Shi Lei Ask For A Leave

On the evening of October 7, Shi Lei was debugging the camera Dynamic Behavior Catching Program that is initially establish as set of safety certification actions.

After repeated testing, Shi Lei was relieved.

On QQ, he found that Ling Yumo's head is flashing.

"brother shi, are you still alive?" '2006 — 10 — 02 — 19:08: 22

"brother shi, still absent? 2006 — 10 — 03 — 21:01: 31

"brother shi, you actually dare not to answer me are you ignoring me? 2006 — 10 — 06 — 14:22: 58

"brother shi, why are you not in the dormitory?' 2006 — 10 — 07 — 17:11: 14

looking at Ling Yumo message Shi Lei suddenly patted his forehead. These days, I was busy dealing with the server, and I forgot to chat with Ling Yumo!

thats my mistake! Shi Lei is Focus on the computer, that he forget theres younger sister, waiting for him to chat!

Li Zhiyue did not add Shi Lei's on QQ

Although in the Moon Forest on the lake shie lei save her resulting with glimmer of relation beween Li Zhiyue and Shi Lei but that's bet keep hidden

And limited to Li Zhiyue and Shi Lei's identity, as well as the age gap, Li Zhiyue is very entangled. she want to contact Shi Lei but shes restraining herself on contacting Shi Lei.

Fickle Little Plum, did not even leave a piece of information!

Shi Lei quickly replied to Ling Yumo.

'Little Mo, I coming back!'

Ling Yu Mo's original gray QQ head, immediately lit up.

"brother shi where are you? Why are you not in dorminotory? '

Shi Lei hide the matter that he is renting a house and said he was in a friend house.

Ling Yumo casually few question. In the middle of it, she ask a question if shi lei frind is male or female

"Hahahahaha!" Shi Lei laughed loudly Then rapidly tapping the keyboard to reply on Ling Yumo.

'Little Mo, are you are jealous?'

in Doctor's dormitory on room 502, Ling Yumo's face flushed, bitterly said " brother shi so hateful!"

'brother shi tommorow is the official start of the class are you still not coming back?'

Shi Lei thought about it and responded, 'Little mo, what is your phone number? If I have something to do tomorrow and I can't come back, I will call you then you can help me tell Teacher Li. '

Ling Yumo face Went red again.'Hey! brother shi are you trying to lie get my phone number?'

Shi Lei smiled and tapped the keyboard quickly with both hands. 'little mo,just give your phnone number to me! '

Ling Yu ink directly entered the eleven digits and then continued to reply.

'brother shi, its the official first day of the class tommorow you must attend the class!'

Shi Lei quickly said that he would strive to go for it.

The two chatted on the QQ for more than an hour. Ling Yumo reluctantly told to Shi Le that Mu Shuang prepare a dinner and want eat together with her.

On October 8th, at 8:00 in the morning, Shi Lei got up from the bed.

Instead of going back to school, I am going to Shiqiao District.

Shi Lei is going to Shiqiao District to purchase several high-definition cameras to match the Dynamic Behavior Catching Program.

The camera currently use on ordinary video chat camera can be barely used.

at 8:30 Shi Lei, who was sitting on the bus the phone in pocket of his trousers rang.

"Hello? brother shi" Ling Yumo soft voice from the phone give pretty and cute sound

Shi Lei replied with a smile"Little Mo, whats the matter?

Ling Yumo anxiously said "brother shi, haven't you come back?The homeroom teacher is coming soon!"

Shi Lei look at the window and replied "Little mo, You should told Mr. Li, I have something to do, i have to go to Chinese Medicine Hospital on Beijiang District."

"Mr. Li knows my situation and will not deliberately embarrass me!"

Ling Yumo was stun, "brother shi , why are you going to Chinese medicine hospital?"

Shi Lei He smiled and said: "little mo, I have a headache and insomnia recently, and a beautiful figure keep appearing in my dreams, which disturb my sleep at night I am going to find an old expert to take a look!"

"Hey~" Ling Yumo snorted "brother shi you are lying to me!"

Outside the window, two van iron fence trucks are on the side of the bus which Shi Lei is located. Inside the cage of the truck, a tiger, a leopard, and two lions are present!

It can be seen from the cage of the truck that the two vans are delivery vehicles of the zoo.

On the bus, almost all people are looking at the four beasts in the van.

On the phone, Shi Lei said "little mo i saw a lion tiger and leopard

Ling Yumo asked strangely.Shi Lei told her situation then said" little mo, let's pick a rest day, go to the zoo together?"

ling yumo face went red in the classroom "When is the time comes, let's talk about it! brother shi I have to hang up the phone, Teacher Li is coming."

