These few weeks have been horrible and I keep getting weird sensations from around me. Everyone thinks we are the new personal secretaries. Darn it. These frivolous dresses and these bitchy heels. I am gonna drill them into some fuckers head. And why is ichiro not here. These two are making mine and ria's life hell. At least he supports us. He must be arriving today. As I look up, I saw the nemesis of my life standing by the doorway with his laptop in his hands, which he handed over to me.

"Fix this." He said.


"It's broken." His face could get thrashed. I took the laptop and headed to the IT repairing section. It should take 30 to 40 minutes.


It didn't feel right hiding the truth from ace and ria, but it'll hurt more if it came from sash. We found a few days back, the leaking of company files, warehouse on fire, just when we left were signs of interference. I don't know what that lady blew into sash's ear, but it would shatter her, suddenly the phone ring brought me back into the real world.


"We are ready."

Make it swift. And remember just the girl."


I cut the call and contacted ichiro who was leaving for Seoul today. He has been away for some time. I feel horrible. He might hate forever for this, but I am doing this for his good.

I could lose ace. Evan hasn't left his cabin since yesterday. He said he feel bad, bad feeling, like something wrong is about to happen. He fears something can happen to ichiro. I can't assure him enough. Ichiro must make it out of it. Alive.

Sash is still a good person but she has done enough damage to us, she could also harm her sisters, me or evan. I can't sit around anymore.


Finally today I am going back. Enough of all this work, time to meet my family. It's good that sash came along. I look around and found the receptionist handing our luggage to our driver.

"Where's sash?"

"Outside master. On a call, I believe."

"Okay. Let's leave."

It feels so nice to have someone like that, who stays around and listens. A comfortable person and I found that comfort. It was sash. And for now road trips with her are just interesting. Not that she is all lively, she just naps all the time in the backseat, on my shoulder, but it is peaceful.

It's been 2 hours since we left. It must take 1 hour or half more to Seoul. I didn't want to go by road. But she insisted and Evan also interfered, god knows why. She looked up at me and pushed her hair up-


"Nothing". I said and resumed onto my newsfeed.

It was my imagination or the car was really slowing down. I glanced at sash on my right, who already pulled out her gun from her boots and from under the seat. A sudden downpour of bullets raided her on the right. She rose up to the headrest level and looked ahead. Approximately 3 SUVs' with tinted windows and men in black caught our sight.

"I'll teach these bastards a lesson." She was fuming. I have never seen her angry. Before I could decipher the shine in her eyes, she had leapt out onto the road covering behind the car door. I think I will go insane.

"Hey get back here." It's like she isn't listening.

The firing continued and I am hiding inside like a coward. I had to reach out to her. I leapt out and slid along the cars frame to the back.

"Why are you here?" she screams.

"To help you."

"Don't help me. Just stay put."

It was enough to enrage me. I pushed her back and took her position; just then a bullet hit my arm. It's nothing, I can still go on. Another shot missed my left shoulder. It took me by surprise and gave them a chance. They were becoming more aggressive. I could see them crouching towards us.

I saw death walking towards me in those men. But, then coming head on meant something else. They could have assassinated us calmly, but they were creating a ruckus. A bullet grazed past my shoulders and I saw a shadow leapt out in front of me. The shine in those eyes were too familiar to look away.


As he shoved me aside, it sent a chill down my spine. I had never seen him enraged enough to pick up a gun. He had leapt out already and the shots didn't seem to be seizing soon. Just then, I saw a little bullet graze through his shoulders and in a second another hit his arm. A sense of unholy dutifulness wrapped around my mind. I couldn't think anymore I leapt out in front of him and shielded him not knowing the menacing envoys of death approaching us. A striking pain shot through my back and shoulders as I slumped over ichiro.

Am I being punished? But, I think I deserve this.

I could see him crying, words won't come out of my wretched mouth. I deceived him.

I am a monster.

Maybe I should have not loved him. Someone crying over me is a luxury, I thought I could not afford. I wanted to hold his hand one last time. But I... my body is giving way. Light had left me long back, when I accepted that retarded twat's proposal.

Pain was the only think that was left with me. The only companion which gladly accepted my invitation to leave, with me.


The shadow that leapt locked eyes with me and in a moment the shine boasted myself about had left those eyes. I didn't want to realize what my mind had anticipated. One more bullet shot through my arm and my right hand became lifeless and with that all hopes shattered. All the merry thoughts meant no more. The shiny sun of my life had already set. A sunset so dreadful had never been in my fantasies. I couldn't move and the men were within 2 meters from us. A bullet hit near centre of my chest and I collapsed completely. Her approaching hands covered in blood never reached mine. Those shiny eyes were hopeless now. My fulfilled life was shattered in an instant. The backseat napper fell into eternal sleep. The blabbermouth was now silent.

I wanted to hear her.

I wanted to hold her hands.

But a short blow on my head blew up my life and my hopes in an instant.


My phone rang and I immediately picked up in a second. A sense of evil foreboding had been eating me up and had been keeping me from focusing. Ace had been back a long time ago. Nothing bad could happen, I continuously chanted the sentence, but I was wrong here.


"Sir. We found the bodies."

"Bodies!? Found!? What do you mean?" my screams brought ace barging into my office.

"Sir, lady sash and master ichiro."

"What happened?"

"We didn't do it sir. They were already like this when we reached there. The master has been already shifted to the hospital under the estate."

"What about sash?" I glanced up to ace. She was nervous.

"Dead. Sir. The hospital took her."

"Fine. I will head over."

I cut the call and saw ace ready with my blazer. She helped me straighten my tie and I stepped back.

"Why are you backing up?" she asked demandingly.


"What about her?�� she took the car keys.

"She died." Before I could hold her she slumped on the floor.

My cabin door opened and Evan burst in and looked at her for a brief moment. He gave me a nod and we left together.

Within 20 minutes we were at the mortuary. I wanted to check for myself for some reason. It was a scene I couldn't let ace and ria look at. That face was almost disfigured. It would break her.

"Prepare for the funeral. Make it fast. I don't want anyone to look at her."

"Yes sir." The people dispersed and guilt surrounded me.