If you dare cheat on me

Hui Siran knew that she was making a mistake.

She was drunk. And a demon! Demons don't have morals. She could happily use that as an excuse for her behavior.

Oh, and did she mention that she was drunk?

Yup. Hui Siran was drunk.

A mighty and imposing general while somber but just any regular old hot mess when she was intoxicated. She giggled at the thought, hitting her head against the stone wall with a little too much force. 


The New Years fireworks were painting an array of lights in the little nook in between the manor walls and some tall overgrown trees. But to say that they were sufficiently hidden would be a stretch. A pair of telling footprints were left in the snow, as though they'd purposefully forgotten to hide their trail.

Huamian-jun raised a brow at her, his lips curved up in a lazy drawl. The handsome features on his face were drawn out so charmingly…thanks to alcohol. Hui Siran grinned.