Solo Huntsman

The day before Shirou enter the Beacon Academy.

Ozpin: You… want to be a Solo Huntsman? But why?

Shirou: Professor, I'm not being arrogant or overconfident right now, but I do this because I feel that I won't get a partner or can make a team when the cadet trial begin. This also concerns me who is half a monster, maybe, just maybe, there will be a time when I use that form to protect my friend.

Ozpin: Shirou... you are not a monster, you are human. So please stop saying things like that. (A moment of silence) All right, I fulfill your request. But still, (look at his eyes) please try to make a partner or team. I also gonna try to do something about your problem.

Shirou: Thank you, Professor. (Smiles)

Glynda who heard the story feel a mixed emotion. She in the past, was the one who teach Shirou education the most. She actually start to think him as a part of family.

Glynda: So he still think himself as a monster?

Ozpin: Yeah, in seems so. I still don't know why he chooses to become Solo Huntsman, but I want to respect his decision.

Glynda: hmm… professor, can I suggest you a solution?

Ozpin: do tell.

Glynda: Its like this…

While the two teachers were having a conversation, Yang and Blake had arrived in the Ruin while Shirou was still in the woods watching Ruby and Weiss arguing with each other.

Shirou: [They're... not doing so fine. At first, Ruby try to act nice to her, but later they start to arguing each other. Haa... is this because of me that Ruby personality changed? I have no idea. (Looking at them)

Shirou began to activate his Remote Viewing Skill and found out that Yang and Blake has arrived at the Ruin. He also notes that quiet a few dark color Chess pieces are missing, meaning that some minor character has take it.

[Remote Viewing]: the host can see and search for the selected targets by imagine their appearance. Range limit: 1 km.

Shirou: [If thats two already there, meaning Weiss and Ruby will use that method to arrive at the Ruin. I'd better go wait for them near the ruins... ? (Looking at the several Grimm who began to approaching his place) What a hassle, this monster will only interrupt them. Well, its only a few of them. I'd better finish this quickly.]

[Skill: [Teleportation] Activated]

Shirou disappear from his place and arrive in front of the group of Grimm.

The Grimm surprised when they saw a young man suddenly appear before them. Before they could roar in anger, their bodies had been split into two and Shirou was suddenly right behind the monster's group. There were spark of lightning on his gunblade and on his hand.

Shirou: Hm… (looking at his gunblade) It seems like I was too fast. Is this because my stats and levels are too high than other? Uuh, I don't know if this is a good thing or not.

Shirou suddenly heard a girl's scream above the sky, and noticed that Ruby and Weiss are hanging onto a large mass of feathers fluttering in the wind, with Weiss berating on Ruby how their current predicament was a bad idea.

Shirou only sighed upon looking at them and began to dash at high speed to the Ruin.

Once he arrived, he saw Jaune fly in mid-air and collided with Ruby, and the two of them land in a nearby tree.

Using Stealth skill, Shirou hides himself in the woods and watch everything from afar. He then notice an Ursa Grimm come stumbling out of the forest and collapsed on the ground with Nora riding on its back and Ren exhaustedly chasing close behind.

Shirou watched everything, he realized that all the scene he watched were the same as RWBY Vol. 1 Episode 8 scenario.

Shirou: […Its just the same]

Shirou continue to watch, he saw Pyrrha crash-land in front of the group, then Yang sarcastically says now that the entire team has gathered at the location, they can die together. But soon she realized that Shirou still not arrived, before she could start calling for his name, Ruby suddenly decides to take out the Death Stalker on her own, but her attacks prove ineffective against its thick armor. Realizing this, she puts Crescent Rose away and flees toward the other students. The Nevermore fires a barrage of feathers, one of which pins Ruby cape to the ground, pinning her. Shirou who saw this feel only worries and anxiety.

Shirou: […Although I already know that Weiss will save her, but still…] (gritted his teeth) I don't care anymore, she's my friend, she my little sister, what kind of brother who can't even protect his own little sister?

