Chapter 1

In the beautiful kingdom of Asgard, there was an unusual storminess in the night. There was the dangerous sound of the angry wind that sweeped past the windows and the walls of the houses. There was no sign of a storm in the recent days, which made most of the superstitious citizens to climb under the blanket and stick with their companions. There was a gloominess in the streets... not a soul was out there. There was no lantern lite in any of the houses.

But in one house, there was a small light radiating through the window. It was a small orphanage. The kids were not in their beds yet, and the storm did not even slightly bothered them during their play. Their nanny was trying to get then in bed. She was quiet a superstitious woman like all the other olds in that town. One of the kids, Jammy, finally said "Mrs Ginny, can you tell us a story? Not the Cinderella or snow white type..... please tell us something else." This request was sided by all the other kids in the orphanage in an instant and that poor old nanny could not resist this small request of theirs. As she thought of a story which she never shared with them, there was a lightning and a thunder which scared the kids and the nanny. Then she recalled one story.

"Does anyone here want to hear a scary story?" there was a chorus of yeses, which encouraged her and she asked "Doe anyone know about the legend of the Blood Beast?" " I heard the other nanny tell us, if we don't go to sleep, this beast will catch us." Jammy replied.

"Long long time ago.... in a distant village, there lived a husband and a wife. they both were childless. Finally after a lot of prays, the couple had a son. But the son was cursed. The father went missing after he went for a hunt and when they found him... he was dead in mysterious way. Then one by one the people in the village began to die. The villagers decided to kill the mother and the monster off. But before they could so, the mother and the monster ran away from the village. They came to another kingdom and began to live peacefully. There was but no death that time. The monster grew and he was good in his studies but being a commoner, he was bullied like the other commoners by the nobles. But one girl was his friend. She was our great great princess, she was our Princess Isabella. One day, the monster went into fury when she did not help him for some thing and tried to kill her. She barely escaped and reported to her father, the king. The king's men tried to kill him but due to an accident, his mother was the one who was killed. The monster was furious, he killed almost everyone in the kingdom. But fortunately, the first Prince and his wife escaped. They ran away to a far away place and found our kingdom, Asgard. The first Prince killed the bad king who was ruling us that time and proclaimed himself as the king and his wife as the queen. Now we all are living happily. But that beast came again, he began to feed on kids. The king fought and some how defeated it. The king imprisoned the Monster in the Forest of Caron and said that no one should go there, not even to the border. And if one does, he or she is doomed for their life..."

The nanny ended her story. The kids were half sleepy. So as she walked to her room to catch here own sleep, Jammy's voice startled her. "Mrs Ginny?" "Yes, Jammy?" "What was the name of the Blood Beast?" The nanny stroked her wrinkled face and said "Sorry dear, due to my poor memory, I did not remember in a moment. The real name was .... Vladimir."