Bank Robbery!

In the phone call, Sun Feng embarrassedly stated the situation. It turned out that Sun Feng accidentally impregnate a college girl. Sun Feng, who was only planning to play, was deceived by the college girl. The girl wanted to have an abortion, but he had to give compensation of 10,000 yuan for mental loss.

Sun Feng originally had some savings, but all were lent to Shi Lei. If he goes home and asks his old man for money, his old man will learn about the situation, and it will be strange if his father doesn't break his legs!

Sun Feng is going to let Shi Lei pay him ten thousand yuan first. "Shi Lei, I'm really sorry about this!"

Shi Lei was almost about to laugh on the phone! "Brother Feng, I understand, I understand! I request for leave in the afternoon, and I will send you the money right away!"

"Shi Lei, Who will you send money to?" Ling Yumo asked.

"Xiao Mo, remember to request for my leave in the afternoon!" Shi Lei said.

"Un! Got it! Shi Lei!" Ling Yumo responded.

Mu Shuang looked at Shi Lei up and down. "I didn't expect you to have a fortune!"

Shi Lei neither refuted nor explained. "I have to go first!"

Out of the school gate, Shi Lei was going to go to the bank to withdraw 10,000 yuan.

In the bank card, Sun Feng loaned Shi Lei 100,000 yuan. Besides paying more than 80,000 yuan on patent application agency fees, there were less than 15,000 yuan left in the card.

The bank in Shuanghu district has fewer customers, so there is no need to line up. If you go to Shiqiao District, it will take half an hour just to line up!

Within six years, the daily limit of ATMs is still 5,000 yuan. If you want to withdraw 10,000 yuan, you need to get it at the window counter. Entering the bank hall, there are already 78 people in the line!

Shi Lei had to get a queue number and wait on a lounge chair in the corner of the hall.

The front liner was a young man with a foreign accent, who was arguing with the bank staff about something. It's just that the bank staff can't understand his local accent. Several people behind him in line coldly stared at the young man.

Shi Lei was sitting in the corner of the hall, playing with his mobile phone.

The bank staff seemed very impatient. They urged the young man to get out of the way and not block the customers behind. But the young man didn't seem to hear them.

"young man let us handle our business first, after that you can continue arguing with them. We've been waiting for half an hour we can't keep on waiting." A middle-aged man standing behind the young man said.

The young man stuttered in Mandarin. "wait a moment... I'll make a phone call first!"

Having said that, the young man took out a phone, dialed it, and spoke two simple words.

"Go Move!"

Outside the bank, two men suddenly rushed in.

They both carried a pistol. One of them even carried a sniper rifle!

Shi Lei's head turned towards them.

Xia Country has a strict gun control regulation.

Not to mention powerful weapons such as sniper rifles, even having a pistol is very rare. Any case involving firearms is definitely a serious and important case that will cause a sensation throughout the country!

But now, two gunmen surprisingly rushed into the bank in broad daylight!

Everyone screamed in the bank lobby!

"Ahhhhh! ~~"

Only Shi Lei, with a calm look, watched the two gunmen.


Neither of the two gunmen who entered the bank wear any disguise, as on seen TV.

And one of them is an acquaintance.

It is Ye Feng!

"Shut up! No one's allowed to move. Cover your head with both hands and squat to the corner facing the wall! Moreover, everyone hand me over their phones. Please be obedient, otherwise, we don't mind implicating you!" Ye Feng's voice was neither loud nor ferocious, but when they saw the black pistol on his right hand, everyone became obedient.

Shi Lei held his head with both hands, put the phone on the ground, and then squatted in the corner.

"Liang Zi, take the key and close the door!" Ye Feng commanded.

Liang Zi's real name is Ma Liang. He is the young man with a foreign accent. They took advantage of the lunchtime where there is only one window to handle business, blocking all the people behind him and creating enough hostages.

In addition, the bank's internal topography, as well as other situations, were researched and analyzed. Ma Liang was once a scout in the special forces!

"Understand!" Ma Liang responded, walked towards the security guard, and took the key that the security guard had hung on his waist. Then put down the steel roller shutter door of the bank gate.

There is only one teller in the bank counter, looking at Ye Feng nervously.

Ye Feng went closer to the bulletproof glass and showed a warm smile. "Don't be afraid, we only rob, not kill!"

The bank teller wearing an ugly smile looking worse than crying. "I... I..."

Ye Feng looks at the teller's arm, holds the pistol on his right hand, and swings it lightly.

"If I were you, I wouldn't press the alarm! The money belongs to the country, and your life is yours! The money we robbed will not be compensated by you! Are you sure you want to provoke us?"

The strength of the teller seemed to be pulled away. She slumped down on the chair and turned pale.

Shi Lei listened to Ye Feng's words and chuckled.