As the Death Stalker catches up to Ruby, it raises its stinger to strike her. Shirou already jumped with all his force leaving "BOOM!" Sound, then the tree that he sat was destroyed in pieces. Once arrived, he catch and hold the stinger with his left hand which was covered with Aura.

Ruby: Brother Shirou! (Smile)

Shirou: Ruby… [Haa, what am I doing?] What did I say… [I supposed not to do this] …about not to showing off when you in the battle?

Ruby: I'm sorry…

Shirou: (Sigh and smiled) I'm relived that you're okay. [Yeah, I'm really relived that she okay.] (As Ruby her that, her face was turned slightly red)

Shirou unsheathed his gunblade with right hand, pulled the trigger, and then swing it to release a lightning strike at its tail, cutting it off. The Death Stalker shrieking in pain and backed a few meters away.

Shirou: Weiss! Can you freeze its leg?

Weiss: You don't need to tell me that! (She said as she speed over and uses Ice Dust to freeze the Death Stalker leg in place, then she approach Shirou)

Shirou: Thanks (Smiles)

Weiss: Hmph!

Yang: (as she rushes up to Ruby and gives her a hug) So happy you're okay! (The two stares at each other for a moment, then looked up at the Nevermore still flying overhead and roaring)

Jaune: (Back with the Group) Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?

Shirou: (to Jaune) "What are we gonna do?" Look, our objective is right in front of us. (The group stare at the relics) [Hm? Wait, did I just stole Weiss line?]

Ruby: Brother Shirou right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs. (Looking at the Group) There's no point in fighting these thing.

Jaune: Run and live - thats an idea I can get behind!

Ruby goes over and grabs a gold knight (Identical to the one Yang picked out) and Jaune takes hold of a gold hook (similar to Nora and Ren piece), smiling at each other. The Death Stalker continues to fight its bonds, cracking the Ice a little in the process.

Ren: Time to left.

Ruby: Right. (Waves to the others) Let's go!

She goes forward with everyone following except for a smiling Yang and Blake as the latter approach her partner.

Shirou: (While running) [Although I have interfered in the scene where Weiss saved Ruby from the Death Stalker attack. (Looking at other) Nothing seems to change... Yeah, that's a good thing. But, since I'm already involved, I'll change the story.] The rice has become porridge, I can't go back now. (He mumbled)

As they running away, the Death Stalker has break free from the Ice and gives chase with the Nevermore, forcing the group to face them.


Shirou and the group is heading out of the forest and into the abandoned series of structure as the Nevermore follow them from the air. They spread out when it passes above, concealing themselves behind some of the stone block with their allies as it perches on a high column and caws.

Shirou hide behind the stone block with Ruby and Yang.

Yang: (Annoyed) Well, that's great!

Shirou: There no other choice. Ruby, Yang, listen to me. I'm going to use Howling, so close your ears.

Yang: Wha-

Before the two sister could say something, the Death Stalker suddenly bursting onto the scene.

Shirou: There no time! Warn the other! (He said as he dash to open place facing the scorpion-like Grimm)

Yang and Ruby: Everyone close your ears!!

Everyone: Eh?

[Skill: [Intimidation Howl] Activated]

Shirou: (inhale) Roooooooar!!!

Shirou roaring to the Death Stalker, leaving the monster unable to move for one minute. Although the other also slightly affected by the skill, none of them was in state of Fear.

Shirou: Yang! Ruby! Assist me!

The two sisters followed Shirou from behind. Yang began to dash and jump towards Death Stalker, she strike a barrage of punch at its head. Every blow was accompanied by sparks of flame. She backed a few meter away revealing Ruby who also dash forward passes her sister with her Crescent Rose in Scythe form.

Ruby in high speed, spinning around the Death Stalker collapsed body, attacking all of its leg, then she backed away and transform her weapon into sniper form. She shot the back a few times before regroup with Yang.

Shirou, who was in the sky, held his two weapons which covered in Fire Dust and Lightning Dust. He has pulled the trigger three times only to make the dust element fused and making it more powerful. He swing the sword releasing a "X" form of two element attack.

