Walking towards the manor

I laid my first step at the entrance,

As my heart crept

When I heard the untimely bells ring... Ding

Opposite near the tower,

With an absurd sound of unidentifiable showers

I called out, but no one was in there

I ran into a lad

To my eyes seeking knowledge of his wear

He seemed to look like the heir

His smile was faint and looked sad

Tracing my footsteps,

Behind me, another stood staring

Trying to intervene in the situation

The subject was my presence

A livestock to sustain their health!

Therefore, they called upon a discussion

From the various rooms gathered them all

Uncomfortably they had me seated at the session

And made sure every point was clear without faults

It was certainly for me to make a thoughtful call

I ended up misery choosing what's wrong!

(Sighs in the room all silent ….. sound of a harp and violin)

The room steamed of fresh burning incense

Smelling of rich perfume

Laid aside the smell of myrrh (recalling death or uncertainties)

All young lads stared and glared at the hour

Like their eyes of evil resembled gems transmitting light over my materials

Right through the shame talked their lens

I was a customer to the bad (regrets) evil.

The linen I put over myself each day

I sensed their spirits of conscience deep and wide

Each day I lay my body at night

I experienced pain terror and fright

Once …. The darkest night of all revealed to the planet

And the hour was 12

The clocks ticking … those tunes

My heart was burning lustful fumes

There was a cry for more

With pain to the core

It was night that belonged to a full moon

I certainly… rushed to shut the windows

In speed, I ran into my bed

About to touch my head to those soft pillows

(It was too late…. Story reveals)

A lad calling out my name for help

I wondered and sank into fierce thoughts (as to what could be calling at this time)

Who could possibly reciting lines of help?

In such a dark phase

Of a timeslot ….

I got up in weariness

And locked my jacket zip

I took courage to walk down those stairs

And witnessed, the books that belonged to THEM

Started bleeding endlessly

While some sparked fires recklessly

I hurried to call for Help

I ran towards the backdoor to escape

I fell on my knees and bleed

A young lad wearing a red velvet cape

Rubbed ice over the pain'

And stayed till I healed

He embraced me and with his arms carried me to the main hall

Where THEIR grand couch lay

He then touched my forehead

And laid his palms over my eyes

I heard the words of LOVE, thrice …..

He screamed .............. Vampire chanting... Grunts of others

And there is what I witnessed Bloody fangs

There is the story of my emotions getting knotted

And my conscience chained and painfully clotted

I was lead into THEIR CHAMBER

And feast over my blood like wild wolves

And had me to their brothers seldom

They desired me to belong with THEM

(Grins over their lustful smiles)

Endless pain and suffering

As if abandoned or a traitor punished walking in a desert

Miles and miles

My smile turned to bitterness

And my blood to them turned sweet

I lived a life of a prey or livestock

Sucked endlessly

Bite marks were the scars

And regardless tore off the clothes they wouldn't love

Seductive fingers

Mesmerised gaze

Furious spirit

Charming looks charismatic chase

Cape was his pride

Of riches and love

I became a bride

Who was turned into a wax Idol

He stole my breath

Painted my lips after my death

Showcased me with new gowns... The best ones

And makeover was his cup of tea

He continued this and captured another girl

And sadism was done unto her

I pray for him to end and 10000snds other who like him

He cherished and praised me while he visited me at nights

The white gown was an offering to the evil

And glory and might

He chained my delicate hands to his desired pose

And tied my hair with the ribbons he once decorated his mother's grave

And finally, I was transformed into his idol

Having realised

He introduced me to the world where he belonged

He transformed my spirit and caught his by his fist called claws

And I had become into a vampire doll

Serving him like a slave until death

Where life and death meant the same

And on the bodies, he conquered he was known as king by his people

His fame