"San Pao, how much time do we have left?" Ye Feng turned to ask.

San Pao's real name is Zheng Sanpao. He is the man carrying a sniper rifle. Just like his name, he has thick eyebrows and a rough face.

"Boss, The bomb we but in the rental house has a little more than 22 minutes before it explodes! Those cops should be all over there now! We have at least 30 minutes before we retreat!"

Ye Feng showed a faint smile.

Zheng Sanpao is not only a sniper in the special forces but also an explosive specialist.

When Ma Liang was deployed in the bank, Ye Feng and Zheng San Pao placed a nitroglycerine time bomb in the rental house and called the Shuanghu District Police Station as an anonymous report on a telephone call.

If there are no accidents, all the policemen in the Shuanghu District Police Station should have gone to the rental house.

Ye Feng nodded. The police in Shuanghu district were dragged into their rental room to crack the time bomb. They would not be able to catch up for a while.

"Little sister, can you open the workplace door?"

Ye Feng stood next to the counter, pointed to the metal door at the end of the corridor, and signaled the little girl to open the door and let them in.

The teller gathered her courage and shook her head. "I'm sorry, robber... Sir, I... I..., that door requires the manager's key to be opened."

Ye Feng didn't embarrass her, just nodded. "I see!" Then he said, "San Pao, blow it up!"

Zheng Sanbao nodded and carefully took out a plastic box. Inside the plastic box is a white paste similar to shampoo.

This is a plastic bomb made by Zheng Sanpao!

Zheng Sanpao is very careful taking out the plastic bomb, and then he molds it to shape and stick it on the frame of the metal door.

After sticking a circle on the door frame, Zheng Sanpao took out two wires and connected them to the plastic bomb. Then, he picked up a mobile phone from the ground and taking off the battery.

"You two, go a little bit farther!" The two people who were close to the metal gate left like being given an amnesty.

Zheng Sanpao connects two wires to the cell phone battery. Then all of a sudden, there was a compact and light explosion sounding like a firecracker.

After the explosion, the metal door fell slowly!

"Liang Zi, go in and collect the money!" Ye Feng seemed calm from beginning to end as if he wasn't robbing a bank, but eating crystal dumplings with Shi Lei instead.

Ma Liang took off his two big backpacks. Walk into the workplace of the bank staff.

"Little sister, I'll have to trouble you to please go outside!" Liangzi kindly said.

The girl teller shivered, walked into the bank lobby, and squatted down on the ground with her hands on her head.

Ma Liang began packing bundle by bundle of red banknotes into his backpack.

"Ding Ding Ding ~~~"

In the hall, a mobile phone on the ground suddenly rings.

Ye Feng took a look at his mobile phone and asked, "Whose phone is it?"

A middle-aged man with a pale expression. "It's ... mine."

Ye Feng's face was gentle: "Answer the phone, and behave as natural as possible!"

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, crawled up to the phone, and picked it up.


On the phone, a female voice came. "Dead Ghost, you just go to the bank, why haven't you come back yet?"

Looking at Ye Feng, the middle-aged man hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm in a teahouse. I'll come back later!"

"Ah? Teahouse? Dead Ghost, you are audacious!" The woman drank angrily.

The middle-aged man said loudly, "Shut up! I'll be back later!"

After that, the middle-aged man hung up. Then look at Ye Feng and wait for his instructions.

Ye Feng shakes his head helplessly, "Turn off the mobile phone!"

The accident quickly subsided as if it had not happened. But Ye Feng felt uneasy, "Liang Zi, hurry up!"

Ma Liang replied loudly: "Boss, Roger that!"

"San Pao, how much time has passed?" Ye Feng commands in the middle taking charge of the overall situation.

Zheng Sanbao glanced at his watch. "3 minutes and 15 seconds!"

Ye Feng nodded. The police in Shuanghu district were dragged into their rental house to diffuse the time bomb. They would not be able to catch up for a while.

"Boss, there's not enough money out here!"

In the bank, a large amount of cash is usually located in the vaults and the teller's workplace will have much money.

Ye Feng frowned. "How much?"

Ma Liang counted while he was loading. "Less than two million!"

Ye Feng sighed, "It's not enough! San Pao, go and blast the vault! Are there enough explosives?"

Zheng Sanpao nodded, "Boss, there's enough! I expected a situation like this, I made extra explosives!"

The metal door of the bank vault is more secure!

Zheng Sanpao's ears are stuck on the metal door. He keeps knocking it determining the internal structure of the metal door and to formulate the blasting plan.

However, when Zheng Sanpao calculated the blasting plan and pasted the plastic bomb, a vast amount of siren sounded outside the bank!

Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao simultaneously looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said calmly, "Go on! What about the police? We have hostages!"