanied by his sister, Winter and several people who looked like their bodyguards. At first, he feel rather strange for them to be in the forest full of monster. But later he realized that maybe all of that happen was because he had changed the future which caused the butterfly effect.

When they first met him, they thought of Shirou as just a lost child. But they changed their minds when they saw Shirou's helping them fight against a group of Grimm who suddenly attacked Schnee group.

When the fight was over, Winter insisted on Shirou to let one of her subordinate to check if he was hurt but rejected the offer politely.

Even though Shirou has regeneration skills which he has also upgrade it using the [Skill Upgrade Card] that he buy from Shop, he cannot let someone see his strangely fast regenerative ability because it will attract unwanted attention. He was fortunate because the system has a function where he can choose to deactivate or activate the selected skills.

But at the end, he was treated by one of her subordinates. After that, Shirou insisted that he would go home alone which was rejected by Winter. But to Shirou who was a stubborn person, he tried to run away from that place despite being injured in several parts of the body. Weiss who caught him running away, tried to stop him, but she tripped on something and fall over. But when she fall, her lips were land on Shirou lips. Yup, they kissed.

Shirou: (Sigh) […At that time Winter suddenly became mad and chased after me with her weapon, but because I had reactivated my regeneration skills, I recovered quickly and was able to escape from her. It was a little scary when I remember her angry face.] Weiss, are you still mad about that? That's an accident, you were tripped at that time.

Weiss: Accident or not! You were the one who stole my first- (Suddenly Shirou put his hand on her mouth, because he was to close her face become red) hmmphh!

Shirou: (Low voice) Stooop! What are you saying suddenly in front of many people!? (Weiss was confused, but realized that her word whould make a misunderstanding)

Weiss: (removing his hand from her mouth, her face still red) I-its not like that! I-I just… uuuuugh (Glaring at Shirou) I hate you! (With a "Hmph" She walking off in a huff as her helper follow)

Shirou: (Sigh) [Why does it have to be like this? I just want to be friends with her. But her expression was quite cute.] (Looking at her back) [Its look like Weiss personality had changed, Is this also due to the butterfly effect?]

Ruby: Uh, Brother Shirou? Who was that person? Are you know her? And what was that "My first" that she talk about? Is that about that "thing"?

Shirou: Huh?! (Cold sweat) No, no, no, no, you are misunderstood something! Its not about that "thing" at all! Wait! why are you know about that?!

Ruby: Don't treat me as a kid! I at least know about that "thing" from some book that I read in Signal Academy.

Shirou: [What kind of book you had read?!!!]

When they were talking, someone suddenly come to talk to them.

Jaune: H-hey… I'm Jaune.

Shirou: …Shirou.

Ruby: Ruby... Pfft, aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship?

Shirou: Ruby, thats rude.


Inside the Beacon Academy, Shirou, Ruby, and Jaune walking alongside to the place they even know.

Shirou who was walking with them, just calmly listen to their conversation and would replied if they ask. Since Jaune approached them, there was no interesting thing that could attract Shirou attention, except for Blake Belladonna who not appeared. Time went on, and they finally realized that they were going in the wrong direction.

Ruby: hmm. (Looking around) hey, where are we going?

Jaune: Oh, I don't know! I was following you two.

Ruby: Uuh, Brother Shirou…

Shirou: (Glance at her) Wait a minute. (Closed his eyes and began to expand his perception to detect a place with crowded people)

Jaune: (Confused, and asked with low voice) Hey, what is he doing?

Ruby: (low voice) Shh! Don't disturb Brother Shirou when he like this! Because you just know him, let me tell you. My brother actually has great perception ability, and he can detect the presence around him. Although I still don't know the range of his ability.

Jaune: What?! Thats awesome. Also, come to think of it. Why are you call him Brother? Is he your Brother?

Ruby: Well, about that… (When she want to say something, Shirou suddenly opened his eyes)

Shirou: (Open the eyes slowly) I found the place, follow me.

Ruby: Lets talk about that later again.

Jaune: Oh, sure.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the Beacon Academy giant's auditorium, filled to the drim with people. Shirou look around him, Ruby looks over when she hears Yang voice.

Yang: (Waving) Ruby! Shirou! Over here! I saved you two a spot!

Ruby: (to jaune) Oh! Hey, w-we gotta go! We'll see you after the ceremony! (Pull Shirou hand and leave)

Jaune: Hey, wait!-

Once the two arrived, Yang crossed her arms and they began to talk. But when they talk, there was something that attracts Shirou attention. Ruby, who talked to her half sister, did not talk about how she exploded like in the anime. But instead she talked about, how she met someone Shirou knew. Weiss, who happened to be near them, interrupted and said that she didn't know Shirou at all.

Shirou actually feel sad when he heard Weiss word, but later he felt surprised and slightly excited, because finally there was a change.

Weiss: I don't know him at all! And I don't want to know about him! Also, who are you? Why are you keep standing for someone like him?

Ruby: Stop saying something like that! I'm a hunter-in-training, Ruby! (Point her finger at Shirou) And his my big brother! (Glare)

Weiss: Huh?! (Glance at Shirou) Shirou, you had a little sister?!

Shirou: Eh? Um, Yeah, about that… (Cold sweat) [I didn't expect that something like this would happen, there's no other choice, I need to call for help.] (Glance at Yang, making an eye gesture thats calling for help)

Yang: (Glance at Shirou, slightly smiles and sighed inside) Ehem, Look, uh, how about you two calm down first? Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?

Ruby and Weiss: (Point at each other and glare at Yang) Why do I have to be friends with someone like her?!

Yang: Uuuuh… (Glance at Shirou, shrugged) [I already try.]

Shirou: [Noooo! Don't leave me behind!]

At that moment, Professor Ozpin step onto the stage, readying the microphone, with Glynda beside him. He began to give his welcoming speech which, although short, is rather blunt. Shirou feel grateful because the girl attention was drawn to the stage.

Shirou: [Thank you, Professor. You came at the right time.] (Glance at Ruby) [I realize that Ruby personality had changed, but I didn't expect to be this much. She even acknowledge me as her brother, but I actually feel happy about that.]

After the speech, Glynda instruct the student to gather in the ballroom and prepare for tomorrow initiation.