One day, A High School Girl named "Nekumi" had a crush on The New Transfer Student named "Jakyou". She then got home to buy A Diary online to express her feelings & secrets.
However, she happened to stumble on a Magical Diary that has the following ability
Once the owner write down a Certain Situation.
The Diary will give its owner 5 Case Scenarios that will happen if Its owner were to do
"A Certain Move". Only 1 Out of those 5 Scenarios is absolute & Will happen if The Person happens to do "The Certain Move".
The Diary also include some "Rules" for the User
Nekumi then uses The Five Fortunes Diary for her own goods & as everything happens to be as she wanted to.
She happens to make some enemies along the way. She's living the most thrilling life, more Thrilling than she has ever experienced...