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei leaned on the chair of the bus norrowing his eye and getting bore in killing time time.

Shuangqing University, Computer Science Department, in the Grade 06 Class Three classroom, Ling Yumo arrives at side Li Zhiyue, said in a soft voice

"Teacher Li, can you come out I have a matter to reports to you."

Ling Yumo is literary committee member in addition she sits beside Shi Lei, Li Zhiyue naturally remembers her.

The two walked out of the classroom door together and stopped in the hallway.

Ling Yumo opened her mouth and said what Shi Lei told her.

When Li Zhiyue heard it, she knew that Shi Lei was definitely not going to the hospital!

Shi Lei personally admitted to her that his medical record real, but the disease is fake "Ling Yumo, thank you."

after returning to the classroom, Ling Yumo sat next to the Class Secretary Wang Min and chen ming is just sitting behind Ling Yumo.

Wang Min open her mouth and asked: "yumo, just what did you say to Teacher Li?"

Ling Yumo say she talk with Shi Lei, and also Shi Lei seeing the zoo delivery vehicle transporting a lion, tiger, leopard.

Because their voice are not loud, Chen Ming whose sitting is behind them, hear few indistinct words.

‚Hospital' ‚asking for leave' zoo' lion' Tiger' leopard'.

Chen Ming look around and did not find a show of shi lei He suddenly use his rich imagination!

During the National Day, Shi Lei went to the zoo to visit lions, tigers and leopards, but was injured by either lions, tigers, or leopards because he did not follow the rules and regulations of the zoo. Now he is in the hospital, letting Ling Yumo help to take leave!

I have to say that the imagination of Chen Ming is really filthy rich!

Chen Ming sinisterly smile for a while, then whispered to neaby classmate beside him and start gossiping "Wang Bo, you still remember, when we introduced ourself and theres guy who claimed to be Ling Yumo boyfriend?"

Wang Bo is Chen Ming roommate and one of his little brother"leader I remembers certainly! he dare to snatch your girlfriend, he want to lives short!"

In the Chen Ming eye theres a happy expression"Wang Bo, I told you, that fellow, had bad luck!"

the two whisper in low voice

"Really?" Wang Bo unbelievably looks at Chen Ming.

Chen Mingyi said seriously"Of course it is true!"

in first lesson after the class, Wang Bo quickly gather a few of his friends who they got together in military training, the gather behind the classroom and start talking at low voice.

"I tell you a big secret!" Wang Bo face look mysterious

Several of his friends quickly asked: "What secret?"

"Do you know that the guy who claimed to be Ling Yumo's boyfriend and why didn't he come today?"

the Several boys heart start to burn with curiosity


"Wang Bo,why are you not saying it!"

"Hurry up and talk, why?"

Wang Bo whispered: "After I tell you, don't tell other people!"

"After all, this is a shameful for our Shuangqing University!"

Wang Bo's friends, quickly promised and say a any word wont absolutely come out.

"just wait I will tell you guys, I heard that guy, his bitten on the zoo i dont know if its tiger lion or leopard and now is hospitalized!"


"is it accident?"

"is that true or fake?"

Wang Bo's friends have amaze expressions.

Wang Boxin guarantee "This is absolutely true! Okay, if you listen, don't tell it other people!"

Wang Bo's friends, nodded and dispersed.

In the classroom, various versions of the rumors about Shi Lei being bitten by lions, tigers, and leopards spread quickly.

A man who was wearing High Degree glasses and studying was suddenly pushed by another man next to him."Yang Zhi, I tell you a secret!"

The man with high degree glasses, name is Yang Zhi as similar to his name very high IQ but very low EQ.

This kind of person is commonly known as a nerd!

Yang Zhi pushed the glasses with the same thickness as the beer cover, and asked casually "What secret?"

"In our class, theres I heard that during the National Day holiday the guy named Shi Lei, when his window shopping his bitten by animal. i hear that his on the hostpital and half dead

Yang Zhi face changed and quickly scanned the classroom. "Ah, Shi Lei really didn't come! No, I have to call the police!" he said,before tooking out his mobile phone directly and called the police.

"Hello? Police force?"

"I want to report police, your public security in Shuangqing City is really bad! hows the street is fulll of lion, tiger or leopard!"

on the other end of the line the warning center operator was stun!

"Sorry sir, what did you say?"

Yang Zhi Gao said""I said I want to report to the police! The streets are full of lions, tigers and leopards!"

The warning Center operator finally clearly listen, then asked"sir, is what you said is real?"

"Nonsense!" Yang Zhi said with anger "My classmates are bitten by lions, tigers and leopards, and half-dead on the hospital!

The classmates look silly at yang zhi who is yelling.