Chapter 3

"Louis!" Lawrence's voice was dark, clearly meaning he hates him. Louis was the 2nd prince who was now likely to be the crown prince. Louis smirked at him mockingly. He knew Lawrence was thinking about the crown prince status. Louis walked to him. Lawrence did not retreat, he stood there not at all bothered by this guy's sudden movement.

"Dear brother, please do not be upset about yourself. You never asked for these impure little eyes, I know that very well. But, what can I do? This kingdom is in need of a king, a... a pure magic containing king! So, even though I was reculant to be the crown prince, I became a likable candidate to the throne. Don't worry, I may consider about making you my minister." Louise said arrogantly. Lawrence never use to say much back to his arrogance, but now he is quiet bold enough to do so. "Never knew my brother was this kind. If you are reculant to be the crown prince, hand me the position. I know you will be happy to do so." This got Louise off guard and he widened his eyes. But he regained his composure and said. "Oh come dear brother, my magic is better that yours, so how can I give it to you?" "Brother Louise, did you forget? I was 'lost' in London for studies. Either way, I had more standard education than you, so the kingdom should go with the wise king." Louise was enraged, but he calmed down and said again, "Brother, our great grandmother is the one writing the will of who will lead the kingdom. I had been with her since birth and always visited that poor soul." Lawrence asked, "Had she written the will yet?" " N..No? But she will write one soon." Louis had a trace of doubt and uneasiness in his voice and face, a polar opposite to the arrogant and proud face he had when he first came. Lawrence smirked and walked past him saying, "Yes she will. And then let's see, whose name shall the will contain."

Lawrence left the flabbergasted Louis and walked away with a giggling Margret.

"Bro Law, you have finally shut that damn mouth of his!" Margret was really happy for her brother. Louis is an example of a usual noble bully. He goes around arrogantly, reminding the other siblings that he will be the next king. He has the minister Brian Persis by his side. Brian is their most trusted minister and also an orthodox man. He is the second most richest person after the royal family. He has the support of some more ministers.

Lawrence never liked Brian. Brian was the one who suggested to sent him abroad. Lawrence had some benefits because of that, but he knows better than to trust Brian.

Margret took Lawrence to the queen mother's chambers. By queen mother, it is actually Lawrence's grandmother, Queen Victoria. She is considered as the eldest member of the royal family, so instead of queen, she is hereby called queen mother. The guards who were standing on either side of the door to the queen mother's room, moved aside when they saw Margret approaching. They did not stop Lawrence as he was with Margret, bit exchanged confused glances at each other. When Lawrence entered the chamber, he inhaled sharply. The walls were golden and so were the pillars. The floor was of marble tiles and there were vases of beautiful flowers. There was a bed with a red curtains on its sides and the bed sheets were white. There was a dressing table. Then a wardrobe and a chair. And there she is, the queen mother, sitting on it. She had her eyes closed, indicating she was asleep. The only sound was her faint breathing. Lawrence looked at her sleeping figure as many memories flooded into his mind. His grandmother could be considered the only adult who had shown some love for him back when he was a child. Lawrence decided to come back another time, not wanting to disturb her nap, but Margret had other plans.

"Grandma! Look who is here!" Cried the brat princess. Lawrence face palmed himself as the poor old lady woke up with a shock. Margret hugged her by the neck and the queen mother gave a hearty laugh. "Oh, it's our as usual unlady little Meg! What is it that you want? Ribbons, dresses.... I use to think I am pampering you a little too much." Lawrence giggled, when Margret went red with embarrassment of getting caught for asking for lady items. "I came here to make you aware of his visit." Margret said. "Whose visit?" "Guess!" The old lady went quiet for some time and then she bolted up and cried. " Law back?!" Margret pointed to him and the old lady followed her finger. When she saw him, her eyes held emotions that mixed into the tears that followed and damped her wrinkled face. But in the tears, anyone would have guessed one emotion: happiness!

"Grandma.....your little Law is back!" Lawrence said, trying to hold the tears of emotion that were threatening to flow down. He walked up to the old lady, kneeing before her and taking her trembling hand in hers. She the clasped his hand with her free one so hard, that she was hanging onto for her dear life. Lawrence replied by covering her hand with his own. The old lady lost the control of her emotions and let her tears of passion and guilt flow down. Lawrence hugged her, implying that he forgave her for what had happened back in the past.


Margret and Lawrence walked through the corridors in an awkward silence. After the queen mother wiped off her tears, she told him to have tea with her that evening. Lawrence knew she wanted to have some time alone, so he did not try to stay, as much as he wanted to. Suddenly Margret spoke up. "Grandma never lost her cool, even during serious meetings. She had an expressionless face all the time. Well, expect for the small princess and me. But today was the first I saw her cry." Lawrence looked at her surprised. "She didn't cry any other time?" "Well, she did cry the day you went abroad. But in the day s I mean, 'I' never saw her cry during that time. But what I mean is..." She paused to look at Lawrence. Her eyes had pain, sadness and also gratitude in them. " that she was like a clay body that can talk and walk, but was neutral. She had no life in her eyes. It was empty....a nothingness. Even when she laughs with us, I do see that she is not really laughing from her heart. She was always longing. That's why, brother Law, thank you...thank you very much for reawakening all those emotions that slumbered in her heart for these many years." This is Margret. She is always out going and a happy girl with some cute clumsiness and all. She is also a brat and cracks jokes all the time. But sometimes, there comes this matured nature, which adds a new taste to the Margret everyone knew. She was a girl who can touch and connect with almost anyone. She is not like the other noble ladies who believe everything they hear. She judges someone when she herself gets to know them. She is sincere and fights for what she thinks is right.

Lawrence stared at her in awe. She is like a living angel. Lawrence then grinned and said, "I thought you were jealousy that she cared about me to a extent she cried. Since you are okay with it, I'm going to steal grandma from you!" Margret went back to her usual self immediately, angrily stating him as her rival. After sometime, she asked, "Do you have any place in particular to visit?" "Umm... the rose gardens? I remember that before I went abroad, my mother was thinking of making a rose garden. You also stated in your letters, it was going around great." Lawrence said. "Ah yes, I did. Come on brother, let's go." Margret dragged him all the way to the rose garden.

If he was asked to describe it, well, he couldn't the right word or words to do so. It was a breath taking sight. The place had four coloured roses. The garden was layed in such a way that, say, we are walking in the garden of red roses, after finishing, we should only walk, we would directly enter into the next coloured roses' category. The roses planted were white, red, violet and pink. "So, can we start wandering around?" Margret asked him, "Why do you even ask?" Came the reply. Margret laughed and both of them went on to explore.

Lawrence fixed his eye son the way the petals rolled to produce the beautiful result and the depth of the colour that varied in every petal. Then Margret said, "There are also 4 tea halls for ever section. Right now, there is one happening. Shall we go and take a look?" "Oh, why not?" replied Lawrence. As they walked to the tea hall, he could hear small girly voices. On the way, he saw the tea hall clearly. It was a small platform made on white marble and had a roof supported on 4 pillars. There were beautiful craving in them. And at the middle was a circular table. There were cookies, biscuits and cakes in a standing tray at the middle of the table. And surrounding it, where 5 little girls. They were laughing and talking, enjoying the tea party. But one was not laughing very much.

She wore a blue dress with many frills on her shoulders. Her hair was brown and eyes were blue. Lawrence found her really familiar. Well, he may know her when he arrives there with Margret. But why does she look so troubled in that tea party?