Mission: Escort and Protect the Faunus girl

In the balcony Cafe in the middle of Vale where a jacketed middle-aged man is sipping a cup of coffee that he ordered a few minutes ago. The middle-aged man is Shirou, he uses the skills he bought from the Shop to disguise himself. The skill effect has similarities with Neo Semblance. The skill was called, Illusion Control.

[Skill: [Remote Viewing] Activated]

As soon as the skill was activated, Shirou's vision turned to the place where Blake was talking to Sun. And by using the [Sharp Hearing] skill, he listened to their conversation.

Sun: Finally she speaks! Nearly two days and you gave me nothing but small talk and weird look! (Blake give him a firm look) Yeah, like that.

Blake: (Rolls her eyes before closing them and looking at him sadly) Sun… Are you familiar with the White Fang?

Shirou: (Taking a sip of his coffee) [So she start to talking about that. But still, I did not think that this mission would be triggered.] (Opened the status screen)

Shirou looked for the mission that had previously appeared when he was at the place where Blake and Sun met.

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Mission: Escort and Protect the Faunus girl


1# Random Skill Card

2# 20+ Blake Affection Point Card

3# Random One Set Equipment

All physical reward will be stored inside the inventory.

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Shirou: [Faunus girl, huh? So its mean Blake, then what about that monkey… hm?] (He hears Blake has finished telling her story)

Sun: (Coming to terms with this) So… have you told your friends any of this?

Blake merely look dowm in shame and say nothing. Shirou watching and listening everything not far away from them.

Shirou: (He folded his arms and sighed) [Why are there always characters like this? She should talk with her teammates, instead relying on someone else.] (Looking at the mission screen) [Escort, must be means to follow her to that place. And protect, probably about her getting attacked by roman and his subordinates. Well, I intended to do this from the start.]

After a few moments, Blake and Sun leave the cafe followed by disguised Shirou. Shirou activated Stealth skill, and then disappear from his place. He jumped to the roof without making any sounds. He then keep following the two faunus, to some alley.

Shirou uses sharp hearing skill again to listen to their conversation.

Sun: (Hands behind his head) So, whats the plan now?

Blake: (Contemplating) I still don't believe the White Fang is behind this robberies. They never needed that much Dust before.

Shirou: [Well, its not THEM who needed it. But that guy.] (Roman face appeared on his head)

He keep listening to their conversation until he remembers something.

Shirou: [Ah, I almost forgot about my clone. I wonder what is he doing.]

Shadow Clone, its a skill that Shirou bought from the Shop. This skill is an imitation of the ninja technique that belongs to the main character from the Naruto Shippuden anime.

Shirou uses clones so that the RWBY team does not feel suspicious of him who suddenly disappears on the same day that Blake left.

Shirou: [Hm… lets contact him.]

[Skill: [Message] Activated]


Meanwhile, Shirou clone was walking behind Ruby and Penny. He suddenly hears a notification sound in his head, but quickly answer the call.

Clone: (Hands in the pocket while walking) [Yeah, what is it?]

Shirou: (while following the two faunus) [Yo, How are things there? Did something interesting happen?]

Clone: (Sighed) [There was nothing but they still looking for Blake. A little while ago, they decided to split up, Weiss with Yang, and me with Ruby and Penny. They are still following the scenario.] (Looking in front of him)

Ruby: (Noticed Shirou eyes) hm? Whats is it, Brother Shirou?

Clone: (Slightly smiled) Nothing. (Ruby smiled and continue to talking with Penny) [Until now I still follow them.]

Shirou: (Stopped temporarily, and looking at the two Faunus) [Good, for now, just stay close to them. If something happens protect Ruby and the others.]

Clone: [Understood.]

Shirou deactivate the message skill and continue to following the two Faunus again.


Time goes on. Amidst the chirping of cricket and darkness of night, Shirou standing on the rooftop overlooking the shipment of Schnee Dust containers. He then turned to looking at Blake who lays flat on her stomach on the other rooftop.

Stealth skills are still active, so the two Faunus are still not aware of the presence of Shirou who is not far from them. He kept watching them at least until the winds blow all around him and the two Faunus. Shirou look up to see a bullhead searchlights flashing around for a landing spot, descending in the middle of the cargo containers and extending a ramp for a black hooded individual with a metallic fanged mask to come out of.

Shirou: [Finally.]

Blake: Oh no…

Sun: Is that them.

Blake: (Staring at the bloody wolf on the back of the man outfit) Yes… its them.

Shirou: (Looking at the White Fang soldier) [Hm.. what should I do?] (He began to thought of a plan)

With his accelerated though skill, Shirou finished thinking about the plan in just a few seconds.

Shirou: [Okay, first I need to tell my clone] (When Shirou talking with his clone, Blake began to move. Shirou, who had finished discussing his plan with his clone, sighed when he saw Blake jump from the rooftop.) [This girl.]

He calmly took a step from the edge of the roof, and slowed in the mid-air using the Flight skill then landed perfectly on the ground. Shirou then proceeded to teleport to the behind of one of the containers.

When Shirou's was walking behind the container, a huge explosion rang out near them. Penny and Ruby turn around upon hearing the noise, seeing the smoke rise from the docking bay just a few building a way.

