
The day after the Jaune incident, Cardin never bothered him again, No, more precisely he avoided Jaune every time he saw him. Although his behavior made Jaune confused, he actually felt relieved because he was no longer being bullied.

And for Shirou, he began to train him after the class end. The training include Aura Mastery, Martial Arts, and Swordsmanship, he would teach him this three, everyday. In the middle of training, Shirou surprised, because he suddenly obtained a new passive skill called, Teaching. He didn't expect to obtain such a convenient skill. After teaching Jaune again, he began to understand how the skill work. When he began the Martial Arts training, each time Shirou teach him one move, Jaune would understand the move in a few minutes which make Jaune slightly confused but also relieved because he make a progress.

Jaune: Shirou, did I really do it right?

Shirou: Yeah, but its not 100% perfect! You still far from being a hero. (At this moment, Jaune stomach grumbling) Haa… lets go eat first. (Jaune scratching his head in embarrassment)

When the two arrived at the dining hall, they see Ruby who waved her hand. The two go to take their food and went to Ruby and the others place.

Ruby: Jaune, how the training?

Jaune: Yeah, about that! I actually make a progress! (Thumbs up)

Shirou: Yeah, only a little.

After the Jaune incident, Team RWBY and Team JNPR was informed by Shirou that Jaune has been bullied by Cardin since the duel ended. When they heard this they were angry, but they calmed down after hearing that the problem had been solved by Shirou himself. Seeing Shirou's calm and confident expression, they had no choice but to believe in him.

Weiss: Even if it's just a little, it's good for you to makes a progress.

Ruby: Yeah, She's right.

Jaune: Thank you guys.

Shirou who was eating and listening to their conversation, noticed that Pyrrha's expression was a bit strange. Then he finally remembered something.

Shirou: [I almost forgot, that Pyrrha is…]

After lunch, Shirou didn't immediately ask him to go to practice again. But he invited the two teams to talk about Jaune training.

Ruby: What is it Brother Shirou? Is there a problem with Jaune training?

Shirou: Actually, there is no problem with Jaune training,

Yang: What is it then?

Shirou: You guys should know that in a few days, there will be a Vytal Festival. And I'm a Solo Huntsman, so I need to make some preparation for the tournament later. But I don't have that time because I need to train Jaune.

Jaune: (Sad face) Oh, Sorry Shirou. I didn't realize.

Shirou: Its okay, Jaune. Its not your fault.

Yang: Then, what's your plan?

Shirou: (Smiles) I need someone to train Jaune when I not around.

Yang: Then how about me?

Shirou: (Emotionless but calm) Decline, its an impossible task for a Gorilla girl like you.

Yang: What did you say?!

Ruby: Then-

Shirou: Decline, its impossible for a child like you.

Ruby: Ugh..

Weiss: How about-

Shirou: Decline, its impossible for a ice queen like you.

Weiss: How dare you!

Ren: Then, who is it?

Shirou: (Approach Pyrrha and place his hand on her shoulder) Pyrrha, I'll leave it to you.

Pyrrha: (Surprised) Me?! Are you sure? (Although she surprised, she very happy inside)

Shirou: Very! I'll make the schedule for the two of us. From 4 AM to 6 AM is my time, and the rest will be yours.

Jaune: 4 AM?! The sun not even arise at that time!

Shirou: You have a problem with that? (He smiled but Jaune could see a demon behind him. He responded with shaking his head) Good! Then from tomorrow you need to wake up at 4 AM, I will wait you at the rooftop. And if you don't show up... you know what will happen to you, right? (Jaune quickly nodded his head)

Everyone laughed cheerfully.

Weiss: Well, that problem is solved. But Shirou, did you forget something?

Shirou: What is it?

Weiss: You still not join any Team.

At that moment, everyone was silent. Shirou have a serious expression on his face, but there was a sweat falling from his forehand.

Yang: Come to think of it, in this last few days, he really did not try to joining any Team and he also not even being invited by any Team. (Everyone stare at him)

Ruby: Brother Shirou, don't tell me… did you forget about that?

Shirou: (Nervously Laughing) Wha-What are you saying Ruby? Of course I don't.

He actually didn't forget it at all. Shirou just doesn't want to join any team for the time being, so he can freely use his special skills in battle field without anyone watching. And another reason is to hide his true abilities that exceed other students. Its simply a hassle for him, to be recognized as the strongest students of Beacon Academy.

Ruby: Hmm.

Yang: What's wrong Ruby?

Weiss: Wait, don't tell me.

Ruby: Brother Shirou, why don't you join my team? (Weiss doing a facepalm, Yang surprised and Blake is still has a calm expression but she surprised inside)

Shirou: Sorry? Ruby… you can't just decide that. You need to talk something like this with your teammates first, if they agree or not. (As he said that, Ruby turned at her teammates)

Yang: (Smiles) Sure, why not?

Blake: I don't have any problem with that.

Weiss: W-well, if he insist to join us. Then it can't be helped.

Shirou: (Ruby turned around and stare at him that she has gotten approval from her teammates) No, Ruby. Your team is full of girl, there will be misunderstanding if I join your team. (Ruby began staring at him with teary eyes) Ugh, Wha-what with that eyes… uh… uuh… Aaargh! Fine, fine! I'll join your team. So stop staring at me like that. (Ruby Smiled in response, and everyone laughed seeing this)


The next day, In the forest of Forever Fall. Glynda leading Shirou, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and Team CRDL through the area.

Shirou: (The Group stop) [Collecting sample, huh? (Looking at Jaune, then to Cardin who avoid his gaze) I can only hope this retard will not doing something like revenge to Jaune. Well, when that happen. Jaune should be able do something about it by himself.]

Glynda: …Each of you is to gather one jar worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creature of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammate, especially Shirou, you hear me?

Shirou: I know! Jeez… (Ruby giggling)

Glynda: Good. Then, we will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!

Shirou: (Looking at Team CRDL who walked off, Sighed) Now, everyone, lets separate. Ruby with Weiss, Yang with Blake, Jaune with Pyrrha, and Ren with Nora. We'll regroup again at this place.

Ruby: Wait, Brother Shirou, how about you?

Shirou: Hm? Of course I go alone.

Everyone: Rejected.

Shirou: Wha- (Sighed) We don't have time for something like this. And Yang, Ruby. You two should know very well about my abilities.

Yang: [What he said is true. Shirou had extraordinary ability since childhood, and I always lost everytime we fight.] Everyone, let's just follow his plan.

Weiss: Yang!

Shirou: Good! because its already decided, let's regroup at this place. Bye! (He said as he disappear from his place) [With that plan, Jaune should be okay. He has learned a martial arts from my world, and I also give him three special skill that I buy from the Shop.]

When Shirou train Jaune, he though of giving Jaune three special skill that could help himself from danger.

Survivor Instinct, Defensive Instinct, and Combat Instinct. These three skills can increase his ability to avoid enemy attacks more easily, defend himself from incoming attacks right on time, and strike an attack when he get a chance.

He gave this skill just so Jaune could protect himself and his teammates when the time come.

Shirou: [Fall of Beacon... I need them to get more stronger. At least strong enough to fight cinder's subordinate.] (Grin) This time will be different, no one will die. I will protect everyone!