Insult to injury

Huo Tang knew better to let her real feelings show. She also knew that it would be best if she kept her presence and personality inside Yuan Xuelan a secret, preferring for him to know nothing of her.

Alas, she had already expected that such a feat would be frighteningly difficult, for Chen Leike's luck was nothing completely and totally unnatural. 

Still, she tried to maintain a smile, "Are you here to add insult to injury?" She tried not to sound too haughty and focus on Xuelan's blunt complaints. 

Chen Leike tilted his head, "You didn't answer the question."

Huo Tang rolled her eyes, trying not to smile in show of sarcasm, "Look. I came flying here from Wangun Peak to see if Shijie is okay because she still refuses to write me back. Now that I'm finally here, she tells me that I'm not welcome. It's natural that I'm feeling a bit disgruntled, don't you think?"