Ruby: Oh, no…


A few minutes before. Roman manages to fire his cane at Blake feet, resulting in a large explosion.

Blake, dazed but relatively unhurt on the ground, quickly rolls and runs out of the way of Roman continued attack, flaming missile destroying cargo behind her as she flips and uses her Semblance to dodge then retreat behind more containers.

Roman: (Approaching slowly) Here, kitty, kitty, kitty- kuh! (His taunt interrupted when a kick landing on his side face, he was thrown 10 meters away, but quickly rolled and flipped then landed in a half-kneeling pose) Ugh… Who?!

A hooded man stood up while holding a sheathed katana in his left hand. He wears black clothes and white pierrot-inspired mask. (Author note: Darker Than Black; Hei mask)

Blake: (Watching behind the container) [Who is that? Is he friend or foe?]

Roman: Are you deaf?! I said who are you?! (Point his finger)

(???): You dont need to know. (Venom-like voice)

The hooded man shot toward him, draw the sword and slash the blade at Roman. The crime boss dodge the attack then growl in annoyance and aims his cane at the man who reflexively backed away, firing a shot that he defends himself from just when the Bullheads open to let more White Fang member descent on the scene, standing by Roman as he approach slowly and surrounding the man.

Roman: Give up, open the mask, let me see your face.

His talk interrupted when Sun leaps above the container near the Hooded man.

Sun: Leave him alone!

(???): (Glance at him then coldly speak) I don't need help.

Sun: Oh, come on. Don't be so cold like that.

(???): (Looking at him before turned at Roman again) Just don't slow me down. (Sun chuckled)

Roman: Grrr- Get them!

With that said, the White Fang member charge at the two, Sun manage to dodge slashes and get some of the soldiers with his fists and kicks while the hooded man block some attack with his scabbard and kick some of the soldier until Sun rolls out of the way of one swords.

Sun: Haha!

Blake peers around the corner of the container to watch the two man beat another White Fang soldier. Soon Blake leaps into the action.

Blake: He's mine!

The hooded man who was fighting glanced at Blake. After watching a few moments, he saw Roman jabs her in the side.

Roman: Hahaha! (His laugh interrupted when a kick landed on his side face again, after being thrown 10 meters away, he growl in annoyance, he glare at the Hooded man) Ugh... you!!

Roman aims his cane then firing a shot, the hooded man block the attack then shot forward. The man unsheathed the katana and slash the blade at Roman side, however Roman were able to block the attack. The hooded man attach the scabbard on his waist, and suddenly a Handgun appear in his free hand, he firing a shot at Roman, with the rapid series of shots and flying bullet, Roman barely manages to defend himself against every bullets and hit, until Blake suddenly appeared allow her to get a slash in and knock Roman back.

On his back, Roman notices a container hanging by a crane right above the two warriors, and gets up to fire his cane at its support. The hooded man quickly throw his handgun and sheathed his sword and draw the sword again then in instant the container was split in two. Blake, and Sun have a shocked expression.

Blake: Incredible. (Looking at the hooded man back) [He just like…] (Her attention was drawn to a familiar voice)

Ruby: Hey! (Appears on the rooftop overlooking them, Crescent Rose extended and ready for action.)

Roman: (Losing interest in them, waving) Well, hello, Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?

Penny: (Approaching Ruby) Ruby, are these people your friends?

Ruby: (Looking behind her) Penny, get back! (While her attention is diverted, Roman snarls and fire his cane at her, but she suddenly disappear then appeared near Penny) Brother Shirou! (Realize that she in his arms, blushed)

Shirou: are you okay? (Put her down slowly, Ruby only nodded with reddened face)

Roman clicked his tongue and coldly glared at the jacketed man. Penny turns her head toward the criminal and gives her first glare, walking forward while Ruby tries to get up with Shirou help.

Ruby: Penny, wait! Stop! (She raises her hand in a futile attempt to stop Penny)

Penny: Don't worry, Ruby. I'm combat ready.

Her backpack mechanically opens up, and from its dark depths comes a single sword that extends and multiples into several blades hovering over Penny's back. Leaping from the rooftop with the weapons acting as wings, she sends three of her swords to knock two White Fang soldiers down before even landing on the ground, where she proceeds to fling the swords at one enemy, impale another to a wall, create a barrier of spinning steel against a running attack, leaping over a goon with her swords in tow, and finally making a wheel that she throws to knock multiple Faunus off their feet.

Ruby: (Watching in awe) Whoa... Brother Shirou, did you see that? How is she doing that?

Shirou: (Watching the fight) [Well, I can leave this to her.] (Looking at the hooded man who suddenly disappear from his place)

Roman: (Watching from the safety of his escape) This kid just keep getting weirder… (with his observation made, he uses his cane to close the door, and the jets lift off, flying away from the lost battle)

At that moment, the hooded man was talking with Shirou behind one of the container.

Shirou: (releasing his disguise) haa… finally. (Looking at his clone, notice his eyes)

Clone: She's with another clone.

Shirou: Good. [With this, RWBY: Season one is over, huh?] (Staring at the night sky) [I think… I need to train again.]

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You have accomplished the Mission: Escort and Protect the Faunus girl


1# Random Skill Card

2# 20+ Blake Affection Point Card

3# Random One Set Equipment

All physical reward will be stored inside the inventory.

Accept the reward?


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