Once the Death Stalker died, he received a notification from the system.

Shirou: One down. Now… (He stare at the Nevermore who continue to attack the other team)

Yang: (As she approach while Ruby go to help the other) Shirou, are you okay?

Shirou: Yeah, we need to help them. Let's go.

Shirou and Yang dash to the other team place. The Nevermore attacking them with firing a barrage of feathers.

Once Shirou arrived, everyone was hiding behind the stone block.

Jaune: Shirou! What did you just do?! You suddenly shouted and make the Death Stalker unable to move!

Pyrrha: Shirou, right? I also want to know about that shout.

Shirou: I will tell you all later, but for now… (a feather suddenly landed near them following Jaune "Hii-") We need to defeat that thing.

A moment of silence.

Yang: Shirou, do you have any plan again?

Shirou: Only one, but I need Weiss help for this. (Everyone stare at Weiss)

Weiss: Uugh… Aaah, jeez! Okay! Okay! I will help you! So stop staring at me like that!

Shirou: (Smiles) good.

Weiss: (She mumbled) 'What with that smiles?' So what I need to do?

Shirou: Its like this… (He gives a explanation to other for about 1 minutes) …Okay, can you guys do that?

Everyone: No problem/ Okay/ Understood/ Leave it to me!

Shirou: Then, let's go.


Once the Nevermore stop firing, they start to running all over the place. Ren, Nora, Blake, Ruby, Yang, and Pyrrha set their weapons to fire a barrage of blast at the bird, which it not take a dodge but only give a little damage until it began to fires a barrage of feathers again. They leap from other place to another.

Shirou crouching in the ground with Weiss on his side, below him was Weiss black sigil.

Weiss: Are you sure you want to do this? (Worried face)

Shirou: hm? Are you worried about me?

Weiss: (reddened face) Hu-huuh?! Who say I worried about you?!

Shirou: Haha, I just joking. You don't need to worried for someone like me.

Weiss: [No, I didn't mean that. I just…] Shirou-

Shirou: Weiss, Now!

Weiss hold back what she wanted to say, and began to turn the circle from black to red and releases Shirou at such a speed that the ground behind him launch crack. He also activate Flight Skill to speed up, and once he gets closer, he clenched his fist and strike an uppercut from bellow.

[Skill: [Intimidation Howl] Activated]

Shirou shouted directly to Nevermore in the mid-air, made the bird not be able to move nor flap its wings again. The bird fallen to the ground, and everyone began to fires a barrage of attack, instantly killed the Grimm.

Shirou: (landed safely) …Aren't that a little bit brutal?

Weiss: (Approach him) What are you talking about? You're the one who thought of this plan.

Shirou: I just didn't expect them to fires a barrage of attack like that. (He said as he looked at the other who approaching) Haa, the plan is going well. So it doesn't matter. (Looking at Weiss and smiled) Lets go back.

Weiss: (Without looking at him, she smiled) Yeah, lets go back.


Later, at the Beacon Academy great auditorium, Professor Ozpin forms the team. The first team consists of Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark, forming team CRDL, pronounced "Cardinal", led by Cardin. The next team is Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha, forming team JNPR, pronounced "Jupiter", with Jaune serving as its Leader. And then, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Blake, forming team RWBY, pronounced "Ruby", with Ruby leading the team.

Ozpin: And Finally: Shirou Silver. You retrieved the white king pieces. And because of that, from this day onward, you will work alone as Solo Huntsman.

As soon as the other students heard this, they had confused and surprised expressions. Especially for the RWBY Team and the JNPR Team, they did not expect this. Before Ruby could say anything, Ozpin continued his speech.

Ozpin: But, you can choose to join someone team and also, other team can invite you to became a part of their team. Its decided on you to accept or refuse the invitation.

Shirou: Wha-

Team RWBY: Wha-

Team JNPR: Wha-

Everyone: Whaaaat!