Chp8 night of the vampires

The story... The pain had just begun

The roses in the backyard bring

Endless night of pain

Until rose the sun

The petals were laden on my body

A mere smell of pleasure

This was a sadistic gift in return

I knew and became a prey

And submitted all to THEM

The herd of Vampires

Chained my breath

Until smooched to death

All hope sank

And the materialist world meant a lot

Each night, the bloody fangs

Were satisfied more than a given time slot

Each day the kiss reminded me of death

This ritual was a must

The vest of my garment until wasn't pulled off

There was more hunger for lust

The bite marks prevailing scars

The ribbons overpowered the thighs

The chains locked onto arms and wrist

Till the smell of the sweet aroma lit

Throughout the night

I lay my body around beast like vultures

No one should know this world of dark

Tie yourselves

With capes and long shawls

Don't let your window reveal your presence

Don't forget the hour 12

Runaway …. Lust kills!