Wake Up!

"Wake up!"

Daniel upon hearing this emotionless voice, opened his eyes and looked around in disbelief. Everything happened too fast and he felt dizzy. His body was heavy and blood covered his clothes. Daniel tried to recollect his memories. Surprisingly, he found new memories regarding his current situation and started thinking as soon as he regained his calmness.

"My current name is Daniel Lacranore. Currently 17 years old. The previous owner of this body was a rich, second generation fatty who was stabbed to death by a beauty who was unwilling to "serve" him...How foolish..."

Soon, Daniel remembered everything about this world and was happy to find out: God really granted him a second chance and this is a world with endless possibilities. This is a world where all kinds of races co-exist. What surprised him was that there are no guns, bombs, or other kind of modern weapons. This is the modern world of swords. Everyone has a "soul sword" and they can summon this sword and upgrade it with meditation. Daniel was very happy. He remembered his past world and life where he achieved almost everything within the short span of 19 years. "This world is much more fun compared to my old world"

Daniel stopped pondering for a while and tried to stand up.

"Uwaahh, this body is really fat. It's hard to even walk. Seems like I'm in a hospital and the doctor just confirmed my death a few minutes ago. Now what to do, what to do. What will happen if a dead body suddenly walks out of this room?"

Daniel started laughing when the door suddenly opened and a middle aged man in a white coat walked in. He looked at Daniel and dropped his jaw and pen to the ground.

"Da-Daniel? What happened? How can this happen?"

"I don't know either... How am I supposed to know? You are the doctor not me..."

The doctor started doing check-ups, experiments and everything he could think of, but the results were always the same. "This is a miracle. Your body is completely fine."


After 3 days, Daniel was finally discharged.

"Finally free, now it's time to go home and start my new life!"

Daniel remembered the top floor of a 30 story building where the previous owner of this body lived and started walking in a relaxed manner.

The scene during this short walk was unimaginable. Elves, Cat girls and other races roamed the streets. Daniel looked with wide eyes like he saw something rare. Some people even avoided him because of this. Soon, he was on the top floor. He only walked for 20 minutes, but his body was already tired and full of sweat.

"What is this poor excuse of a body? I can't even walk properly? The previous owner was the word failure itself..."

Daniel was about to continue but he froze when he saw himself in the mirror. The face in that mirror was handsome. Even if it was fat. Long, messy, black hair which gradually turned red. The imperfections disappeared. Daniel clearly remembered that the true face of Daniel Lacranore was way uglier than this. What happened? How happened? These questions appeared within his mind. When suddenly:

[System message: system download 100% complete, host looks changed due to the changes in his soul]

"Uwah, this is the system? I remember god talked about this when I wanted to know if this world is fun. So, my looks changed only because I entered this fat body?. Actually I quite like my new appearance, but how do I use this system?"

[System message: Host only needs to think of the word "status"]

"This is so convenient. I don't even have to say it. Now let's try it."

Daniel thought of the word "status" and a screen appeared before his eyes. Just like in video games.

[System level 1 EXP: 0/500]

Strength: 5

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 5

Body fat: 31%

Charm: 7

"What? This system is a bit too basic. What is the meaning of this [system level 1]? How can I even upgrade my system?"

[System message: The system has its own soul, capable of evolving. You have to complete the quests in order to help the system.]

Daniel only asked this out of surprise. He didn't know that the system will answer this question.

Thus, he was even more surprised after hearing this answer.

"Quests? How can I start a quest?"

[Quest 1: Burn the fat!

The previous owner ruined the body. Host needs to stay healthy in order to become successful. Get rid of 20% body fat.

Timeframe: 19d 23h 59m

Reward: 500 EXP]

"Only 20 day? People needs much more time for something like this. How can I even complete this?"

Daniel waited for the answer but nothing happened.

"Okay, then will something else happen other than unlocking other system functions when I level up? You mentioned something about soul evolving?"

[System message: Yes, system will get more intelligent and eventually system will form it's own physical body.]

"What? This system is full of surprises. No, that's wrong. My new life is full of surprises. Even my existence is a surprise right now..."

Daniel started thinking about his old life when he said this.

"I was about to commit suicide when I decided that the world was boring and had nothing to offer anymore. Then this strange god appeared out of nowhere and offered me a world with endless possibilities and fun. I accepted his offer out of curiosity. Who knew that this will happen? Now, I'm here in this interesting world with a system and a fat body."

Daniel started whining, but deep inside he was very happy. The world with endless possibilities...this is the thing he wanted the most.

Daniel fell asleep after a few minutes.

Thus, the legend of the Urban Sword God began.