Chapter 5. Something’s Amiss

Donna caught the red eye and made it to work Monday morning acting as though nothing happened over the weekend. Since she hadn't been able to get back in touch with JoAnn Sunday evening, she made plans on her calendar to have lunch with her Monday at work. Monday morning when Donna passed JoAnn in the hall she just shook her head as if to say I can't talk right now, as tears welled up in her eyes.

It took everything Donna could do to make her rounds that morning and to speak with her nurses and get them set up for their daily assignments. Finally 11:30 a.m. rolled around and she quickly made it to her office, grabbed her purse, and headed for JoAnn's office. In a hurry to get to JoAnn's office she ran right into Wayne Reagan, the new head of the hospital, and before he could even acknowledge her, she mumbled something and sped right past him! Scratching his head, he thought to himself, Texas women are sure a strange but beautiful bunch of women.

When Donna got to JoAnn's office, she had already left for the restaurant. By the time Donna got to the restaurant, JoAnn had already been seated at their favorite table.

Donna quickly made her way to the table as little wet liquid pearls started trickling down her cheeks. She looked straight at JoAnn and went right past the table and straight into the ladies restroom. By the time she got there, her eye makeup was smeared so bad, it reminded her of the little raccoon she and John had named Bandit, what else! He earned his name the night before trash day twice a week. John had tried every trick short of hurting him and Donna wouldn't let him do that.

Donna grabbed some tissues out of her purse and tried to wipe the eye shadow off but it only mildly helped. she made it back to their table and began to tell JoAnn about she and John, when who comes over their way but Wayne Reagan.

Wayne smiled that gorgeous smile at the ladies while asking if there was possibly another spot at the table with them? JoAnn looked at Donna who said "actually right now, I'm not feeling that good and I need to leave but you two enjoy and have a great meal. Donna picked her purse up and left the table and restaurant quickly. There was no way that Donna was going to share what had happened with Wayne. Not yet! She hadn't even had time to know how it felt herself. Donna being like she was with her own privacy, chose not to share it with anyone else but JoAnn right now. She was sure someone would get it around the hospital sooner or later.

"Wow! What did I do JoAnn to make Donna leave so fast?", Wayne asked. "Oh, She's not feeling too well today. When she gets like this I just give her a little space", JoAnn replied. "Does she get like this very often?", Wayne remarked. "No Wayne, she's just got a couple of issues that she has to work and Donna is a very private person. She'll be better tomorrow I'm sure." "OK, fine. With that Wayne picked up the menu, smiled at JoAnn and said "So what's good here, JoAnn?"

Donna went back to work long enough to sign off for half a days vacation and headed straight for home. When she got home. John's car was parked out front. She

unlocked the front door, turned off the alarm and walked inside calling for John. "I'm upstairs", he remarked "trying to get a few things." "OK but make it fast I have a headache and I really need to rest some." "Thanks, Donna I'll be quick!"

Donna dressed in some jeans and a baby blue top, grabbed some meds and lay down on the couch but she needed John to leave before she would relax. "John what's taking you so long?"

John finally came down the stairs, arms full of clothes. Putting the clothes on the loveseat, he walked over and sat down on the edge of the couch "Donna could we please talk?" Look, I know I've damaged our marriage but I don't love Deanna, I love you! With that, Donna sat straight up her eyes glaring at John! You'r got to be freaking kidding me. You sleep with Deanna for months now but you don't love her, you love me! Get your sweet ass out of here now! You come in here in our home and lie yet again to me. I knew something was up with you but never in a million years would I have guessed you and Deanna were screwing around! How could you John? We had a good marriage or at least I thought so whatever possessed you to do this?

Okay, I lied! I do love Deanna and yes I want a divorce but I don't know what happened between us. I guessed you had just quit paying attention to me! You were working long hours every day and I had gotten into a slump at work waiting on the outcome of our bid on the high-rise and I came home one night feeling sorry for myself when the phone rang and it was Deanna. When I told her you were still at work and I was digging in the frig. for something to eat, she told me she had ordered a pizza and if I didn't mind her company, she'd bring it and a movie over and we could lament your absence together.

I thought about it but I knew she was your best friend and I figured you'd be okay with it. Donna spoke up "You or Deanna never mentioned your little visit to me, why not?" Well, we got to laughing at the movie, I resisted at first but my male mechanics took over and we started fondling each other, and before I knew it, it happened. Deanna jumped up from the couch immediately after it was over, putting her clothes on almost as quickly as she took them off and left saying "Please don't tell Donna Jim", as she went out the door. After she left, I was in shock too! I'd never cheated on you before and well I just finally had to let it go, what else could I do?" We hadn't planned on anything happening, it just did. "Well, one of you hadn't planned on it", Donna piped in! That was only one time John!" You told me that you two had been sleeping together for some time when I caught you both in Seattle!" What happened?

Well, you kept working late and though I turned Deanna down several times, well, lust just gave way and I found myself wanting her more and more and the next time she called, I asked her to meet me at that little motel a few miles from the house and we made love there. When you called my cell, I pretended to be working late but instead I was at the motel with Deanna slowly letting myself fall in love with her. If that was the case, why the celebration weekend with me in Seattle? We had such a good time!" I know Donna, I just wanted to make sure I really did love her more than you and I wanted you to have a great weekend because you were the one that knew me and our struggle. At that last remark, Donna lost it, and began hitting John with her fists! How could you betray me with her?" Leave, just get your stuff and leave!"

Well, that chapter in her life was over Donna decided. John admitted that he loved Deanna more than her.