A new existence

Dark clouds gathered above the mountain rumbling with thunder and flashing with lightning. Suddenly a bolt of of lighting thick as an arm struck a unusual stone inside of one of the many valleys in the mountain range, this stone was no ordinary stone it was stone soaked in natural energy when struck its very energy changed converting from the soothing natural energy to violent lighting energy just as the energy took new form so to did its appearance change from grey it went to an opaque white with streaks of azure. Many more years passed since the stone changed all the while it was absorbing the energy around it, after around a hundred years passed another change that came to pass was that the stone developed a sliver intelligence allowing it absorb energy faster, yet another twenty years passed and that spark of intelligence grew brighter all the while and soon it came to be able to sense it's surroundings with its energy after another ten years of absorbing energy it felt itself unable to grow the amount of energy it could store. Being unable grow it turned it's attention to its surroundings it felt the plants all around it with a slight spark of energy representing its life force, small animals sometimes neared it with a stronger life force than the plants but still a minuscule amount compared to its own. After a few weeks of this it focused more and spread its senses to five meters from three meters after two days of this the stone felt a being similar to it albeit with less energy within the valley the energy around it was also more calm and soothing as well as it being able to move through projecting energy outside it allowing it to hover around.

The stone grew curious about this strange being and a certain longing for it so tried copying the way it manipulated its energy to move, it succeeded only in lifting itself a few feet above the ground for a brief second before crashing to the ground, the energy it produced during its attempt caught the attention of the being and it floated over to discover the cause of this disturbance when it drew within a half a meter of the stone it used what it learned from its brief attempt at hovering to launch itself at the being.

As they touched an insatiable need to devour the energy of being grew within it, it tried to absorb the the energy but the beings core prevented it from absorbing it in a fit of rage it lashed out with its energy forming a lighting bolt bolt shattering the core. As the core shattered the energy was released the stone greedily absorbed it but it only managed to absorb half before it dispersed, despite that it was able feel itself rise to a new level, being able to raise the maximum amount of energy it could store and slightly more intelligent.

Just as it was about to start trying to move again it felt a being with a massive amount of energy and from what it could see was similar to the tree near it, it had gone unnoticed due to the stones lack of ability to see its surroundings, it only being able to sense around five meters around it, after absorbing the other strange being's energy it could now sense with twenty meters of itself despite it's newfound range and the large being being within fifteen meters from the stone it could only see a tiny portion of the being, before it could even try to leave the a area a small branch wrapped around it in a panic it released as much energy as it could but ended up only slightly scorching the bark. Before it could try anything else it was pulled towards the massive tree to what looked like a human face it stared at it before using it's sense to inspect the the stone.

After a few moments the tree spoke. "How strange for an elemental so young to develop such intelligence and to even be able to feel emotions limited as they admittedly are. I've been so bored sitting in this valley by myself perhaps I shall make you my apprentice yes that shall be good diversion ahh ... but first you need a name, now what should I call perhaps Azure for the markings on your core... no that name's to unoriginal perhaps a variation of that. Azulis perhaps hmm yes that will do."